Boyat ?!!

By superwoman

Boyat! Ever heard of this term before? well even if u haven’t I’m sure you’ve seen it: a girl in her abaya walking talking like a man or short hair girl wearing loose jeans and a head band in all dresses wedding .

Well this weird phenomenon was here for ages but it was never publicly spoken until recent days, and it’s basically is homosexuality you know girls liking other girls blah blah blah. But the only thing is, it’s not just that, these girls are trying to look like men in order to be with other girls! This is funny .Because they would assume that when they have a relationship between a female and female who seemingly looking like a man, is normal.

And it’s so annoying because we the Qatari nation choose to ignore it or settle for it ! Yes can you believe it some moms would allow their daughters to be gay and have gay relation instead of one with a man!! And you have to believe me because it happened to me my mom would actually let me sleep over that man looking cigarette smoking chick and kill me if she catch me talking to a guy. Again good reputation and perfect image above religion, human nature and rights!

Of course that leads us to the questions how? Why? When? In my opinion this is the cause of the big barrier made between men and women and the fact that both have secluded into two closed societies, and they had to get by I guess LOL .

I’m a freedom writer and I do respect all peoples ideas, decisions and sex rights LOL but in this one it’s not a free choice it’s an alternative plan which ends up as a real problem , of course none of these girls would fight for gay rights actually even though that they like girls they all know that they will end up with a man and it’s ok for them because it would be a whole new experience!! It’s a pity it’s a disease, its sickness and pretends. It needs to be acknowledged and treated, same goes to men of course, need I say more…

By SuperMissKoko• 20 Sep 2010 14:03
Rating: 2/5

we all understand that islam forbbids homosexuality,

and i think also homosexual people have no hands in what happened to them when they were young , homosexuality is not only caused by closed societies between men and women

it happens for alot of reasons [ rape, opression,Deprivation] many other reasons

and its kinda unfair u would judge someone bcoz they're being themselves bcoz they were born like that or soemthing aweful happened to them , and here we'd rather see a boya walking that actually knowing that shes really gay and she gets with girls as long as its quiet nobody cares ,

it could happen to you , to ur daughter any person of ur family and u wont act so good about it coz u simply think its something so disgusting and repulsive

thats not how it goes if u wanna deal with it deal with it right not just feeling sick about it and wonder how these people accept themselves keda

if they dont change then whats need to be done was done no need to scorn them or make them feel any less than us bcoz they're still human beings and the only way to judge these people by allah hes the one who created them he judges them

its not a phenominal or anything sexual divertion was there thousands of years ago its there but us we accept the unaccepted , like u say mothers accept thier daughters to sleep with women rather than speaking to man , we need change the culture first the way we teach kids about the reputation , we care more for the reputation than whats right and whats wrong

so i say we need to change how people think first make them more oepened , gays and lesbians are scared to come out bcoz they know they will be killed or burried alive what kind of live is that to live in fear every second just bcoz u were created like that ,

and no not every lesbian or a gay man ends up getting married and living normal , they revolt bcoz people hate them and one day they will revolt more asking for thier human rights and nobody will stop them, bcoz they've had enough of bad treatment and resentment

dont try to judge other or hate them bcoz they're just different from you

in the end we're all allahs creation and hes the one to judge

By britexpat• 5 Sep 2010 04:37

Dykes... We love them...

By Reem_Q6R• 5 Sep 2010 03:56

I don't know why you bring up such an issue poor girl..

"Boyat" so??..

It's a problem which all human beings' societies face..

open and closed societies.. if you didn't know!!!

Don't dare say it's any less in other countries!!

Being a lesbian or gay doesn't link to Qatar or any country for that matter.. it's a sexual identity crisis

those people face... may God guide them...

and about your mother... I guess that's your problem..

that she cares less for you...!!

Cause I don't know such mothers.. poor thing..

Normally Qatari mothers are over protective of their girls...

But if I remember you can go at night to clubs and drink alcohol.. and do whatever.. so I guess the problem is with your parents dear...

Fix your family problems, before accusing the whole Qatari society...!!

Ok Hun...

By kbaisi• 4 Apr 2010 20:11

LMAO @some of the posts in here. Wow!

By anonymous• 17 Mar 2010 20:02

Its actually common in all over. Even men (gay) are really common in Doha. Especially when you go to Souq Waqif late evenings you can find such people in the sheesha centres with a wiered smile.

Thats thier life they are enjoyong it with the physical and mental disability. Let them enjoy

By Olive• 17 Mar 2010 14:30

Those are interesting Genesis, but as you can see they don't have any support and generally fail (except in Nepal but who knows what the reasons where for there). I know there has been some movements to clarify pedophilia, as in cases where the "adult" is 18 and his/her boy/girlfriend is say 16 and the 18 year old is charged with statutory rape & listed as a sex abuser.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Nic• 17 Mar 2010 14:16

Olive is right.

And just to clarify age of consent is one thing. A person being sexually attacked without consent (regardless their age) is another thing.

By genesis• 17 Mar 2010 14:12

Well, the age of consent is always changing

For instance, only in 2008 was the age of consent changed from 14 to 16 in Canada

Here are some interesting facts in Wikipedia, I hope you go through

By Olive• 17 Mar 2010 13:41

It should be pointed out as well that S&M is also consensual, the whole point of it is consent. Pedophilia & rape are not about consent.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Nic• 17 Mar 2010 12:45
Rating: 4/5


As you probably noticed, I try as much as possible not to generalize.

In this case I am sorry but you are the one who told us about the Social Rehabilitation centre Al-owain.

This is your words:

But in our society, they have been linked always with prostitution & drugs and commonly characterized as uneducated & come from troubled families. this is well documented in Police & HMC records. Not to mention the newly established Social Rehabilitation centre Al-owain.

By genesis• 17 Mar 2010 12:34
Rating: 2/5

30 years ago the gay rights were not existent but today they are recognized as human beings, its just in certain societies like yours that continue to hide the heads in the sand, forcing your homosexual compatriots to live in permanent fear of being caught and sent to the reeducation camps.

---Look! as always you Stereotype

Qatar is no Saudi. Gay men are not caught or sent to camps!

There was a period in the early 80’s. But this was abolished years ago.

Unless they are caught in an intercourse act. No one can prosecute them

Want a proof? Just go to any of the malls, and tell me that the guys with makeup, long hair & tight thobs get questioned for their appearance

Al-Oain Social Rehabilitation Centre is under Qatar Foundation Umbrella. They deal with homosexuals that were subjected to home violence, drug Addicts & HIV patients.

And NO, they don’t treat homosexuality y as a disease. But, educate those individuals & provide them with support

By deepb• 17 Mar 2010 12:31

Genesis, I don't understand how you can compare homosexuals with pedophiles. Pedophiles will never be given any sort of acceptance. Homosexuals are doing no harm to the society. Pedophiles are harming innocent children and ruining their lives forever. I fail to see how your claim of legal advocacy for pedophile rights could be true at all.

By Nic• 17 Mar 2010 12:16


I understood your position since the beginning when you said "live and let live".

The only reason I am challenging you is to maintain the debate alive as apparently the silent readers are getting a lot of clarifications to their doubts.

I totally understand the fabric of your society and respect it. Personally it causes me no harm.

I am just exposing here the fact that this same society harmless to me is causing sufferance to itself.

OK, it’s not my business because it’s not my country. I just care because it involves in some extent human sufferance.

That's why I care and that is the only reason I went ahead with the debate.

I think now, the info we have exchanged is sufficient for the silent readers to feel a bit more comfortable to know that at least it’s never nobodies fault for each individual to be born as he or she was.

Thanks for the participation, I do appreciate that even though you come from this society, you are able to see beyond their eyes.

By Nic• 17 Mar 2010 12:09
Rating: 4/5


Sure we are debating and it gets interesting when people add value, which is your case but my reaction was to your comparison between sexual orientation and mental disorders. It has been a few decades since W.H.O. has officially published the results of many decades of studies where these conditions are labeled accordingly.

When I mentioned education it means the ability to distinguish stereotypes from reality; reliable sources such as WHO and others similar from "what I read in the net" or in The Sun or The Mirror or similar.

We can’t put all clowns and scientists in the same basket, otherwise, what's the point of studying?!

S&M is a preference not necessarily related to a specific sexual orientation.

Now, what we see is not each and every one of those individuals who are born homosexual. These come in all shapes and forms and they can apparent to be "normal" or manly, they are not only what the stereotype portraits them.

In societies like Qatar, they can even be married with kids!

30 years ago the gay rights were not existent but today they are recognized as human beings, its just in certain societies like yours that continue to hide the heads in the sand, forcing your homosexual compatriots to live in permanent fear of being caught and sent to the reeducation camps.

It’s that all the GCC societies still live in the past in many aspects and this is only one out of many.

As you said we are not here to change them, just to debate the issue and see how well informed are the participants (and most important the silent readers)!

Maybe our debate will help them to clarify many doubts and misconceptions (I know for a fact it is doing this, as I got some private messages thanking me for our debate).

By genesis• 17 Mar 2010 12:04
Rating: 3/5

I just want to make one thing clear. I’m not judging anyone here, Live & let live is my motto

They are different. And I accept that.

I’m totally against gay Prosecution . But if the state wants to follow up with some cases through religious consultation & social rehabilitation , I don’t see what’s the harm.

I told you before , the fabric of our society is completely different than yours

By genesis• 17 Mar 2010 11:43

Nic said Genesis,

Come on, I am sure your much more educated than your comment above.

---We are debating here my friend...i don't see how’s that related to my education!

I have frequently wrote that I’m not a homophobe

Nic said World Health Organization classifies rapists, pedophiles & sadist, as mental disorders and classifies sexual orientation as a natural human feature (part of each individual's nature)

------Not entirely true, from what I read & saw in the media S&M now is part of main stream gay culture (There is a famous deceased gay comic I can’t recall his name now).

This means, we are not far from society accepting some form of pedophilia.

Remember, 30 years ago none of this gay right laws were there.

By Nic• 17 Mar 2010 11:09


I did receive your message, thank you.

I have no other interest but to share here what I know.

It just shocks me to see how entire societies craft carefully misconceptions, just to preserve cultural and religious dogmas.

By doing that, they are just hiding the issue under the carpet transforming it into a serious problem: suppression causes psychological unbalance and removes the ability of the individual to live a normal life.

By Nic• 17 Mar 2010 11:02


Come on, I am sure your much more educated than your comment above.

World Health Organization classifies rapists, pedophiles & sadist, as mental disorders and classifies sexual orientation as a natural human feature (part of each individual's nature).

Can’t you see how much this misinformation puts at risk if not the lives, the right to exist, of so many of your own compatriots!

One thing is understanding the issue but being embarrassed to addressed it openly in public, the other is choosing to be ignorant (head in the sand) for selfish reasons (not caring a tiny bit for the victims of this posture, perhaps until God sends an "sample' to the family).

Again, probably a more tangible example: the homosexuals in Qatar must live in hell like the Jews lived in Nazi Germany. You call this a religious state?

By Olive• 17 Mar 2010 08:54

I haven't heard about any such groups genesis, and I would find it very surprising. I highly doubt they will ever be able to get past the issue of consent unless they declare children legally capable of giving consent, which will never happen.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By deepb• 17 Mar 2010 08:45

Really Genesis? Any valid links to backup your claims?

By genesis• 17 Mar 2010 08:41

Olive said Because Rapists, pedophiles & sadists hurt innocent people. Homosexuals don't hurt anyone.

---Not what they advertise now through their many societies & organizations

I’ve seen a CBS special a while ago on MBC 4 about a NY based Pedophile advocacy group been legalized

Recently , there have been many attempts to normalize their image in Media & make it look not much different than homosexuality

By lukreng• 17 Mar 2010 08:34
Rating: 2/5

because society dictates that sex should be done inside the marriage and not if not with the consent of the other (in case of rape). rules are rules society established them. when i say basic urge it is basic, but we are higher animals thus we can control them, basic, if one is in need of water but there is none around at the moment, one can suffice his urge for water later on, but if not met at a very long time (how long are we humans can hold on for life without water?) one may suffer.

By Olive• 17 Mar 2010 08:31

Because Rapists, pedophiles & sadists hurt innocent people. Homosexuals don't hurt anyone.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By genesis• 17 Mar 2010 08:25

lukreng said i say yes, but sex just like water, food and sleep is a "basic" need, again if not met adequately, one may suffer, so if we all go back to the basic, it is but logical to think that sexual urges such as homosexual urges are but normal. think again people.

---If it’s all normal…why do all societies( including Western societies) still demonize Rapists, pedophiles & sadists?In their minds it’s also an urge(you know)

By lukreng• 17 Mar 2010 08:08

sir nic u've got pm from me regarding this topic. Very interesting indeed. Guys do you ever wonder why some societies are approving same sex marriages? (because they think logically) way back then, people with views that earth is round are denounced even stoned to dead. Guess what a very famous scientist even said that we are just a tiny speck in the universe. Open your mind just a little bit more about this topic, sir nic said that we all have our physiological needs and if not meet, one may suffer. Another thing is that if animals are doing it male to male (not for the sake of procreation) because as per biology X and Y chromosomes will lead to creation (review your physiology). So, if animals are doing it, it must be somewhat deep rooted on the so called physiological needs of living creatures. But then again, some will say that we are higher animals, i say yes, but sex just like water, food and sleep is a "basic" need, again if not met adequately, one may suffer, so if we all go back to the basic, it is but logical to think that sexual urges such as homosexual urges are but normal. think again people.

By Nic• 17 Mar 2010 07:57
Rating: 4/5


Sure we can’t change societies in online forums, but somehow, sometimes the local press picks up what is discussed here, publishes it and makes an impact on society and maybe on those who govern that society.

Imagine, just for the purpose of this debate that your child is born homosexual and you try everything you can to cure her. Obviously you won’t get anywhere and perhaps you'll just damage her.

Would you still feel comfortable to know that your society will label her, discriminate and marginalize her, if ever she dares to be what she is?

What you describe here:

But in our society, they have been linked always with prostitution & drugs and commonly characterized as uneducated & come from troubled families. this is well documented in Police & HMC records. Not to mention the newly established Social Rehabilitation centre Al-owain

Does not transpire tolerance, respect for humans as they are created by God. I can only call it Evil's action and either we like it or not, it’s a crime against human beings. Your society in the eyes of God is in deep sin.

One day in the future (a very distant one, as mentalities here have a long way to go before they reach an education level that allows them accepting and respecting diversity without fear or hate), when people look back, and see what you used to do, I am sure they will not be proud of their ancestors and will ask, How could they claim to be religious and treat human beings the way they did?

To finalize, the "weirdoes" you see here in Qatar that are labeled and "treated" by the police become like that because they are chased since birth and forced to hide they nature all their lives. I assume they feel like Jews felt in Nazi Germany.

As an educated person, don’t you think that what homosexual achieved in the west, as you mentioned, outstanding results in arts, could also be seen here in the Middle East, if societies were at least as educated as they are in the west?

Just some food for thoughts for the Qatari citizens and maybe for The Peninsula, who only picks non-sense polemics but never serious social issues debated here in QL!

By genesis• 17 Mar 2010 07:52
Rating: 2/5

Interesting post…

You made some valid points…What you described is known as “being on the down low”. From what it appears , it’s somehow common in religion based societies.

Bisexual struggles may appears hypocritical.

Yet, it’s expected.

The fear to be rejected by their families & society.

How might this impact their careers & lives

As I wrote earlier, Gay people maybe well integrated in other cultures. And in fact have well contributed in many areas like literature, Fashion, art, interior-design & show business. But in our society, they have been linked always with prostitution & drugs and commonly characterized as uneducated & come from troubled families. this is well documented in Police & HMC records. Not to mention the newly established Social Rehabilitation centre Al-owain

These are the facts, you can’t change society’s mentality nor can you change how do people behave

So the simple rule is to live & let live

By MiMizwords• 16 Mar 2010 17:17
Rating: 2/5


now that you mention it, those men who flirted with him couldn't look more manly, I thought they were attractive when I first saw them and was shocked to know that they are gay or bisexual because they were putting out such a manly behavior!

If someone is gay, sure no problem, its non of any one's business. But I hate those men who are gay or bisexual and hide it, put on a perfect mask in front of others and speak of religion and treat their women badly!

Another thing I don't understand is when a family knows that their son is gay and force him to get married hoping that he will straighten up after that. A friend of mine was complaining after few months of marriage that her husband doesn't approach her until one day she discovered love messages in his phone, she thought he was cheating on her with another woman. After investigation she found out that the mistress was a man! The poor woman suffered so much, and at the end she was stamped as a 'divorcee' in society.

By alfa Q• 16 Mar 2010 10:57
alfa Q

Two girls go to a fruit seller shop & ask to 2 bananas.

Fruit seller says he has 3 bananas only so why don't you buy all three. So the girl says to other girl ok we will eat this one.

By Nic• 16 Mar 2010 10:41


LOL...just do a research on google and choose reliable sources or go and see a western doctor (as they tend to be more open about sexuality).

By deepb• 16 Mar 2010 10:24

Nic any scientific research to back that up? I want to share it with my girlfriend :P

By Nic• 16 Mar 2010 10:21


You are right.

It’s quite sad to see that their misconceptions result from inadequate and outdated education (in the name of culture and religion’s preservation).

As described and confirmed by Superwoman, maintaining these issues as taboos has a huge negative impact on their society.

By Nic• 16 Mar 2010 10:14


If you are not getting your minimum amount of any of the 4 listed items above, your balance will suffer (now or in the future, physically or emotionally).

Remember Health it’s not only the physical part, it’s also the emotional.

That might explain the rage on the Qatari roads ;)

By Olive• 16 Mar 2010 10:08

I understand what you're trying to do Nic. Bit hard to discuss transgender & other sexual proclivities here when the people can't even accept the simple black and white of gay & straight.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Nic• 16 Mar 2010 10:05
Rating: 4/5


The only intention that I had with my comment above, was to clarify misconceptions that homosexuality is a disease and can be transmitted by whatever means and therefore should be rejected, avoided and treated.

Of course, like any other human related issue, in spite of the great science progress, there is still a universe to be discovered and I am not in the position or qualified to contribute further on this issue.

I do believe that when it comes to human’s behavior and nature, we cannot be classified solely in to black and white. Instead, humans fit in infinite shades of gray between the black and the white.

What is important is each one of us to know ourselves and feel secure and confident with what we are. This will enable us to respect others, whatever they are, without fear or hate.


By deepb• 16 Mar 2010 10:04

I must be a very unhealthy person in that sense nic. I've had way too many cold showers of late.

By Nic• 16 Mar 2010 09:55
Rating: 4/5


I think what you are trying to discuss here is not homosexuality per se, but homosexual acts performed by straight people caused by the fact that they grow up and are maintained until marriage, segregated from the opposite gender.

Am I right?

Segregation of genders leads some straight individuals into homosexual acts.

In this case, it is very sad not only what some desperate people do to seek sexual satisfaction before marriage, but also it's sad the fact that it’s kept taboo and hidden, therefore a serious social problem not treated!

Human beings have 4 vital needs that must be satisfied in balance according to the individual's age:

- Water

- Food

- Sleep

- Sex

Each individual (depending on age, gender and other factors) has a minimum physiologically needed amount of the above 4 items. If any of the above is lacking to his/hers minimum, it will damage his/hers health.

Here is yet another area, where societies in this region need urgently to mature and progress.

By Olive• 16 Mar 2010 09:52

I spoke to a psychiatrist here once, she's from the States and came here in open her practice, and one of her first patients was a Qatari who wanted her to turn him straight. She was appalled at the thought, but took him on in the hopes he would learn to accept his sexuality. Turns out that after a few sessions she realized that he actually was straight but didn't know how to treat a woman. He'd only ever had sexual encounters with men and when he married and was confronted with his wife he was scared to touch her even though he wanted to and was more sexually attracted to her than to men.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By anonymous• 16 Mar 2010 09:45

Not all Olive but certainly a large percentage. I remember a study conducted in a few major cities in India a few years back which showed that 70 % males have had some sort of sexual experience with another male. I will try to dig that up on the internet.

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Olive• 16 Mar 2010 09:41

That's a pretty black and white view of sexuality Nic. Many studies suggest, especially in the case of women, that our sexuality is much more fluid and not simply gay or straight. There are straight women who want to be gay men, and straight men who want to be gay women and people who define themselves as neither male or female or choose their gender when they wake up in the morning. Gender and sexuality is a very big sphere and if we took away our social conditioning we might find that were all bisexual.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By superwoman• 16 Mar 2010 08:43


that was great comment and yes that’s what i believe homosexuality is due to gender segregation and now it even became a life style boy hook up with a boy until he’s old enough to get married to a girl and vise versa to girls its like we are all bisexual in this society and everyone thinks its ok WTF?!!

and oh my god ur friend story is so funny and i wonder of that boys who came on to him is really gay ?? but probably married with wife’s or have girl friends !! ahh this place is a dark hole too many uneducated SOCIALLY ! why well go figure!

"Superwoman to the rescue"

By MiMizwords• 15 Mar 2010 22:39

Well, I am not an Islamic scholar nor a scientist or a doctor, I was just sharing few ideas, I could be wrong of course, but thats not the point.


Homosexuality is haram from what we were taught in school, but there were few stories of how the prophet dealt with homosexuals which people do not mention for some reasons, you can research on that if you want.


yea this could be true, but I don't really care if people are gay or not as long as they are nice to others. I read some articles that said that humans are bisexual by nature too, who knows, everything is possible.

By Nic• 15 Mar 2010 17:31

Mimi and Superwoman,

You both have some preconceived ideas. I beleive resulting from this topic being a taboo in this region.

Mimi's friend isn’t what he is because is suffered a huge trauma when he was a child. Her friend is what he is because he was "designed" that way by nature or god (whatever you prefer).

I recommend you both read this report to improve your knowledge and maybe help Mimi's friend:

“The current literature and most scholars in the field agree that an individual's sexual orientation is not a matter of choice; that is, individuals do not choose to be homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. There is, moreover, no scientific evidence that early childhood experiences, parenting, troubled family dynamics, sexual abuse, "faulty psychological development", or other adverse life events influence sexual orientation, as was formerly believed; those assumptions are now understood to have been based on misinformation and prejudice”

As for whatever these girls do in their private lives, it’s none our business here in a public forum.

By Khawaga• 15 Mar 2010 15:33

MiMizWords: Does God forbid homosexuality? I'm still new to the study of Islam, but so far I have not found that part of the Quran. Can you please guide me? All I've found thus far is the story of the woman who lays with a man and then goes directly to lay with another woman and the second woman becomes pregnant.

By MiMizwords• 15 Mar 2010 15:19

So what are we discussing here, if homosexuality exist or not, how to cure it, and if yes. Why should we? And does being homosexual makes you a bad person? Is homosexuality something people are born with, or something psychological as a result of social pressure?

I have a gay friend from Dubai, he is a very good friend of mine and has always helped me and stood by my side when no one did. The way he became gay was because he was raped as a child repeatedly and so he ended up this way. But is that an excuse? I know another friend who was also raped but he is straight and couldn’t be more of a straight man.

Anyways, my gay friend came to visit some relative in Qatar and we all went to Villagio to have coffee. His cousins are very beautiful girls and very attractive. But that day, they seemed to look like monkeys next to him, in other men’s eyes. I couldn’t believe what was going on, it was like all young men in Villagio went crazy! They were flirting with him in front of us. And even few of them dared to come to our table and give him their number, my gay friend asked “is it for me or for the girls” and the men answered “for you of course”.

Another friend of mine, a Qatari girl, had her heart broken several times by men. So she decided to be a lesbian. And now she is very happy with her girlfriend. I don’t know if she suddenly developed this tendency because she lost hope in men, or if it existed in her and she just realized it.

What would happen if we as a nation addressed this problem? I don’t thing anything could be done about it. Whether it was a choice or not, people will do whatever they feel like.

What Superwoman said about some mothers preferring their girls to be lesbians than to have a normal sexual attraction to men is very true. It all comes down to the hymen, as long as this window of honour is not broken before marriage, then you can do whatever you want. People might not understand the logic behind this, or think its absurd but this is how some traditional people think.

Maybe, Superwoman's main argument here is not about homosexuality, but about why people choose to accept doing things that are religiously (or culturally) wrong as long as its undercover and doesn’t touch their perfect image in society and their reputation.

What is right and what is wrong in this society that changes very quickly is very relative. I do not know what it depends on. For example, in the 90s, a girl who has a mobile phone was directly thought of as (bad girl). My uncle for example had a fight with me about having a mobile phone while I was in high school, he was convinced that I used it to have (haram) relations with men. Few years later, he buys a phone for all his daughters who are still in school. Same thing with wearing trousers under the abaya, or riding in a care with the driver without a chaperone, or even driving a car …..Etc. All of these things that were not allowed are allowed now.

But there are too many issues raised here which makes it confusing and difficult to discuss and answer any of the questions raised.

Superwoman believes that homosexuality is due to gender segregation, I partially agree. There is definitely sexual tension between both genders. ( of course it is normal and human nature to have this tension) but it is on a very high level I would say. I saw the difference between Qatari students who went to co-ed schools and those who went to non co-ed schools. or look at the difference when a Qatari man deals with a foriegn woman, or the opposite. Girls would not feel scared to speak to a foreigner, or even be seen with him publically. but god forbids it happens with a Qatari! It seems like there is fear and distrust between girls and boys here .. too much confusion!

Lets look at the big picture rather than focusing on choice of words like short hair .. walking like a man …etc.

By Nic• 15 Mar 2010 13:12


LOL... I interpreted Straight Arrow's as disappointment as he says it’s unfortunate that there are only few cases ;)

By Xena• 15 Mar 2010 13:03

optimism..... "really few cases"

I would shock you if you knew the things I have seen... in a local's house, I might add... and the number of women involved....

Lets just say, I ran for the hills....


By Straight Arrow• 15 Mar 2010 10:53
Straight Arrow

really few cases.

By Nic• 15 Mar 2010 10:52


Don’t take me wrong, I was not offended at all, just bored with the private chit-chat ;)

As for Superwoman, she'll be back and its quite interesting challenging her until she either clarifies here post's message or her real intentions in posting this.

As for the rest, I agree with you, her criterias reveal confusion ;)

By Khawaga• 15 Mar 2010 10:46

Nic, I think we lost superwoman several pages back. I chose not to take her too seriously when she equated girls with short hair with lesbians. Also, walking like a man, apparently makes you a lesbian. She does have an interesting point that her family has an issue with her talking to a man but has not problem with her spending the night with a female. That said, if her parents thought the two girls would be having sex during that night, I'm sure they were rescind their permission.

As for the other, natural conversations go off on tangents. It seems odd to suddenly be offended when such things happen online.

By deepb• 15 Mar 2010 10:40

No, that is what their official and religious stance is. As you know, the religious book cannot be wrong so they cannot update their stance.

By Nic• 15 Mar 2010 10:35


Maybe Qatar (and others) should update their outdated knowledge and consult what WHO (for example) has to say about it ;)

By deepb• 15 Mar 2010 10:30

There is no homosexuality in Qatar. It's only a psychological disease which needs to be cured. That's the official stance .

By Nic• 15 Mar 2010 10:26


If you ask for my opinion, I would say that we should stick to the guidelines and respect whoever posts whatever.

And if we decide to divert from the author's post and go in to private exchange of irrelevant personal chat, I suggest we use the feature PM.

Now back to the original post.

What exactly is the author presenting us with:

Homosexuality among females in Qatar?

Consented sex between Qatari females (not necessarily homosexual)?

Qatari girls being forced into to non-consented homosexual sex?

Maybe Superwoman can clarify this?

By deepb• 15 Mar 2010 10:02

Nic way too late this has officially been hi-jacked.

By Khawaga• 15 Mar 2010 10:00

Arguably, we didn't hijack this thread. We discussed lesbians for quite some time, then discussed men who love lesbians and then men who love straight women which lead WK to ask me out and me to ask why he stood me up. I guess we could go back to talking about lesbians again, if if makes you happy, Nic. What is your opinion on the matter?

By anonymous• 15 Mar 2010 09:58

oops sorry, Khawaga let's play PM PM :P

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Nic• 15 Mar 2010 09:57

Please be reminded of the Community Guidelines ( and be guided accordingly:

“6 - Stay on topic and do not hijack threads or post off-topic comments. Start a new forum topic or send a private message if you are in doubt.”

By Khawaga• 15 Mar 2010 09:49

Ironically, I think I've actually fallen for that line before...

By anonymous• 15 Mar 2010 09:24

Khawaga comeon you know there is no game more important than the game of love :P

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Khawaga• 15 Mar 2010 09:03

WK: Now I know why you stood me up last night. You were watching the game?!?!?!


By DaRuDe• 15 Mar 2010 08:17

lesbian here???

am still waiting for my answer :/

By anonymous• 15 Mar 2010 07:43

Thank you Xena :-)

I am definitely 100 % straight and cute :P

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Xena• 15 Mar 2010 00:36

will be good for a chuckle;-P

Bless WK... don't worry, I still think your very cute and 100% undeniably straight:-)


By GodFather.• 15 Mar 2010 00:25

I had to rescue him last night from this nasty croatian who was admant on taking him home. Thanks to Dohadeisel another QLere the offender finally gave up his prey and moved on to his next target..


Can We Fix It?

Yes We Can!

By Xena• 15 Mar 2010 00:22

and here you are chatting me up;-P

Interesting thread Superwoman.... excellent hijack guys... (even though I am secretly the hijack police:-P)


By GodFather.• 15 Mar 2010 00:14

You both are nasty piece of work hijacking such a good thread..

I wonder where superwoman is? She needs to rescue this thread..

Superwoman to the rescue.


Can We Fix It?

Yes We Can!

By Pajju• 14 Mar 2010 20:40

wowowowow ashwin also gone :)

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 20:39

You were sleeping, that's why

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Pajju• 14 Mar 2010 20:38

ha ha ... and i like superwomen thread , i dunno how i missed this thread :P

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 20:36

Dhoni Out :)

Damn it, comment on my IPL thread :P

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Pajju• 14 Mar 2010 20:28

from 42 balls need 102 :) i dunt like CSK . :)

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 20:25

Yes all down to Dhoni and Morkel now.

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Pajju• 14 Mar 2010 20:24

WK am here only watchin match :) chennai n trouble :)

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 20:21

Now that you have arrived, hijack is complete

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Pajju• 14 Mar 2010 20:17

this thread hijacked ?

By Pajju• 14 Mar 2010 20:16

/me yawnssssss

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 20:14

But I enjoyed this hijack more than any other ;-)

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By GodFather.• 14 Mar 2010 20:05

A nice and successful hijack. well done hijackers..


Can We Fix It?

Yes We Can!

By dashwoot• 14 Mar 2010 19:25

whyteknight lol all the best for you guys

Meskeen and fil mishmish

my eyes are dripping now :(

im not gona lsn to you Khawaga

there is always hope :P

6nish T3ish Tnt3ish

By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 17:13

I have two words for dashwoot in his search for lesbians: fil mishmish!

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 17:10

dashwoot you never know what you can find on QL, see me and Khawaga found each other here :P

Maybe there are lesbians here too.

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 16:57

dashwoot: good luck with that.

By dashwoot• 14 Mar 2010 16:55

Meskeen me i'll just keep looking for a couple of lesboz :(

Never lose hope

6nish T3ish Tnt3ish

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 16:55


By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 16:54


By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 16:53

You smooth talker! I'm yours!

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 16:52

There wasn't anything really meaningful going on anyway on this thread.

The place doesn't matter, company does. As long as I am with you, who cares about the place :P

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 16:49

I think we have successfully hijacked this thread!

So, where am I taking you tonight?

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 16:47

It would be my pleasure :)

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 16:44

dashwoot: I know of no one (straight or gay) who is interested in Jordanians.

(just kidding)

whyteknight: in that case, shall I pick you up after I leave work this evening?

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 16:41

I guess you found your man, you can buy me dinner :P

Apart from living in my parents' basement but I guess you can compromise on that.

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By dashwoot• 14 Mar 2010 16:41

Lol its not gluttons for punishment...

its knowing that a couple of females having the same desire towards each other just like a man has towards a female, that itself is a huge turn on for a man...

Would you happen to know a couple of lesboz whoz interested in a handsome Jordanian? ;)

Maybe you can help me finally achieve my dream..

By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 16:37
Rating: 3/5

On second thought, you may be too good for me. Show me a man with a decent job, a salary that makes him financially independent, a man who can carry on a conversation that does NOT involve Xbox360 or sports, and who knows how to dress for an evening out and it's snooze-ville. But if you know a man who reads comic books all day long, still lives in his parents' basement and is waiting for the day his band will get a big break, tell me where to meet him so I can buy him dinner! :o)

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 16:34

Your call.. Wherever you say ;-)

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 16:32

Perfect! Where are you taking me?

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 16:29

I kind of like that :P

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 16:26

Well, I start out that way. Then I get really controlling and possessive. You've seen Fatal Attraction? :-D

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 16:22

You are too nice :)

By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 16:07

whyteknight: Hell no. Just kidding. It would be my pleasure.

Dashwoot: I've never understood the attraction men have to lesbians. Are you all gluttons for punishment?

By dashwoot• 14 Mar 2010 15:40

its not Jordanian logic...its all straight men logic

Meskeen me i guess i just have to keep dreaming :(

6nish T3ish Tnt3ish

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 15:23

Khawaga would you like to go out with me :P

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By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 15:21

deepb: don't be afraid. You can't catch gay. And you're right, getting hit on by ANYONE (man or woman) that you are not interested in is annoying. But when turning the person down, be polite. If you were trying to chat up a girl and she wasn't in to you, would you want her to have a Hell-No approach?

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 15:21

Personally Deepb I think every straight man feels uncomfortable when being hit on by a gay guy, that's what makes them straight LOL!!! It's how you handle it, and whether or not you accept it that makes you homophobic or not.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By deepb• 14 Mar 2010 15:17

Homosexuality rare in animal kingdom? really?

The percentages are quite high on there. Can you link where it says it's rare lebaneseman?

Calling it a disease is just rich. So you mean all these animals which were created by god have a disease? Why did god create this disease that is against his own nature in the first place?

Personally I'm slightly homophobic myself. Just find it very discomforting getting hit on by guys. I guess that's how all the women feel when they get uncalled attention also I guess.

By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 15:17

Dashwoot, you start out by touting "common sense" and then end by saying that all men would chase after lesbians. Is this Jordanian logic??

And to answer your other question, there are many more lesbians in Doha than you think. But they are not interested in you.

Meskeen! :o)

By dashwoot• 14 Mar 2010 15:12

Its common sense people....+ will never be joined with + and - will never be joined with - if that happens obviously there is something wrong.

thats the same case with everything in the universe.

Where I come from a gay would get all types of torture but the unfair thing is lesbos would live their life the way they want and actually all men will be after them including me, but that doesn’t mean Lesbos can get married..

darude any yet ?

6nish T3ish Tnt3ish

By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 15:01

Of course homosexuality is natural, meaning people are born that way. If it was an illness, does that mean that a person can catch gay? And can you cure gay? No. True homosexuality is not a choice, just like heterosexuality is not a choice that you made one day. You can't help who you are attracted to.

And the previous argument that homosexuality is rare in the animal kingdom and that proves that humans are faking it doesn't hold any water. Nice try though.

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 15:01

Unfortunately I've read them all. Now he's starting to repeat so I don't have to. It was painful.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By deepb• 14 Mar 2010 14:57

It's a nice way to kill lively debates - A long copy paste from an article people are not interested in reading.

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 14:38

To be honest I skip past the comments which are copy paste. Generally skip all the really long comments. Be concise and be precise.

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Straight Arrow• 14 Mar 2010 14:34
Straight Arrow

our Islamic view, Nic many people do not know Islamic websites.

I really feel it is important to high light some points which can give better explaination.

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 14:26

Straight Arrow,

Please listen to Genesis, he does have a good point.

Often you disrupt the flow of a debate with copy-paste that nobody reads.

If you can't participate without the copy-past, I suggest you provide the links only. Those who are interested will access them.

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 14:25

If people where interested they would go to islamonline or readingislam or islam answers or what have you and read it themselves.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Straight Arrow• 14 Mar 2010 14:22
Straight Arrow

will not care if it is copy past, honest people who want to have clear picture would read it.

And I started doing some improvement by putting a short paragraph and a link to continue.

By Straight Arrow• 14 Mar 2010 14:19
Straight Arrow

I also can not say what is God will at all, but what I know is that God likes the best for his creation.

The best means the perfect balance and no deviation.

Based on my point of view that homosexual is some kind of un balance I would go with the opinion which says that this can not be God will.

By genesis• 14 Mar 2010 14:18

DO you really think that anyone reads your copy/paste?…seriously!!!

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 14:10


Let's continue the debate in an adult manner.

Don't take me wrong, I am not wishing anybody to have homosexual children.

I am just asking you to reflect of what to do if that would be God’s will.

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 14:10


It can’t be controlled by us parents and if you ever have a child that is homosexual, please don’t blame you, it’s the will of God to give him his/her that nature.

One thing is drugs or prostitution, yes those are options for which parents certainly have a share of the blame, but not the color of the eyes or the sexual orientation, and those are part of the child's nature.

It can be suppressed but never eradicated.

By Straight Arrow• 14 Mar 2010 14:09
Straight Arrow

Salam, Thomas.

Thank you for writing to the Ask About Islam section and for your question. Here are some thoughts for your consideration.

First, we appreciate your interest in learning more about Islam's stance on homosexuality. You have asked a two part question related to homosexuality, namely why it is considered a sin and why homosexuals are, in your own words, "to be murdered."

To begin with, you should know that Muslims believe in Allah as the One and Only Creator of all that exists and therefore accept that Allah has full knowledge of His creation. Allah Most High knows about every aspect of human life and has knowledge of even the inner, unexpressed thoughts of human beings.

Therefore, in Islam, the understanding is that Allah Most High has created mankind from a male and a female, the first human pair being Adam and Eve. All subsequent generations to emerge from Adam and Eve have been possible because of the natural reproductive process, that is, the union of a male and a female. In the context of society, even this union between a male and a female is regulated, and according to Islam, should not exist outside of the institution of marriage.

As humans were created of two sexes to be able to reproduce sexually (as opposed to asexually as some lower creatures do), what is considered most unnatural in Islam is the existance of non-platonic relationships (i.e., involving sexual attraction) of men to men and women to women. What is acceptable, of course, is platonic, entirely non-sexual, love expressed by men to men and by women to women in a brotherly and sisterly manner.

This does not mean, however, that Islam turns a blind eye to the existence of homosexuality. In fact, the Qur'an does not deny that some men and women might be inclined towards homosexual and lesbian behavior, but it is quite clear from Islamic teachings that when and if such behavior becomes manifest, it has to be stopped because it is both unnatural and destructive to the social fabric.

We are reminded for example in the Qur'an of the statement of Prophet Lot (peace be upon him) who found his people engaged in homosexuality and said what means:

*{And Lot! (Remember) when he said unto his folk: "Lo! ye commit lewdness such as no creature did before you. Do ye indeed approach men, and cut off the highway and practice wickedness (even) in your councils?" But his people gave no answer but this: they said: "Bring us the Wrath of Allah if thou tellest the truth."}* (Al-`Ankabut 29:28-29)

In another verse in the Qur'an, Prophet Lot (peace be upon him) also said to them:

*{Of all the creatures of the world, will you approach males, and leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, you are a people transgressing (all limits)!}* (Ash-Shu`araa' 26:165-166)

So, the Qur'an in general regards homosexuality as unnatural and informs us that it was not known among the creation before the people of Lot practiced it. Prophet Lot (peace be upon him) attempted to advise his people to refrain from this unnatural behavior lest they incur the wrath of God.

To continue the answer please click on the link.

Read more:

By Straight Arrow• 14 Mar 2010 14:05
Straight Arrow

I am a happy, young gay man, and I am at university studying chemistry. What I want to know is why homosexuals are regarded to be sinners and are to be murdered. How can I look at another Muslim, knowing that they have been taught that I am to be slaughtered? I know a lot of other religions practice this too. If Islam is supposed to be a peaceful religion, then why are homophobic murders carried out in the name of Islam?

Also, why do Muslim women have to cover up all of their bodies?

For answer please see the link

Read more:

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 14:04

millions of reasons could affect one's sexual orientation...hormones , surrounding , rape , education , the way they got thing's sure: no one can change who he is...or in that case what he is...superwoman was talking about an affraid that i have to agree with her...sometimes it's the only way...i do beleive it's a very heated topic...and some people here wont accept i will close by repeating what genesis wrote :live and let live!!!


I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise

By GodFather.• 14 Mar 2010 13:49

It's like saying God created every thing. So he created homosexual's too did he not. Gods loves his creation does he not? then who are we to judge his creation and the way he created them.

It all about accepting the fact the homosexuality is due to the way a human may have developed during his biological mixing and coming into existence. So most homo are due to the way they are not due to choice..


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Yes We Can!

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 13:44

OK you don't like homosexuals and consider having a child who is homosexual a failure....

Then purchase nothing, use nothing that has been invented or designed by someone who is homosexual.

And then you will see what 'failures' they are in society.

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 13:43

Yup and that's why I don't spend my days hating people who can't change who they are.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By GodFather.• 14 Mar 2010 13:43

There are also holy men Gay priest now. So being gay is not all about prostitution or drugs. Which may be considered as 2 of the seven deadly sins..:)


Can We Fix It?

Yes We Can!

By Qataria78• 14 Mar 2010 13:41

Qataria there are things called adoption, surrogacy, in vitro fertilization. Nothing stopping gay people having kids. My cousin and his husband are expecting any day now. " OLIVE

that is why you dont believe in god :)

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 13:23

genesis : Allow me to explain qataria 78 perspective & concern. Unlike the west where homosexuals are considered intellects & part of the mainstream culture, homosexuals here have always been linked with the drugs & prostitution. Most cases comes from troubled families. That’s why, none of us ( as a parent myself) wish to have a gay children. Because that simply means that we have Failed in their upbringing

I agree !

and Qataria78 I hope also

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 13:16

Qataria there are things called adoption, surrogacy, in vitro fertilization. Nothing stopping gay people having kids. My cousin and his husband are expecting any day now.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By DaRuDe• 14 Mar 2010 13:14

about lesbian?? who is lesbian here??

By Qataria78• 14 Mar 2010 13:13

"Most cases comes from troubled families. That’s why, none of us ( as a parent myself) wish to have a gay children. Because that simply means that we have Failed in their upbringing"

Nic this is my point :) , well hope your children are all homeosexuals if you like it that way :) so i guess you wont get any grandchildren :)

By genesis• 14 Mar 2010 13:05

Allow me to explain qataria 78 perspective & concern. Unlike the west where homosexuals are considered intellects & part of the mainstream culture, homosexuals here have always been linked with the drugs & prostitution. Most cases comes from troubled families. That’s why, none of us ( as a parent myself) wish to have a gay children. Because that simply means that we have Failed in their upbringing

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 12:48


I am not criticizing anybody here, not even Qatarita78. I said “No worries, we respect your position.”

We are not talking about fears here, we were talking about how homosexuality is seen.

I don’t understand your point. Would you care to rephrase it?

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 12:44


Everybody is entitled to express their views; all I am pin pointing is that science has proven that homosexuality is part of the individual's nature. Either you’re born straight or not. What ever your nature it can’t be changed (maybe God can, but not yet humans).

Just imagine, for a while that this is the case and that you will be blessed with a child who is born with that nature. Any education to eradicate that nature from that child would never be successful and would certainly damage her.

Homosexual children do not result of bad education or bad parents!

I think we should at least consider that, just in case God sends us a child with these characteristics.

By GodFather.• 14 Mar 2010 12:43

FS you can always discuss have met a few in my time, also ask WK he encountered one last night


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Yes We Can!

By Formatted Soul• 14 Mar 2010 12:38
Formatted Soul

I dunno I cant comment:(

By Qataria78• 14 Mar 2010 12:33

thanks for the comment well said :)

By GodFather.• 14 Mar 2010 12:32

Olive. I have fully supported homosexual (lesbian in this case), my last contact with them was a few years in threesome..:)lol

in a conversation..

now dont get me wrong..would I disclose on QL?


Can We Fix It?

Yes We Can!

By one_shot• 14 Mar 2010 12:29


your are criticizing qataria78 for addimiting her fear which is understandable.

but if we go through your fears, and analysis you then it forbidden right?

just because you accept it that doesn't mean that others should.

don't look to others fears, manage yours.


MU2M :(

I like French cofee,but it is simply Turkish with milk

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 12:28

I hope I have a homosexual child so that I can give them the support they need. I'll love and support my kids no matter what they are.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Qataria78• 14 Mar 2010 12:26

Well i dont think i will get a homosexual child cause from the begining i will raise her on our religion which islam and that forbids these thoughts . I pray to god that she will not be influenced by anyone to go that path and i will make sure of that . Its all down to the up bringing of the child and people dont take that path only if they are insecure of them selves or have no one to talk to . This is my opinion and i would like people to respect that , so please dont insult nic and wish for people something that they wouldnt like . i know that no one would like their child to be homosexual would you???????????????????????? only if your one yourself

By wolverine66• 14 Mar 2010 12:21

Lots of homosexuals

Lots of homophobics

I still do not get why here is OK for two guys to walk around holding hands (or little finger with little finger) and it is wrong to do it between a male/female couple...

Is this the 21st century???

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 12:16


No worries, we respect your position.

I think you would only understand the harm of homophobia, if one day you'll have a homosexual child.

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 12:13

Oryx and Olive,

This debate only shows how poor education is in certain societies. Poor education, religious constraints and gender segregation are the reasons why they are unable to deal with taboos of this nature.

Science is out there and still, these societies and some of the participants in this forum, don’t even know how to use it. How to seek for facts instead over preconceived dogmas.

I believe that their reactions are in no means because they are bad people and like to discriminate. They were just indoctrinated this way and being religion their main blockage, nothing we can do here to change their minds on this issue!

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 12:03

You see Lebaneseman, Qataria can admit what she is, why can't you?

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 12:01

Thank you - that is called honesty.

That is your opinion - and your belief.

I am sure everyone has something 'they just don't get'.

I certainly do. Quite a list actually!

By GodFather.• 14 Mar 2010 11:55

BOYAT? are we talking about ladettes?

the boyat of Qatar and ladettes of the UK are similar in many ways

a young woman that behaves like a lad: being loud, smoking,drinking heavily, sleeping around (in this case with other women)


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Yes We Can!

By Qataria78• 14 Mar 2010 11:52

The word is homophobic and it is applied to anyone who fears or dislikes homosexuals.

yep i am homophobic if it is defined in this way . i just cant get it and wont get it , i just get goose bumps when i see boyas or gays sorry if i offended anyone here but this is the plain truth .

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 11:23

Oryx thanks for being a good dictionary !

Olive : Yes Lebaneseman they are homophobic. Qataria is also homophobic.

Olive? it's not only me as per your opinion :)

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 11:20

Thank you Oryx. Yes Lebaneseman by your very own words you've declared yourself to be homophobic.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 11:20

Ukeng I am not experienced in these matters, Money was not mentioned else who knows I may have been tempted, lol....

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 11:17

The word is homophobic and it is applied to anyone who fears or dislikes homosexuals.

If you criticise someone's sexuality and call it diseased then by definition you have deemed yourself to be homophobic. No one has done this TO you - you have defined yourself as this.

By GodFather.• 14 Mar 2010 11:11

WK, what was his offer for you coming along? did he offer any thing? what is going rate just getting a bit curious now!.

Well at the moment I am straight, but if I do go the other way will contact you..:) lol


Can We Fix It?

Yes We Can!

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 11:11

You a wrong about homosexuality only being practiced openly in recent times.

The Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans were very open about their sexuality

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 11:09

and Olive you are calling every one against your opinions homophobian?

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 11:09

Because he told me

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 11:07

I don't care if you're homophobic or not Lebaneseman, I'm not the one calling people disgusting and diseased.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 11:06

wait . How did you know he was croatian? :P

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 11:05

Yep he was Croatian

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By DaRuDe• 14 Mar 2010 11:05

dont know still searching.

By GodFather.• 14 Mar 2010 11:04

Sorry to hear about your experience with the pissed head looked liked eastern european the way you discribed him..

Which again confirms the fact the even the foreigners coming to this part of the world think that it's ok to ask a guy to come along with them.

WK man you are in demand..:)lol


Can We Fix It?

Yes We Can!

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 11:03

Olive and who are you to judge people?

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 11:02

DaRude where are the lesbos?

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 11:02

Yes Lebaneseman they are homophobic. Qataria is also homophobic.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By DaRuDe• 14 Mar 2010 11:01

damn you are fast with replies

lucky you google and wiki is there for you :/

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 11:00

No one_shot I'm not talking about hermaphrodites I'm talking about homosexuality.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Straight Arrow• 14 Mar 2010 10:59
Rating: 3/5
Straight Arrow

Many have not seen this

In the last few decades, homosexuality transformed from being an act done behind closed locked doors with heavy curtains on windows to an issue spoken about openly and a phenomenon that demands a full recognition and a total acknowledgement.

The phenomenon became prevalent in many liberal societies and surprisingly enough in some of the highly conservative societies as well.

It has been diagnosed to rise from all sorts of reasons starting with little or no faith to severe childhood problems and family disintegration. Countries deal with the problem differently through taking extreme measures from endorsing gay marriages to beheading the homosexuals.

Read our special coverage on the topic and join us with your views through the Add Your Comment option.

Islamic Stance on Homosexuality

Islam strongly condemns homosexuality and considers it a grave sin. The Quran spoke about homosexuality in many verses and clearly stated that people who practice such acts will face a severe punishment. Learn more about the Islamic view on homosexuality……

Unveiling Homosexuality

About Homosexuality in Islam

Homosexuality….From an Islamic Stand

Setting Priorities… Creed or Deeds?

Overcoming Homosexuality

I am telling my story because I found a different path. I am an American man who through God's grace was able to loosen the grip of same-sex attractions and find my way out of the homosexual lifestyle. Read more about abandoning homosexuality…

Struggling Against Homosexuality, Finding Islam

Gay, Struggling, and in Need of Help

Overcoming Homosexuality Through Allah

Repenting Homosexuality … A Chance for a New Beginning

Repenting Homosexual Acts

Helping Others

I have a gay (homosexual) friend. He is a good person who hurts no one. We have been friends for a very long time. I would never want to lose his friendship. If I converted, would I be told to end the friendship? I am curious what the Islamic teachings on this are. Read more on how to help people involved in Homosexual situations …

A Homosexual Friend

About Children of Interfaith Marriages and Gays

Read more:

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 10:59

one_shot and Straight_Arrow you have homophobia ! lool

By one_shot• 14 Mar 2010 10:57

you are talking here in creatures have both orgasms male and female , which is totally different of what we are talking about.

that one called third sex

don't mix it together


MU2M :(

I like French cofee,but it is simply Turkish with milk

By Straight Arrow• 14 Mar 2010 10:55
Rating: 4/5
Straight Arrow

physcological illness whether you like it or not.

Homosexuality is simply opposite of nature.

My theory is that if men are considered as positive charge and female as the negative charge, then normally negative will be attracted to the positive charge.

In case of inbalance then the positive may be attracted to other positive charges, and this is true for negative charges.

By DaRuDe• 14 Mar 2010 10:55

will never get to talk with a lesbian on QL.


By Rizks• 14 Mar 2010 10:51

DaRuDe the mystery and suspense is still ON...wait you pervert...hav patience !! :)

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 10:48

Why do all men love lesbians, Bloody ironic isn't it :P

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By DaRuDe• 14 Mar 2010 10:43

who is the lesbian here right now???

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 10:41

Actually one-shot homosexuality is just as common in the animal kingdom as it is in the human one. Almost every single species in the world that reproduces through sexual intercourse has homosexual animals in it. There are even homosexual fruit flies. Therefore, by observing nature, we can say that it's actually quite natural.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Qataria78• 14 Mar 2010 10:41

Your totally right , if its rare in animals that shows that human beings are just faking it :)

By one_shot• 14 Mar 2010 10:37

khawaga, if it is genetic, where is the study leading to this

it is a phcyco sickness.

simply this issue is affected by society and sexual experiences and and and...etc

if we extend out research to reach the animals "because we associate with them in this "lust" "

we will find that is very rare to find a homosexual animal which lead us to a fact approved by observing that the normal sexual relation should be between male and female, and any relation is "gay" relationship


MU2M :(

I like French cofee,but it is simply Turkish with milk

By ka3edwarach• 14 Mar 2010 10:16

Hi everyone,

i dont know regarding BOYAT, but i know BOUYS which i can see them everyday when i cruise with my boat.




By Khawaga• 14 Mar 2010 09:47
Rating: 2/5

Sorry, folks, but true homosexuality is genetic meaning that some people are just naturally attracted to their own gender while others are not. A truly homosexual man will, when offered a relationship with a woman, prefer to have a relationship with a man. Then there is the sort of activities that Qataria78 describes which is much more prevalent when the genders are as segregated as they are in the Gulf. You can call it "prison gay" or whatever. Bottom line is, boys and girls will figure out how to find pleasure whether it is in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, a girlfriend-girlfriend relationship or by themselves.

By Qataria78• 14 Mar 2010 09:32

Trust me this issue has been crossing my mind and i wanted to just open up about it , its just that some married women are becoming boyas secretly and that is a totall shock for me and it sickness my stomach , so why get married if you think your a lesbian and your not satisfied with your marriage . well i am not the only qatari that agrees with you alot are , people who have been brought up the right way and know what is wrong or right wouldnt take that path , i know that most of these girls have personal issues and have family problems or either their mothers are to busy to watch her children and busy with her own life , trust me if i turned a boya my mum would put me in a room and kick the hell out of me even if i was a grown up adult LOOOOOOOOOOOOL .

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 09:28

It wouldn't be an issue if men and women were allowed to mingle here. It's a situation you've created yourself. As for two women fighting to get married here, are you kidding? They'd be killed by their own families!

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By superwoman• 14 Mar 2010 09:25

WOW u totally sums up the thread plus ur the 1st Qatari girl who agrees with me thank you :-D

"Superwoman to the rescue"

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 09:18

Qataria78 good comment :)

By Qataria78• 14 Mar 2010 09:16

well it sickness me to see those type of girls , and what makes me just get shocked is that their families are ok with it , ( they would say its better for her being with a girl , than rather being with a man that would spoil her reputation ) daammm that is sick , where is islam when they say that, did they forget that its against our religion . The problem is that they hang out with girls and do what ever they please and when they get married ( oh yeah they get married ) they pretend they are angels . The problem is that its not hormonal its just a trend and a fashion between girls nowadays . I am with you 100% super girl that they fake homosexuality for sexual relief until marriage . I have never seen a lesbian couple in qatar fighting for the right of marriage and its a load of crap , when a man comes knocking on her pearnts door she will be saying yes before her pearents do . I feel sorry for the guy who gets married to her not knowing what hes gone into , but he deserves it coz in his mind she has not gone or known a guy in her life . It sadness me and hope things will change

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 09:15

Rizks heheheh ! tell them to put their legs up in the air :P

By superwoman• 14 Mar 2010 09:10

we are all involved in this , its not right its deceiving and unhealthy its either u gay or ur straight i have plenty of gay friends who has married boy friend’s with children , I would die knowing that my husband cheats on me with a man only because of ignorance lack of attention to this matter!

"Superwoman to the rescue"

By Rizks• 14 Mar 2010 09:09

LoL DaRuDe.....

yes who is the Lesbian here kindly raise ur both legs up and come forward.....:)

By Rizks• 14 Mar 2010 09:08
Rating: 2/5

yes lebaneseman i was trying to pick her up thinkin she was a gal, but unfortunately NOT....:(

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 09:05

Rizks hehehe I guess you were trying to pick up WK last night?:P

By DaRuDe• 14 Mar 2010 09:05

just come out and accept it for once. quick.

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 09:04

Thanks Oryx ;)

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 09:02

Oryx he has the choice to reply to me and i have the choice to flag him each time he addresses me

DaRuDe loool, I missed that? who said lesbians? ha?

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 09:02

lol Oryx no it wasn't Pajju. The guy hardly spoke any English, he just kept on repeating, would you like to come to my place and when I said No, he kept on asking why.. lol Coz I am straight dude :P

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 09:02


That’s what I thought, I haven’t offended you but somehow you let yourself feel threaten!

Your wish is granted.

You may however, if you wish so, continue to express your opinions towards any of my comments ;)

By Rizks• 14 Mar 2010 09:02

DaRuDe lebaneseman is Lesbian. Kindly PM him for ur needs.....:)

By superwoman• 14 Mar 2010 09:01

Olive u get it I like how u think leberal, thank you "Superwoman to the rescue"

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 09:01

LOL @ Lebaneseman. Alright, keep living in your dream world. I hope one day you become confident enough in your sexuality to accept others.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 09:00

Its not your website - so you can't dictate who replies or not.... its an open forum

Nic has the freedom of choice to reply to who he likes

By DaRuDe• 14 Mar 2010 09:00

did some one say lesbians

where who is lesbian???

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 08:59

a)Talk about your wife/girlfriend


b)Just look stone cold - and say 'I'm not interested'.

Was his name Pajju?

Lebanese man you insult homosexuals which means you dislike them which means you are homophobic

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 08:59


Ok then, it’s not about homosexuality. It’s about personal choices to seek sexual satisfaction.

Again in those cases, it’s a personal choice based on the life conditions these individuals find themselves in.

Again, we shouldn't pin-point fingers, it’s their personal lives and no one should interfere (unless you are being victimized by them - sexually abused - but that will be an entire different debate).

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:57

Nic, I am ready to discuss a topic with people like Olive and Oryx not with you. Don't address me in any of your future comments :)

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 08:55

Ok here is a question since we are on the subject, how do you react when a homosexual person hits on you. A guy was trying to pick me up at Sheraton last night and I was too shocked to say anything :P

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:54

Olive, you are asking me to admit? is it an investigation :D

Olive, for the 1000 times i tell you that i dont fear these pussy cats.

you know i wish more straight men turn into homos, maybe the ratio of Women/Men will be modified :P

By superwoman• 14 Mar 2010 08:54

ok u think I'm lesbian? I did have a girl friend when I was younger in school only did because i thought that i should because everybody does but when i grow up with more male interaction I found out they I like men and MEN only LOL so go figure

"Superwoman to the rescue"

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 08:50


Which part of any of my comment was offensive to you?

By superwoman• 14 Mar 2010 08:50

This thread is not attacking homosexuals I LOVE them because they are free spirits and brave for to live their life according to what they feel, this thread is about girls faking homosexuality for sexual relief until marriage and if there is a Qatari lesbian couple how is willing to love and fight I’ll praise for them but there is not !!!!! so WTH??!!

"Superwoman to the rescue"

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 08:49

It is not about me agreeing or not its about the definition of the word.... I don't write dictionaries.

Homophobia isn't about blaming - its just about having a 'fear or dislike' that is what a phobia is. Thus you are homophobic.

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 08:48

Not necessarily Nic, many "straight" people experiment with homosexuality. Especially when it's the only option open to them. Human sexuality is a lot more fluid than people think.

Lebaneseman, obviously you know that homophobia is wrong, that's why you refuse to admit you are homophobic. You can't say in one hand that you think homosexuals are unnatural and need medical help and than say in another that you aren't homophobic. It doesn't make sense. Admit you're homophobic and then we can all ignore you and your narrow minded opinions.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 08:46

In any morally strict society gay people will get married.

I saw it a lot in Mexico. They get married and its a smoke screen to draw attention away from their sexuality. Marriage ironically gives them more freedom as they are conforming to society and people don't scrutinize their behaviour so much.

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 08:45


If they were born lesbians, they will be forever lesbians. If they were born straight, they will be forever straight.

Whatever they nature, regardless their sad situation, their nature (the way they were born) will emerge when they grow up!

You appear to be an educated person, I suggest you read more reliable sources about this topic and you will see that you will never risk becoming one (if your nature was not conceived that way) and those who are, will never become something else either. It just a fact of life!

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:45

Olive, homophobia exists in the minds of people that do blame God and "Nature" for every single human social and psycological disorder or syndrome(maybe my friend Oryx will accept this one :) ).

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 08:45


If they were born lesbians, they will be forever lesbians. If they were born straight, they will be forever straight.

Whatever they nature, regardless their sad situation, their nature (the way they were born) will emerge when they grow up!

You appear to be an educated person, I suggest you read more reliable sources about this topic and you will see that you will never risk becoming one (if your nature was not conceived that way) and those who are will never become something else either. It just a fact of life!

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 08:43

Yep and there was an article in a newspaper last year laying the blame at 'Western Educators' for not condemning and of course the evil influence of our culture.

So there were no homosexuals in this part of the world till Lawrence of Arabia came along???

Blame it on the Brits!!!

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 08:42

Ummm, they don't have a choice superwoman?

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Sandman69• 14 Mar 2010 08:42

Superwoman....With that logic , that clearly explains why so many arabic men are closet homosexuals. Its their society that pushes them together and since they can not socialize with women, they have sex with each other, or their house boy, or their driver or some random guy they meet in the mall.

Right or wrong

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 08:41

Because you are Lebaneseman. It's not a stereotype. If you think homosexuality is an "illness, disease, etc" then it's because you are homophobic and can't accept that it's a natural thing.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By superwoman• 14 Mar 2010 08:40

they are not homosexual how do u explaine them getting married to men? and even if they were why are they gettign married to men?

"Superwoman to the rescue"

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:39

Nic i will flag ur comment as offensive.

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 08:39

I think what superwoman is trying to say, which is something I've thought myself given what seems to be an incredibly high percentage of homosexuals in this country (especially amongst the local population) is that many are not born homosexual or are natural homosexuals, but become homosexual because it's the only option open to them and because of a fear of the opposite sex which is instilled by the culture.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 08:39

Logical thinking people who are trying to understand and get clarity.

Why don't you say thanks for someone taking the time to explain something????

Well said Sandy - I don't care and who am I to stand in judgement of how consenting adults live?

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 08:39

I also like girls superwoman, nothing wrong with that :P

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:38

Olive, i told you. People like you always stereotype men that don't accept homosexuality as "homophobians" :D

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 08:37


Why that inferior complex all of the sudden? I would never think such non-sense, common we are debating a topic! Did you run (yet again) out of valid arguments?!

If I bother you, don’t listen to me, listen to others, you may learn something new about yourself today ;)

By superwoman• 14 Mar 2010 08:37

let me tell u something these girls never been with men before they don’t know how it feels like or their feeling towards them we are raised to think that talking to men is haram and taboo and u really don’t get a chance to mix therefore they don’t know their sexual orientation they like girls because they're the only one they're exposed to .

"Superwoman to the rescue"

By Sandman69• 14 Mar 2010 08:35
Rating: 2/5

Why do you all even care how someone else lives their life. Are you so insecure that you are afraid you may be recruited and drawn into this lifestyle by these people. Are you so vain that you think you might be raped by these people. Leave them alone and let them live their lives in peace, without your holy-er than thou opinions.

I am a man and I love women, but I am secure enough to not let others lifestyles not affect my life.

It only takes a single voice to start a revolution!

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:35

Oryx , ok fine ! thanks for the clarification , this thread is about "boyat" . It's not an english vocabulary class !! ufff what type of people are on this website !

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 08:34

I was thinking the same thing about myself! LOL

If it were a disease I would be some big heffer bull dyke...which as you know I most certainly am not.

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 08:34

Yes you fear them Lebaneseman, it's quite obvious from what you're writing. And yes, what you said defines homophobia quite well.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:33

Nic, you always think that you are the only one here that knows english ! and now you are the only "scientific" person !

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 08:32

Yes that is what a disease is - infection from others.

check the dictionary

Maybe you are confusing the meaning of the word disease with illness or syndrome

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:31

I fear them !looool r u nuts?

If a man says that these homos are sick and they need treatment , then he will be accused of homophobia.

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 08:31


Science is universal, please do some homework, i aint your tutor ;)

By superwoman• 14 Mar 2010 08:31

excuse me ? discussed before what does that mean ? the question u need to ask is: its it done? is it cured? no that’s why i write the thread

"Superwoman to the rescue"

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 08:29

Wow, if homosexuality is contagious how have I stayed straight with all the homosexual friends I have?!? :P

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 08:29

If something is a disease (which is caused by infection) you don't need a psychologist that is for mental health issues.

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:27

Oryx aha and all diseases come a result of infection from others?

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 08:27

If you actually knew some homosexual people Lebaneseman you're Point of View would change in a instant. Right now your point of view is based off homophobia and probably insecurity about your own sexual orientation. If you were confident about your sexuality you wouldn't fear homosexuals.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 08:26

Of course he does - but he is just unaware of it.

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:24

Nic and tell me which science tells you that these people are born homosexual?

By Oryx• 14 Mar 2010 08:24

A disease is something that is caused by infection from others: like TB

How can you catch the disease that makes you homosexual?

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 08:24


LOL... do you realize how non-sense your comment is?

Please, go and consult what science says about it and then tell us what you found out ;)

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:24

sugardady I am not a doctor. I said it a disease so it needs doctors, specilists (social and psycological), etc...

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:22

Olive whether i know or i dont know. my P.o.v will be still the same .

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 08:20

Lebaneseman do you actually know any homosexuals?

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By Olive• 14 Mar 2010 08:19

So what if they want to look and act like boys? That's there business. If you want freedom for yourself you need to accept that others want it to.

literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me

out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 14 Mar 2010 08:15
Rating: 3/5

Nic : "....This particular post seems confusing or perhaps you are misinformed that homosexuality is not a choice but people are born like that. It’s their nature, as the religious would say, it’s the way God created them. There is no cure for this as it’s what the person is. Any attempt to “cure” would only destroy the person "

Nobody is born homosexual. Homosexuality is a disease and in some cases it is a choice.

By genesis• 14 Mar 2010 08:10

Hey superwoman :)

It’s actually surprising to read this post from you!

Being an outcast yourself!

You never know their circumstances…

Like you expect people to accept what you are, you should at least learn to accept others

I’m not saying that I find homosexuality acceptable, But I hold no prejudice against them.

live & let live, simply.

Let their families to deal with them. They’re already being prosecuted by the whole society

Apparently, your mentality is no deferent than the society you loath ;)

By Nic• 14 Mar 2010 07:43
Rating: 3/5


This particular post seems confusing or perhaps you are misinformed that homosexuality is not a choice but people are born like that. It’s their nature, as the religious would say, it’s the way God created them. There is no cure for this as it’s what the person is. Any attempt to “cure” would only destroy the person.

Now how societies deal with this, depends on their level education and civilization.

Here in Qatar, as many other things, it’s a taboo and heads are hidden on the sand!

By s_isale• 14 Mar 2010 06:33

already discussed a year back.

superwoman likes to stir the waters thats all.

By anonymous• 14 Mar 2010 02:39

superwoman what's this now. I expected better from you.

/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!

By KHATTAK• 14 Mar 2010 01:13

One Shot....Stay out of it. You know what I mean :-)

------------------------------------------------------Whenever I find the Key to Success, Someone Steals it.

By one_shot• 14 Mar 2010 01:11
Rating: 3/5

very weird,and shocking thread especially for me

not because it contains some weird info or something we can't believe that it is happening in gulf , but because i was planning to make similar post in QL regarding this matter which is dangerous

i made a personal study about how corruption reached to our community,regarding this matter. i will try to post the resault in my next posts, and i hope that it could not harm my personal me, because it has some socking info, and some people will not like what they are reading


MU2M :(

I like French cofee,but it is simply Turkish with milk

By Sugar Qtr• 13 Mar 2010 23:31
Sugar Qtr

and superwoman, I have no idea what you are pretending to be, but you seriously need to see a shrink about your case.

~*Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret*~

By Sugar Qtr• 13 Mar 2010 23:29
Rating: 2/5
Sugar Qtr


~*Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret*~

By angie35• 13 Mar 2010 23:18

sleep well to all you people

By ashrafalan• 13 Mar 2010 23:11

sweet dreems to you

By ashrafalan• 13 Mar 2010 23:10

gud night

By superwoman• 13 Mar 2010 23:02

LOL it is offensive and obviously needs no introduction, just curious what was ur thread about???

"Superwoman to the rescue"

By superwoman• 13 Mar 2010 22:59

its everywhere sprcialy schools

"Superwoman to the rescue"

By Andeee• 13 Mar 2010 22:53

so basically a lesbian in other words... yes - have heard the term over here and appartently rife in the public schools....

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