Where are the Qatari Folks?
It occurred to me yesterday while I was at our koffee and bowling meeting in the Qatar bowling Center, that even though Qatarliving.com was created to help out the expats settle in, I'm sure there are so many Qatari people on the site accessing it.
Then why dont they show up for our gatherings?? I'd really like to meet the friendlier side of the Qatari world. This is your country and we'd love to get to know more about it through its citizens. I'd like to see some locals at our meetings.
If you are a Qatari, is there any particular reason you dont like to socialize with people on this site? If you've checked out our social gatherings we'd had people attend from all walks of life, but never seen a Qatari come out and have some fun with us except for Amnesia.
What do you guys think about this? What could be the reason we dont see a lot of Qatari at our events and gatherings?
smoke, fraternizing in public with us would end up hurting their reputation in their extended family circle. Sports is one activity which I guess is exempt from that judgement.
Deepb even if its to expand the social circle whats the harm in that? Does it hurt to make a new friend? Wonder what sort of events Qatari's would be interested in?
I know a few Qataris that share my love for pool as well. Perhaps you need to tell them to join the billiards club :P I'm planning a new tournament soon..fingers crossed
FS you might have a good point there. I know a lot of people who think that every Qatari has some link to someone very important. In fact a few years back a friend of mine jokingly said...in order to be a called a true Qatari, they have to have prove to other Qatari's that they have "wasta" with at least three people who hold a good post in various organizations :P
Dont know how far that is true but its a shame really. All the Qatari's in my office are so freaking friendly and helpful perhaps i should invite them out with us next time :P
smoke, most of the social events are for people looking to expand their social circle. If it was an interesting event, they might participate, as they already have a huge social circle of family and family friends. There could be a few that I know who might be interested in your pool contests though.
This is very sad indeed. Next time if anyone knows any Qatari's get them along :)
Maybe they are scared...if they are friendly with expats people start asking them favours
like...visa...job..wasta etc...
I know Indian, western guys who reqularly party/gettoghter with Qataris... these Qataris are mostly the easy going guys who are more open minded ...
I think Qataris want to socialize as well, to have some freedom and self expression, new friends and interest. However, they are tied by cultures and traditions which I believe is really conservative and they have to strictly adhere and follow that and we should respect that. We should also try to understand that all of us our tied by our cultures, traditions and values.
Perhaps they just want to be extra careful and they don't want to be misinterpreted by their actions and dealings with other nationalities - especially with non Arabic/Muslim.
Hmmm....they were busy with other things! LOL
But honestly, even in the road you will see more indians and expats than QATARI FOLKS....
Or some other family function.
For a business and take their Sponser charges,Royalty or what ever you call,
Keeps away from the Expats except the Press Meets
Majority prefer to keep a closed circle of family friends.
Ahlan va Sahlan !!
Kaif Halak ? Shunu haada ?
some of his friends first, and that will make the ball rolling!
Tried to come last night, Smokey, but was stuck with my children on a debut party of their friend.
Anyway, hope to see you tonight!
NO you bald baboon, i'm talking about the actual Qatari Citizens. The Locals.
you mean Qatari - The Mod of QL ?
i dont know were is he ?
If he is here then why we see all time PressfLow and Guru Meditation ? :(