I am looking for car washing and housekeeping part time job. car washing service will be door to door with low rates only 80 riyal per month, 4 times will be cleaned in a month if someone needs please on WhatsApp 31383732.
I would like to do part time job as housekeeping villa cleaning 4times a monthly with affordable rates and once if someone need please can call me on 77028314 thank you.
I need for 1 day actually, my wife has gone for vacation and before she comes back i need someone to clean our villa. i need for tommorrow / day after.
i know someone (nepali) who is cleaning my villa. If you interest i will ask to him. by the by i dont understand you requirement. you need only for 1 day or Once a Week?.
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I am looking for car washing and housekeeping part time job. car washing service will be door to door with low rates only 80 riyal per month, 4 times will be cleaned in a month if someone needs please on WhatsApp 31383732.
I would like to do part time job as housekeeping villa cleaning 4times a monthly with affordable rates and once if someone need please can call me on 77028314 thank you.
I need for 1 day actually, my wife has gone for vacation and before she comes back i need someone to clean our villa. i need for tommorrow / day after.
i know someone (nepali) who is cleaning my villa. If you interest i will ask to him. by the by i dont understand you requirement. you need only for 1 day or Once a Week?.