Computer Shops in Doha
Hello all,
Kindly i am asking for the locations of the computer shops in Doha as i need to build an excellent PC for gaming using Dual Geforce 9 Series 9800 GX2 and Nforce 790i Ultra SLI. If possible, i need also their landline numbers to contact them as well as their websites URLs. Also, if you know the price of these graphics cards, please share it with me.
Appreciate your fast response.
So far the only place that has everything in Qatar is Store 974 at The Gate Mall
Thanks for the valuable information.
I bet that your PC will compete with PS3 and Xbox consoles big time in terms of graphics acceleration plus all games will work on PC not like games consoles that doesn't run pirated games :)
Shop & Ship service(You have to register),39QR/lb shipping charges and no customs fees under 1000 USd.
I mainly buy from
Sorry for the misunderstanding as i didn't read this part. So you bought all these parts online? hmmm ... How much did you pay for customs and shipping?
Hello Dawestsides,
Appreciate your fast response and nice work really. However, i appreciate if you tell me the price of each part. Also, did you buy these parts from Doha or Dubai? .. I think Dubai is a lot cheaper in terms of computer parts specifically. I did a quick comparison between the GTX 260 and GTX 295 and i found that the last one is so cool in terms of more processing cores with Dual GPU inside. What do u think?
Thanks in advance
All the Doha PC scene (few people only :)) is hanging around.
For these things better buy online like we all did.