Site Maintenance Note
HI all,
We've been doing some necessary site maintenance for the past couple of days. The site will be unstable in the next couple of days, while we work with your feedback to restore full functionality to the site. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
A very important change to note, "My Menu" has moved from the right side to being part of the horizontal menu as shown in the red circle. Hover your mouse on top of it to access functionality like adding Classifieds, Forums, Questions etc.
Some functionality like Private Messages and Friends List are not back up yet. I'll try to have those restored in the next day or two.
Use the Contact form to let me know if you encounter any bugs and I'll try get them fixed a.s.a.p.
Thank you all for your support and patience.
Ahmad, Qatar Living
why does.. my posts/Fourum.. are not shown in home page...???
pls help!!!
New forums , hot forums have all disappeared again
Q/A section needs repairing again...all answers are mingled up.
i have to delet my cv in google search
please can u delet this one or tell me how to hide this one in google search
please can u delet this one or tell me how to hide this one in google
whn will i get my inbox bck...missing all my Ql..buddies...
Ahmad.....MOD has to ...
make a NEW public announcement (QL main page) regarding revamp and its full operation!
'new forum topics' and 'hot topics' have disappeared
MY on the RHS!
hi dude,
anything and everything under the q&a section has some junk posts automatically associated.. can you check that plz. its quite annoyin
and where is 'new forum topics' and 'hot topics'?
Please check the Q&A section..all questions have the same replies in it...and completely unrelated to the question.
There’s no indication of new comments in 'My recent posts'
Well Ahmed I, Appreciate your job... for making QL a Fun site..
Der a some problem..
when i attach Images in forum.. the attachments does't show..
there is only body.. no attachment..
Muhammad YouSuf.
system maintenance for last one week!
I have finished all my long pending work in the office, being away from office prior this week!
BUT please give my Great Friends list and mailbox BACK (all my emotional love letters exchanged with QLers) ;D
Ahmadbhai, Note my INBOX is strictly 'confidential'!
ahmad, please work on the writing over the avatars as well. Severity 5 though, I understand you have more priorities.
Are you getting paid or a reward for each post? The people complaining about post counts should have to start from zero... what is the point? What matters is that the website is up and running properly, the rest doesn't matter to me at all. Taking almost 3 hours to post a Classified, now that is something that needs fixing asap.
Get well soon QL :)
great but, am always lost with my postings(:
Oh well, am sure it would take some time to get used to it again.
thanks ahmad
Welldone Ahmad and keep up the good work as usual !!
UKEng keep the good cap down plz.....:)
Morning buddy......
keep the good work up Ahmad..
and the wait goes on..
thanks for the updates.
thanks for the update ahmad.. hope the points get sorted out soon.. :) points at all..........................
All comments are pointless again...
Had major hiccups today as you guys probably noticed. But here is the update:
- The recent post issue is resolved i.e. no more classifieds will appear on the recent posts tab except for the ones that are already there. The ones that are already there will move down the list as new posts come from the forums.
- Comments have been fixed as how they used to be.
- Site stability: That one has been very tricky so far, but I'm hoping tomorrow it will be more stable than today.
- Private Messages (INBOX): Once the site is stable, I will start working on it. Apologies bu the Inbox issue is quite a bit of work which I'm leaving till the site has become stable.
- We lost a few hours worth of content today so again apologies for that. Please repost if you find your post from earlier today missing.
I'll post up other issues as they crop up and / or get resolved.
Ahmad, Qatar Living
new forum topics has not changed much for the last three days. Or is it that the number of new posts have decreased dramatically after the upgrade?
this is a wierd situation that is going. Its almost a week and still so much needs to be done. Was this a blind update?
Instead of going back to the previous version and then doing the tweaking for the new version, this has been all but trial and error over here that has been going on.
Professional - no way.........
STILL the same problem.....:(
WHY ? its been a decade now.
When can V hav our normal Lifes back in QL ?
When can i c, meet and send PMS to my old pals ?
When i can post my informative and meaninful threads ?
When can i see the classifeds back inorder to check for some second hand WIG for myself ?
When when on the Planet Earth i shall get to C all this happiness ? :(
when the site owners and mods acts like dictators not giving a proper answer to your queries what do do you expect. They know that people will come back irrespective of whether it is all garbled up or in proper order.
Wake up people, show your power
how come a couple of times coming message from Crome saying that QL has mistakes in programming command of your MySQL
it's all mess up in the classified room...and whenever i want to reply a topic to commenting on somebody else's comment...strike to new comment...what is wrong??
to Ahmad: I hope you got somebody to assist you or supervising to make a double check for every details you make on the programming command
the classified section still needs more fixing.
thanks for ur work after all
submitted by ... is annoying .it i like we are in school submitting our school project or thesis.
Better not to get bored waiting, listen tp this :D
Pls take the site off
tell us how long it will take
delete all the double entries
we want a normal site we can ask Q and can see if there is a response
> Site on and off all the time
> (missing tab of recent answers)
> Double and multiple postings
> Missing inbox (we need to write to some contacts..
so better let us know whats going on, take it out of service as long as it takes and get it up functional
but like this it is a pain and we keep on checking and checking just to find out it get not any better..
Better not to get bored waiting, listen tp this :D
At the moment OL looks very comercial.
Recent posts
Type Post Author Replies Last updated
Type Post Author Replies Last updated
Accommodation 5B/R VERY NICE VILLA IN COMP AT AL ROWDA AREA JOEMING 0 25 min 10 sec ago
Accommodation VERY BEAUTIFUL STND ALONE VILLA AT AL WAAB jang 0 26 min 8 sec ago
Accommodation 4B/R VILLA IN COMPOUND AT MARS dang01 0 26 min 53 sec ago
Accommodation A VERY NICE COMPOUND in Al-Sadd Area DEE01 0 27 min 39 sec ago
Accommodation LIVE THE LUXURY IN WESTBAY magistral 0 28 min 27 sec ago
Accommodation BEAUTIFUL HEALTHCLUB W/COMPD. IN KHERITTIYAT beeZ 0 29 min 34 sec ago
Accommodation VERY NICE COMPOUND NEAR ARAMEX ROUND ABOUT buhawi 0 30 min 23 sec ago
Accommodation 5B/R VERY NICE VILLA IN COMP AT AL KHESA BAY 0 31 min 10 sec ago
Accommodation ~~ Premium Appartments at Prime Locations ~~ unorthodox_Z 0 1 hour 14 min ago
Accommodation (SF) LUXURY S.DELUXE COMPOUND for ONLY 8000QR gevara55 0 1 hour 15 min ago
Accommodation Majestic and Deluxe Compound Housing maverick_zee 0 1 hour 18 min ago
Forum topic If It's Not Broken, Don't Fix It! t_coffee_or_me 29 1 hour 19 min ago
Accommodation VILLA COMPOUND. SUPER DELUXE IN ,ALSADD halla9988 0 1 hour 19 min ago
Accommodation LUXURY COMP in GARRAFA..((TWO MONTH FREE) GEVARA33 0 1 hour 19 min ago
Accommodation ((NO COMMESSION))..S.DELUXE COMP in LAND MARK GEVARA111 0 1 hour 29 min ago
Accommodation (4BH) villa ALGARRAFA..(9500QR) GEVARA22 0 1 hour 39 min ago
Accommodation STUDIO FOR RENT in Alaziziya opposit VILLAGEO ihsansg73 0 1 hour 50 min ago
Accommodation 5 BR SUPER DELUX VILLA COMP IN AIRPORT SOSOO88 0 2 hours 2 min ago
Accommodation room for rent(Filipino only) andriel 0 2 hours 3 min ago
Accommodation Wanted Indepentent Family Accomm.(no kids) Ravi Menon 0 3 hours 17 min ago
Accommodation 2 BR FLATS 4 RENT NEAR OLD AIRPORT 3500 gangreed 0 3 hours 18 min ago
Accommodation VERY NICE VILLA IN AIRPORT BEHIND RAMEZ alkhor45 0 3 hours 45 min ago
Accommodation VILLAS FOR RENT IN ASPIRE ZONE A.Pearl 0 3 hours 56 min ago
Accommodation S.DELUXE BEAUTIFUL VILLA IN COMP IN DHAFNA arsi 0 4 hours 59 sec ago
« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next ›
Ahmad and Qatari Bros pls take care of the people's feelings.
May ALLAH bless you, Ameeen.
If you need any help pls let me know, one of my family memeber is expert for updating the websites maintenance.
Still struggling and chewing patience fruit!
please return back cars add section asap..its stil rucked up
what happened to the comments Mod? all gone...
hey UkEng, i said please... i am calm... in a happy mood today.. hope it stays that way, unless some jerk in the office pisses me off..
yes sort it out or MJ will sort you out..:) Clam dowm MJ.. they are working on it dear.. just try being a patient in the Maternity ward, where they can tell you that the pain will be over soon dear.. just have some patience..:)
still goes offline from time to time... please sort this out
NO POINTS NOW.,.,.,../..//??
NO Head means NO Brain
And I am loving it :D
Khattak lala were is ur mundi ? i mean were is ur head ? :)
is it blown up visitin those bashing threads ? :)
Rizks!!! QL remained NORMAL in those 5 days.....a lot of bashing/hatred threads making into multiple pages. Isn't that NORMAL? :-)
Rizks!!! QL remained NORMAL in those 5 days.....a lot of bashing/hatred threads making into multiple pages. Isn't that NORMAL? :-)
keep the good work up guys..
Welldone Ahmad n Qatari !!
QL is back to normal and all the abnormal Qlers are normal for the time being....:)
GOSH, 5dayz QL was under maintenance and i was feelin like i am totally cut out frm this world...:(
Just get used to the new format.. Just like the old format the new format will take time getting used too. So Rizks etal stop complaining and make the most of what you have..:) Where as all of us were accustomed to the old format, I still believe that this new version is better that any thing else on the web about Qatar..
Good job Ahmad!
and at least now, the points are back to normal.. thank you Mods!
guess we need to be a bit more patient and give them a chance to sort this out...
i don't mind havin all this changes... old is boring.. but they are right... recent posts are pretty mixed up...
Thanks Ahmad ! This is post is mainly just to make sure I can still post . . .
qatari/ahmed... Can we jump on directly to the first new comment on any thread even if its on the 2nd page?
Recent posts are being a bit more of a challenge. That is what we are working on at the moment i.e. first priority.
Xena, let's hope this will be the start of the improvement...
Thank you for putting the comment box back to normal:-)
Can we assume that soon we will have the recent posts all back to normal too:-p
yes, we understand ur gratitude lobot, 18 times.. lol!!!!!
lobot, whats this?? lolzzzz.
I see QL as a part of my life and can't think of my day without it...plz plzz do something AHMAD...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
good job sir know much better than us here and keeping QL layout like this is excellent...
Its very messy and confusing it not possible to give us our old QL FORMAT with some little changes??
Ya Ahmad,
We should be able to modify/delete our own thread same like classified.
drmana you can still see people trying to indulge in Nationality bashing so quite normal I say ;-)
normal? So this is to be called normal from now on?? :-)
increasing percentage of Indians on QL!!! what rubbish...
Indians are just tightening their lungee'z... & nothing~!!...:D
this is normal? :P
QL is back to normal ? ;o)
ring a bell in our MALE minds...Kinky are we?
Oh just checked in my mobile, I had this number but stored under a different name ;)
'974- 69696969".
Ok I will call you, Now post your number here as PM option is not working :P
ok, this is the 5th time I have to log in...everytime I click on "Forum" or "Living lounge" it takes ages to load, does not load and is on about this fucking Guru thing...can somebody please call me when this is in order again? I am VERY annoyed.
hopefully it is not one of those filthy ,skinny, naked ones with no teeth....SHUDDER!
With the increasing percentage of Indians on QL, it was only a matter of time before a Guru appeared here ;)
lol.. nomerci.. they know what to send to whom.. YOU got GURU! Khalas! Live with it! :)
Ahmad, Qatari ,pages are not loading properly, I had to log in about 3 different times, because there is some Guru thing going on, rather annoying.
So far things don't work for me at all.
Too many people missing the PM option, lol...
I want:
1.Recent posts and Classified to be separated;
2.When click on more.. under "New forum topics" to see actually MORE, instead of getting the Error
3. In the Questions section, the Question to be appeared only once, not to be repeated as many times as the answers are given;
4. button called "Post" or "Submit" instead of "Save"
I don't want:
1. to wait forever till the page is loaded
here we found something positive:
I can't see any contact details for any of the classified ads so I can't contact any of the sellers!! For some reasone they're not being posted with the adverts.
i cant find my private meassages???
So when can we see QL ALIVE AGAIN ? :(
Boring Colour Mgmt
Why are so many things posted 2,3,4 times? Forum posts, classifieds and questions are all affected.
Hello ahmad, where can i find my inbox?
has 6006 comments. wow!
where is classified for jobs latest all coming here are old
and in classified for jobs there can be made separate section for those who are looking for all mixed up then
it's all messed up... :(
i want the old QL back...
Rizks, all your questions are valid, except for the part about your hair.. Ahmad had nothing to do with that, it's your problem LOL.. but seriously, we all hope this will be sorted out very soon, please please please, it's been like 3 days now... :(
Ahmad asking Ahmad were is the points ?
Something fishy.....:(
Where is the POINTS...?
Guyz have patience !
Ahmad is working on it, and very soon u will see a NEW QL with new features etc. so sit back and RELAX or do wat ur paid for in your office ? :)
atleast after seeing the new QL i think i will start growing new hairs on my head ? :(
Missing old QL. Ahmed pls bring back old QL.
& can u make the recent posts..........
Okay, I want to modify my age in my profile, how do i do that ??
Great Job Ahmad and appreicate your hardwork for this site.
by the way, why the ID names not indicated next to the Avatar pics ?
Why the comments going out of the Pink boundaries ?
Why all the comments not aligned properly ?
Why the "submitted by....on the top and not in the bottom ?
Why there is not hairs on my head ? :(
Why Why ??
This site is doing an excellent job. It would be better to have some restriction on classifieds section. As if one person will be allowed to post one or two advertisement in a section for 24 hours or so. I feel many are misusing this part of the site very much. expecting comments in this regards from fellow Qlers.
As much as i appreciate change...this is ridiculous. I dont want a "submit a restaurant" option under "my menu" i just dont like seeing that there if I'm not going to use it everyday. When has QL turned into a restaurant REVIEW ONLY website? When did that happen? Also all the comments are showing out of the pink boarder. the reply and edit are all messed up. Waiting for the proper fixes :) Thanks
please just bring it back to the old one.. it was fine the way it was... now everything's mixed up in the recent posts, PM not working, and no buddy list, and most of all NO POINTS... :(
The new format sucks......Its confusing and not userfriendly. Forum topics should be seperated from all the others.
Oh dear. Don't fix it if it ain't broke. What have you done to QL?!
* Where has the recent questions posted box gone from the right?
* I don't like having recent topics, hot topics and recent comments - it's all the same thing to me
* Why is everything suddenly the same font and size? It's boring and confusing - especially the "submitted by" and date before the message - can it go back to the bottom please.
The rest is just a really wierd layout and I guess I'll get used to things but at the moment the classifieds look like there's an error on the page and it's all stretched out because somethings missing.
Please put it back how it was :( I haven't found anything yet that's actually an improvement.
NO POINTS!!!I'm outa here, too.
Testing, testing, no points????
and i just noticed, we don't get any points for posting comments.. might as well be off to bed.. :/
MJ just be thankful that I am not the one personally fixing it else it will stay like this forever :P
WK, it's already "tonight".. I agree with Xena..
i dont like this version ... prefer the old one ....
I used to avoid the classified section here on QL like the plague, but now it's sooooo much easier to navigate through them and there is such a HUGE selection! I hope this is going to make my home-hunt much easier. I still can't believe some of the deals I've already found.
Looks great, before I couldn't make heads or tails out of the classified section.
Thanks Ahmed (QL Admin) for your kind and prompt response in regards of the price list,,,,,,,
Price of cars on the main search list is a very important issue for selecting.
this new entry of: 'Submitted by....' is confusing...
the old '...... said' was much better as you can see immediately who posted the comment - now you almost have to search for the username:-(
Ahmed, the comments are not fitting well in the pink space it seems misplaced. also rather then submitted by user, the old format of samix said was way better and standard
wa salaam
I received an email saying someone has left me a message, but the link leads me to a QL page 'ooops' even though I am signed in...can't find a link to my inbox anywhere now
Pls help!
I received an email saying someone has left me a message, but the link leads me to a QL page 'ooops' even though I am signed in...can't find a link to my inbox anywhere now
Pls help!
folks, as Mod has replied above. hes working on it. the mix of classifieds onto the forum isnt intended. so lets wait for the final version. cheers.
I want my old QL back!!
there's a bug on mine, i can still see people posting crap.
the old design of qatarliving was nice and all ppl are familiar with.
i hope the new version comes with new features and faster.
the old design of qatarliving was nice and all ppl are familiar with.
i hope the new version comes with new features and faster.
..hope things will be organized soon.
where is inbox???
I Want My Inbox Back, :(
Khattak both of us have too much time on our hands, reading everything :P
WK.....Great Minds think alike ;)
Come On the whole thread before posting. Ahmed has already clarified many things..... the classifieds issue would be sorted out by tonight.
Ufff someone read ahmad's post, that issue will be resolved by tonight.
the efforts are appreciated, but the old format was way better.. please don't mix up the classifieds posts with the forum posts, it's flooding the recent posts... :(
can this be restored? was useful..
can this be restored? was useful..
ahmad are you alone or it's a team work?
Q/A section is mingled up... under new questions there are old & irrelevant answers.
way too slow, have to wait ages for pages to laod, all way too tedious.
QL is not working for me anymore.
way too slow, have to wait ages for pages to laod, all way too tedious.
QL is not working for me anymore.
I want my old QL back! period.
its all mixed up... become headache!!!
its all mixed up... become headache!!!
Forum Topics only...
This things with the classified being added to it is frustrating, cause all I see are ads and no topics...
I think Stories (group topics) Should also only be seen within the group, not on recent posts too...
Sorry, my two cents worth.
all I could see are accommodations, ads and whats-not?
Where are the topics?
Thanks Ahmad - its working now!!
Cant see menu now or
Where is my INBOX and SIGNATURE line?
Can't see menu, was there in morning when the site was up
If you place your cursor on any New forum, It shows that the forum has got 5000+ or 1000+ comments but in real, it doesn't have that much comments.
this new virsion of QL is annoying..
the old 1 is best..
now even the menu is goooooooooooooooone
Give the guys few more days for the dust to settle.
I am unable to see menu on top but i guess it's being fixed.
i cannot see "My Menu" tab.. and the other tabs
Reduce the size of it na?
The classifieds getting mixed with the recent posts will be resolved hopefully by tonight. Take it easy folks.
Ahmad, Qatar Living
please dont mix up the classifieds on the recent post page. its so annoying. kind request. thanks for considering.
I can't go into LL by clicking on it. Also some other things do not sem to work. I get something about a "meditiation Guru"? Odd, very not here to do yoga, you know.
the old ql was nice.. this new1 is confusing..
WK has already clarified. :-)
Yes flor you can.
It shows Forum Topic if it's on main forum and story if it's in a group, just like before. To know which group it's under, you have to click on the thread same as earlier.
unless you click the thread itself, that's the only time you'll know that it's either a forum or a certain group' thread.
swissmiss, I can see the photos that you posted on your ad.
Aside from this advert?
Ahmad, Qatar Living
ebut I don't think most of us like the new QL.We want to see the recent post on STORY ,FORUM but not the recent posts on CLASSIFIED ADS.
We will go to classied if we want to see something on it but other than that we prefer forum topics all the time.Not all of us check classifieds section.
Photos are not uploading on the classifieds... :(
Forum Thread means a thread posted in the Main Forums. Story Thread means a thread posted in a Group.
what is forum and what is story thread. The old format is way way better!
I'm sure we all appreciate your efforts, but sadly the results are less than satisfactory.
Could we program RETENTION PERIODS for postings under classifieds to atleast have the automatic regular maintenance of it.Then, we can unload the database for faster browing I guess. Anyway 1 week of posting could be enough. If unsold and still have the intention to post, just REPOST. It wont hurt you. Also, for those who doesnt care once their item was sold, QL automatic deletion/purging shall do the task.
One thing more, provide a LIMIT on the number of postings per account. Atleast, for those who love posting, reposting, reposting & reposting of the same item just to make their ad on top or in the recent list, they will be forced to delete first their previous AD under their account prior to reposting.
Isnt it good????
ahmed....we'll keep on being "Offensive" till the "flag as offensive" tab is recovered ;)
whyteknight ☺
You know us, we will keep whining ;)
The Classifieds price/image issue is now solved. Working on the other issues, one at a time.
Ahmad, Qatar Living
It is better if your could add "two options" under the Recent Posts bar.
Like this:
Recent Posts
* Forum Topic
* Classifieds
The above will simplify the Recent Posts and will surely help the users.
still QL is unorganized website ... good information .. but bad layout
Oh....I guess its already been in practice..... Bundle of Thanks for that. Ahmed....You ROCK :D
As you are already working on the maintenance & changes...please do change one more thing. When we click on the "new posts" against any navigates us directly to the new post in that thread...but once the thread enters the 2nd page or multiple pages, it doesnt work and only shows the initial post. Kindly make it possible for every 'new post' if possible. Thanks :-)
Don't want to see classifieds when I click on recent posts, rest is fine.
good day to sir ahmad.. can you create seperate button for my recent post.. and before i can found delete button in adverticement, but now.. the delete button is missing.. please fix it.. thank you..
i totally understand this chaos...
thanks ahmad.... great job
gud wrk....but where is questions tab????
I dont think too many people will waste their time if no price is showing.Why is this?
I appreciate your work but dear its lots of confusing now,,,old version is much better and more friendly but now its really very confusing....Plz do something.....
*Signature line should be there
*Sender information should be on bottom not on the top.
Q. Why now we use SAVE button?
Q. Why the QL points are same even after submit new thread/comments?
old qatarliving was nice (sorry)
can you please create separate 'recent posts' for classified? It's so annoying to see all 'for sales' and 'accommodation' in it....
Don't give false hope to Ahmad.
I don't think more Qlers will be interested to post a topic. Imagine, after posting for just five minutes that post will be in the 5th page.
no prices at classifieds :( :(
Excellent Job Ahmad.. Thanks for updating the site..:)