Can Science resurrect God?
Religion and science have always been poles apart? Faith and logic perhaps never go side by side. However, there is a new claim that science can resurrect god? According to Nicholas Wade, veteran NY Times science reporter, and author of the new book ‘The Faith Instinct’, religious dedication has dwindled of late. This is because religions have failed to keep pace with human knowledge. According to him, for faith to thrive, our concepts of God must adapt to our evolving scientific knowledge. What happens if we project our current scientific knowledge into the future? A new scenario suggests the evolution of a new concept of God. Is science taking over religion? The most import thing that science has claimed is – science can resurrect God. Do you think so?
Note: This thread is not to invite religious bashing...we are not discussing RELIGION here. We are discussing GOD and SCIENCE! Be it your God or my God! Peace..
Colt...Old me is in your buddy list:)
i see.. ;)
because FS forgot to close the bold formatting at the end of her last sentence
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
because the people posting on this thread are bold..
why all bold letters in this thread?
mai lain pa!
Humans are restless creatures....shall continue to Xplore and apply their maximum possible efforts and skills to over come God's the process of SEARCH, HE personally lost his OWN peace of mind and lost control of his life and blessings.
Supreme being will remain Supreme.....
Lotsa 5hit has happened in the past year... for most part of it I was in the US, like every other month. Spent X'mas and new years there as well last year... Now things are different than what they were... NOW refresh my memory!
lol FS :) nyway wat is interpeter ? someone name ?:D
"ImPoSsIbLe Is NoT A FaCt,,,,,,It'S An OpInIoN"
FS.. Sssshh I am trying to focus..oooommm
Derek Edward Trotter
I see God in me I see God in you.
"How can I keep my eyes off you I see God in You". Someone try translating this sentence in another lanaguage?
Derek Edward Trotter
UKEng....stop staring Pajju is a good
Colt tell me where have you been all these days?? then I will refresh your memory..:)
Victory I also believe in GOD....
No research can replace that belief...maybe after few generation it will...
You're wrong on that thought... the brains are still the same size, it's just the thought span has gotten bigger......... and ?????
Damn it's been 2 yrs that i stayed off QL huh????
prove SOUL and existence of GOD then it could be possible :)
I strongly believe in Allah!
your words contradict... i am sure you have lots of other things on earth to do.. but then again to track means to check out on him... SOURCE.. I tracked and found but thats long way back... cheers
Colt.. I thought your brain might have grown a lil bigger in these 2 yrs..:(..unfortunately its still the think I dont have anything better to do?
That was a typo.. I missed 'h':) btw you did mention it somewhere...track yourself..:)
Thanks... :-)
Religious people believe their religion is the truth.
Scientists claim only having a model of reality which explains every possible situation. But they are willing to change the model when one exception occurs. There is no way that one can replace the other. It's a useless topic.
imho- In my honest opinion.
only GOD knows everything.
Thank you and Best wishes
**Dont get discourage when things go beyond your imagination because the greatest glory in life is not falling but rising everytime you fall. Life is what you make it**
Call me ignorant, but what us imho?
science should find god first to have a subject to start with... that is tangible enough to conduct an experiment.
else, all are useless and these are mere gossips. (imho)
^_^ sticks and stones...
formatted Soul.. are you checking out me ??? I never mentioned by name in any of the forums on QL and then how could you figure it out ???
I have been pounding my brains (pea-sized ones) on that thought... why don't you just PM me and tell me who it is... umm not that I had many ex gf's on here... lol!!!
Colt...I am you ex gf:) shhhhhh hope my current bfs are not hearing! its a usual thing by in a strange mood..:)
colt i am sure FS is male :)
"ImPoSsIbLe Is NoT A FaCt,,,,,,It'S An OpInIoN"
Anto:)you sound like a philosopher:)
Simple things just complicated... God V/S Science..
If there is answers for these question then there could be an answer to the above mentioned.
1. Chicken came first or was it Egg ?
2. Is it night after after the day, or day after night ?
3. Do we wake up after sleep, or do we sleep after we wake up?
4... Many more...
So why complicate life...
saying - Can God resurrect science.
Today is a strange day for me.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I'm still trying to figure out who you are... maybe GOD only knows!!! :-P
disagree.God was never GONE in the first place.then how can science talk of resurrecting that power?i don't see the logic.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
i beleive GOD :)
"ImPoSsIbLe Is NoT A FaCt,,,,,,It'S An OpInIoN"