By teddyani84 •
Hello friends,
I am from india living in qatar for past 1 year, on weekends my husband will take me out 4 shoping.But at the end of the day i wont buy anything other then kitchan needs.Becz i never seen good saries r salwar kameez over here,even jeans and t shirts r good but cost of it is too much i feel.but the beautiful is everything is exported 4m india ONLY...my question is this time i am planning to purchase some saries and salwar from my native during my vaccation on coming DEC,and plan to sell it here by using advertise in qatarliving.com..will it work out...
Shop everything online with www.fabwish.com
It's new launching site . It's have many categories. In cheap prices. You can shop there like mobile , t-shirts,salwar kameej. And every person make a registration for making seller on fabwish.com and they can upload their product.
thanks mathew....your words made me to feel strong to do this business
if u want cheap & best salwarkameez, SAREES, visit my shop in sharakahraba : REGALTEXTILES TEL:4410382
Yes it is true what you said .
Everything & Anything you find in most of the shops at Doha are MADE IN INDIA.
So plan up something good .
Good branded or nOn branded sarees,churidhar's etc can be sold as hot cakes provided you know the taste and choice of the community here .
Go ahead with you plans and you will suceed .
All the best !!!!!!!!!!
ya Nachu but i dont know anything about this export details and i am planning do in a small level only...i am not expecting more profit...becz now i feel so boring in home sitting ideal...my hubby says me to go for job keeping any housemaid in home to take care of my baby...but i am afrid how they will take care of her when i am not there?In tamil they will say one proverb that is "dont try to skep more step.Go by one by one...so that u will learn more thing for ur success.."
oh the business is expanding now itself ..see when u started thinking about it, then more ideas are coming in :)...
Just make it :)
Either follows my way or Highway
ya Nachu i decided to do that from home,not only cloths...some imitation jewelles too
so whats happening ?? have u decided ??
Either follows my way or Highway
thanks Myk
you can sell small quantity without any fear
thanks Nachu....my hubby is saying that selling 20 salwar is not a big issue...i am having so many frds over here,they said they will also help....so i am planning to do it....its only for 1 & 1/2 year oly after that i will try a job here becz i have 1 year exp in HR ,6 month exp in software feild as a tester and i am B.tech degree holder
Hi Ani,
getting a qatari partner is tough job ..and they will charge you for that .. amnesia says that you have to start a business proper way .. like others does in the market .. if u can afford and start a brand new business ..then you can go for it ..
Either follows my way or Highway
What should i do for it Amnesia?How to get a qatari partener?i think any of them r doing this from home without license....
long story short, a business run from home is illegal. Any business in Qatar has to have a Qatari partner 51%, an office, be registered, and pay licensing
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
teddyani84: nacho iz kiding
thanks a lot once again Nachu
My pleasure ... go for it ..and see how it works ..maybe it would wonders for u :) ...
anyway ..Good luck ..
Either follows my way or Highway
now da link iz workin
Nachu thanks for ur valuble command....i will start this business from jan onwards
drywood that link is working roperly but i think u r only not having work to do...
guyz link iz stil nt wrokin
i think drywood is just playing around with u :P ...hehe.....
if you feel that this business is going to work for u then go for it .. i have seen many people are giving home tutions and other type of business also ( you can see them in QL) ...do they have license for that ?? i dont think so .. so go for it if you are really confident .. first you try to sell it to people you know .. and buy only the amount which you can afford to loose ...
good luck for your business :)
Either follows my way or Highway
i have seen that collection but i feel the cost is more...becz in my native we can find same collection only for 800Rs to 1500...so in qatari riyals it may be 60 riyals to 120 riyals....so if i sell it with 20 r 30 riyals as a profit for 30 dresses means i will get 900 riyals...so i am planning to do this business
Cbazaar: i just tried. it didnt work again
Hi, Can you check it once more. I tried accessing it from my end and am able to see the site.
Cbazaar: ur websie iz nt acessable. iz da adress corect?
v r in da busines
yeah u may
may i know what happen to ur business....
maybe nt sure
thanks but some says that is illegal is that true
it iz a gud busines ppl do such thinz everywhere. u can do it
i need a advice from u all...now i have a 6 month old girl baby...so i cannt go 4 a job now..it will take atleast 2 year do decide...so only i feel to do this business
yeah u may
y...may i know the reson...
ohhhhhhhhh wat a coincidnce.. i dont belive dat
i am from karaikal(pondy state) yar...but my relations r in chennai only...
teddyani84: u r frm chenai... wat a coincidence
Ignore TROLL's.. :)
hi frd y r u so serious...if i fail to sell it means i will use it for myself....so only i said like that...
teddyani84: u r rude
no thanks drywood,, i am going to buy the sarees and salwar in my native chennai only...
teddyani84: i brougt 300 saries from banaras early dis year. do u wanna buy a few?
i dont think so...becz i am going to sell min 20 r 30 sarees r salwar from home..i am seeing many of them selling even their used cloths in a sale page in qatarliving...so only i planned like this...is it wrong..pls advise me regarding this..thanks 4 ur rely
Isn't that ILLEGAL ??