How do you keep your QL anonymity to someone?
Other than the bad incidents that happen lately to several of our QL members on some of the controversial topics, there will come to a time that one of your colleagues or friends will ask us as to where do you held or join your parties, socializing, volunteering acts, and such QL-related activities (which somewhat elevated to a point that several of us had made this website a 'source' of socializing). For example, I have several colleagues who really want to join in on your personal enjoyable events and yet you just can't tell who you are over here on QL or what your ID is. Not that I don't want to share my expeditions to them, but anyone who knew us QLers , specially active ones, have reached to the point that our anonymity has been kept in honorable secrets that introducing a newcomer (or maybe not really a newcomer) to participate in our events may suddenly change the way they look upon you after knowing that this is how you 'perceive' comments on a topic or thread, that which may almost always look different from our everyday reality of relationships we have with outside-QL close friends...and somehow may turn envious to them.
So where do you limit your QL anonymity? And in the light of something that happened last month to a QLer whom we know, are we now keeping it our QL ID that too anonymous to everyone who know us around here in Qatar? And after lending your friend to knowing you on QL and inviting him/her to join our QL social events (and hoping he/she doesn't read your comments), do you think it will affect the way you live, communicate, and relate to the real world that is living the ordinary everyday life in Qatar?
Even me, I don't know what does heero_yuy did to my daughter to like him that much!... :D
...that led to exposing her QL identity and even her job was compromised...that also led to the toning down of fun in QL these days...
It's not that she can say what she wanna say over here on QL, but it is unfair to the people who really had gone too far to reveal her QL ID and fizz up her everyday living just because plenty of people were offended with her views of a certain situation.
...and that is NOT part of the QL social community guidelines. That is outside of the network 'jurisdiction'.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
good subject,
i think hidden identities should remain hidden to those who know you in your real life.
yet i don't see any harm to make yourself known to other Qlers who know you only from QL, and can't have access to your true life. INHO.
whyte until now you dont know how to move on...let bygones be begones...and if i commented negative from the past against others i think it is the time to say sorry and i love you all.......
if we are open minded people and could maintain proper balance in our opinions and views without offending the audience!
Lesson learned is to follow social community rules and behave properly at social networking.
Words are not easily forgotten, atleast not where I come from.
**** Aal Izz Well****
Funny you say that lobot because I was going through the past threads and I noticed you using "smelly" and "stinky" for people from a particular nationality. I guess you have some memory problems..
**** Aal Izz Well****
whyte as far as i am concerned i never commented racist against others....
heero..its not easy mate..
Derek Edward Trotter
lobot nothing to hide?? Do you make those racist comments you keep making here in real life too or just enjoying the anonymity offered by the internet?
**** Aal Izz Well****
nothing to hide,,,,
me in person. In the first place, I think I never insulted anyone here personally or offend them in any way. If I did, I was very quick to ask for apology.
Keeping my anonimity or not, doesn't make me any different at all. I am what I am, virtually or not.
So that's why, I tried to be careful of what I comment here.
lol ....
Congrats Heero....Your Thread has been officially HiJacked ;)
PS: No Offense to the HiJackers :D
----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain
Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again
I know nobody on QL personally, but I think they are all nutcases for posting here, including me.
no, heero making the kids laugh ....
What do you mean, Novita, they just look at him and laugh?
hero will be a very good baby sitter .... he can entertain the kids naturally NON STOP !!!!
The Hero-baby-sitter! :)
novi, heero is the best!
i always thought that heero is a nut case .... especially after reading his posts and silly comments on QL.
After I met him I know he is just an ordinary guy who adore little children very much ....
get behind,, get way back dog,,,,