Feel like a fool
Every time I go shopping in one of the largest hypermarket in Doha,I get the feeling I am made a fool.I buy the meat/fish and just go to get my other shopping(by the time its ready) but the weight never seems Ok.The other day I put the fish pieces together like a jigsaw and believe it a piece was missing from every fish.But unfortunately I was at home so I had no evidence.
Surely the fish is sold by weight and not jigsaw pieces!
Becareful.. lots of fishy things are happening in Supermarkets..:)
Thats serious and funny same time .. how come u started having this doubt ? any particular incident ?? cause we dont check all these before ...
as soniya said, i have nothing to commend but advice you not to ask the shop people to clean the fish there ...and u do at home urself :)
Don't get into trap again, next time be careful!
Sonia.... I have to take u with me then........................ok
I am not joking but its really happened,next time I report it to the customer care
I don't know what to comment..But i m laughing actually..y don't u catch the fish urself then??? isn't it a nice idea???
Very strange. This is not normal here. Where do you shop normally?