pls help???????///
hi there!
im here now in doha, me and my partner plan to get marry here,they said the requirments is cert. of no marriage, consent letter fr. my brother coz my father is not alive anymore, death certificate of my father also,i heard that it should be authenticated by the DFA in manila, im just wondering if only the cert. of no marriage it need to be aunthenticated or all the documents?also i wanna kow what red rebbon all about...pls....if anyone have an idea about this, guide me....thanks the consulate. They can guide you for the requirements. Cert of no marriage or cert of singleness is needed for both of you. But no need for the consent if you are both adult. Parental consent is just for below 18. I think birth certificates of both of your parents are required and publications. Is it a church wedding? Then you need baptismal certificates.
Best wishes!
red ribbon is the original marriage certificate issued its called red ribbon coz there's a red ribbon on d cert..wish i could get dat cert soon f i can find one n here lols hahaha...ey invite nmn kau jn sa kasal lols..
Hello there...
Have you tried asking at the Philippine embassy?
If not yet, try calling them you would get all the info you need.
Good luck and best wishes....