How much is standard salary to survive in Qatar?
Please help me,
I am an Indonesian nurse, I got an offer from HMC (Hamad medical Hospital) in Doha. They offer me QR 6,800/month and they give free accommodation. Do you think this salary is enough for a single woman living expenses? because i've heard that if we want to have a decent living we need to at least be paid QR 10,000/month, is that true?. I think living and working outside is not all about getting experience, i mean, we sacrifice many things, being away from family and friends. Thus, the reward should be worth it. If i want to save a bit from that salary, do you think this is possible for me?. I am in two mind to take that offer, but i can't make a proper consideration since i know nothing about living in Qatar and about their culture.
Please fill my space of knowledge here, Thank's a bunch
Tolong bantuannya,
Saya perawat dari Indonesia, kmrn dpt tawaran dari HMC (Hamad Medical Hospital) di Doha. Mereka nawarin gaji QR6.8000 per bulan, tapi penginapan ditanggung. Kira2 dengan gaji segitu apa bs mensupport biaya hidup saya disana? saya single tapi saya juga pingin bisa nabung sedikit2 dari gaj itu... Saya juga gaktau gmn kehidupan disana, budaya mereka gimana ya? apakah aman bagi perempuan keluar rumah sendiri? apakah kita harus pake baju hitam2 dan jilbab semua?.
Tolong kasih masukan yaaaaa, masukan berupa info apapun akan sgt hargai... karena saya butuh nfo apapun ttg qatar dan seputarnya.
Terimakasih banyak......
Go Ahead.
goood .......
that's more than enough.. you can still send extra money to ur loveones back in ur homeland
Less your expense between 1500 -2000 Qar and calculate the rest of the money and convert it to ur currency and decide ....
I sincerely doubt you will be able to save around QR4000 or QR5000 as mentioned... and live on what QR 1800 a month.. I dont think so.. what about food, transport and all other incidentals...what if you want to go out on the weekends - there is no way you can save that much...unless you are planning to do nothing at all and live on bread and water !!!!
It is good offer my dear enjoy your life in qatar wish you all the best
If they are providing accommodation then it should be ok. All the best with your new assignment.
Good luck habibi, that's fair offer enough, enjoy your life here in DOHA!
I too would suggest u its not a bad offer..Just grab it..ALL THE BEST..
Yes, you may proceed without any hesitation...
For single this is okay salary, u can save around 4000-5000QR after your all expenditures as well, because company is providing the accommodation as well, go ahead
You are fortunate with this salary, do not hesitate go ahead!
a lot of peopel are less paid than you and they have tough jobs.
anyway, the salary depends on the origin country economy and currency power.