Did anyone saw Doha sky?
around 11:30 PM, near airport I saw in sky something like a fire lamp, it was rising up,
and started to travel towards right side..., i thought it's balloon but speed seemed little faster than it
could not have been plane or helicopter due to fire type impression?
took some pictures from black berry also will try to load soon,
just wondering
when i first read that sentence it just remind me of my teachers sentence always use first form of the verb with did..as i was doing the same mistake many times
sorry irff plz dont mind..
You will need to teach him what is the first form, also what is that is called a verb. This dude is really funny. I read every post of him. He has yet to write a grammatically correct sentence. Pakistani English:)
some grammar major QLers..
"Did anyone saw Doha sky?" always use first form of the verb with "did"
my relatives are here to bring me back home???
weeee...... lol
can u post the link of new post irf77?
lol..w8in 4 pic
see thread with pics
ok how do i attach pics to this post now? or do i need to create new post now?
me too waiting for the pictures
people , do u think they are UFO?
in suspense..
waiting for pic