My children are studing in India and last date of RP is 25-4-2010.Exam of both children will conduct during april and will finish on date 5-5-2010.so, please guide me what is the procedure to extend last date of RP for temporory OR any more guide if you have information.Both can come here after 5-5-2010.
You have to bring them to Qatar before RP expiry date to renew their RP. You cannot renew if they are noy here. If they do not enter Qatar before RP expiry, you will have to apply for new visa. It's better to bring them in for a short visit before expiry.
You cannot extend the expiry of their RP while they are in India. You will be able to extend only their stay over 6 months with a valid RP. If their RP is expiring on 25/4/2010 they should be here before that date to renew their RP.
You have to bring them to Qatar before RP expiry date to renew their RP. You cannot renew in their absence. If they do not enter Qatar before RP expiry, you will have to apply for new visa. It's better to bring them on a short visit before RP expiry.