Young locals' "innocence" to beardless men
So I went to the nearest service center to have my laptop repaired and met a few young locals who claimed their computer accessories waiting in the line queue. One guy (out of four of them) asked me: "Do you speak Arabic?" and I replied "No" and he asked why as I also repiled "Can't find the time to get the proper schooling for Arabic lessons."
And then he asked me: "Why you don't have a (points at the moustache/beard part as he doesn't know what to say)?" in which I replied "I had mine shaven yesterday. Wait 'til it grows again in a week."
I know this is just a simple ordinary everyday conversation that doesn't need to have issues with...but my curiosity still made me wonder why some locals are still a bit 'innocent' to men who doesn't grow a beard or moustache (I do but not that thick as many men do have here). Their curiosities were 'cute' in my opinion, but do you think culture, or even education, plays a part on it?
But, hey! They were not aggressive when they asked me a question and that sounds fine for the day. :-)
analysis from the experts
one says its sign of being gay
another says when put together its something
my conclusion,,, qataris are not allien,,talk to them
these questions by themselves might indicate 'innocence' but being put together, doesnt..
Why have moustache and is considered and obstruction *wink* and the other acts like a sand paper *wink*...both are a big no no with "....."...:)
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Strang thread as I remember it most Qataris are forced to shave and keep their hair short.
Moutache was sign of manliness in the yesteryears. With the advent of the groomed "metrosexual" male, the "indicators" of manliness, beard, moutache has become outdated.
It's totally cultural !
A ''boy'' considered to be a ''man'' when he grow beard or mustache :P
It's not so in other ME countries,where it doesn't matter !
''Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. 'Discover''
Mark Twain
I just can't grow a beard of 'tache. I look scruffy for a week or so of trying and end up giving up.
heero_yuy2, mustache'less guys are assumed gay.
Things are changing, and the man was silly to ask you about your Mustach and beard.
You should have have told him why you have beard and Mustach or a man is only by beard and Mustach?
Well it is good you did not answer him.
point if it is a daily conversation...just try to bully.
I doubt whether culture or education would play any role to such innocence.