Does anyone know to get or extend visa??? Please....
My sister has been here almost 6 months with visit visa.
The last of this month, her visa will finish. I want her to stay here for longer. My sister can help me to take care my children cause I and my husband working.
Who knows to disolve my problem, pls send me email or answer in forum.
Call me 5324023
Hello friend H R U? If u want to extend your sister visa pls try to get a job. Then she can extend his visa as much she interested to stay here.or u can extend her visa through qatar gov,U want to pay i think 500qr for 3months extention.Wat u r sister qualification.Try for email id s [email protected].....
If u hve any dought dont hesiste to ask me.... Send u r doughts thru this email
Byee take care
Hi I'am also in the same situation. My wifes visit visa ends this month.I need my wife to be stay here. please let me know if you get any idea or person to do this extension.
Thank you. hope we will get a way to solve the problem