Doha - A beautiful city
By hindimallu •
I would like to have your valuable opinions on the below video ....thanks for your patience n valuable comments
I would like to have your valuable opinions on the below video ....thanks for your patience n valuable comments
Penny, that's really very harsh.
she is seriously in need of professional help sashyls.
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
penyy..please keep your response to the issue in question and your racial comments to yourselves...and your interpretation of colonisation...isnt it ironic...coming from a brit who colonsed India and for that matter many parts of the World..may I suggest that you refresh your history....and yes please check with your mum before you post your comments
Keep up the good work.
The response from Pennypitstop is not worthy of even a penny. So I dont comment.
Thanks happy happy for your valuable suggestions. In fact i have edited the video in a way that suits the BG.
However, I value your suggestions and will try to improve.
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
This is qatari policy, qataris know very well what is good and what's bad for them.
Good effort with Nokia. It was just a bit dark and the video mainly showed tall buildings.
Think about shooting other interesting places, edit your excerpts into one stream and maybe upload again.
Is building and progressing, they need to be free of the Indian culture here. They, the Indians have colonized, and according to them they hate being colonized!
But they come over here.
Oh but let’s keep Indians happy.
They control the press and the economy.
Get rid of them, 95% of then have fake degrees.
QATAR should get rid of Indians. They do no favours to you.
They are uneducated snobs.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.