Is there any acupuncturist here in qatar?
My husband is having severe pain at the right side of his lower ribs radiating to the chest and its very sensitive to touch when in pain.I suspect it is radiculopahty.We've been to a lot of doctors here in qatar but they can't do anything about it.My husband has the same problem a year ago and he went home to our country for treatment and just did acupuncture for him and everything was ok.Please help me find a good acupuncturist.
I can help after knowing the details. My contact is 55841088
CK Sharma
To 1987> Thank u, will ask 2mrw.
There is a chinese massage centre near to Lulu hyper market. Pls.check with them...they may help .
To Mr.Biju Abraham>if u did not understand the question,please dont say anything.My question is not a joke.
There is one tyre punture shop Salwa Road.?!!
Hey Dorado,if you can't help dont be such a a......,don't be mean...
If you go to the Sheraton Hotel go downstairs and ask at the chinese Massage place, I go there every couple months for back pain
go to your country much better.
go to your country much better.
go to your country much better.