If any body can help me.
One of my friend was unable to continue his job due to his medical reasons and had to go for long medical treatment and rest. His employer did not allow him a long leave and he had no option other than resigning from his job. His employer cancelled the visa and my friend left the country immidiately for his medical treatment. After getting well, he wants to come back and settle his left overs. He has a lot of assets and vehicles to be disposed off and also some matters of insurance and stock investments etc.
Now when applied for hotel visa, the immigration asked to provide a No Object Letter from the ex-employer. When he approached the ex-employer, he refused to be given any kind of cooperation in this regards. Although he has no intentions to find any job in Doha, as he already had set up his business in India.
Now can any body advise me how can i help my friend to come back to Doha at least for few days.
Well, he has already tried a lot for NOC giving the genuin reasons and offering a guarantee letter that he would leave Doha within a month as soon as he settles his leftovers, but its been refused.
I really dont understand this system. I have tried all ways, but cant help him. Wish if there is some procedure which can help.
Well NOC is must..Kindly speak to your friend's ex-employer again and tell about the genuine problem..Hope it helps..