Happy breathing!
Belly Breathing
"Focusing on the act of breathing clears the mind of all daily distractions and clears our energy enabling us to better connect with the Spirit within."
Breathing is one of the body’s most complex functions. Yet it’s one of the most accurately beautiful phenomena. If you plug a stethoscope into your ear and listen to a person’s breathing pattern, you’ll notice it sounds exactly as though you’re standing in a field listening to the air swish and swoosh its way through the tall grass–
it’s the most incredible sound. Of course, that’s only for non-smokers; if you’re a smoker, then you might not be too happy with what you hear!
Breathing correctly: However, often we don’t breathe correctly; we think we’re doing it right, but all we’re actually doing is breathing shallowly, using only the upper portion of the lung so that the lower parts hardly receive any air! The drawbacks of this shallow breathing include mental fogginess, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, stress, aches and pains, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety – the list just goes on…
Benefits of belly breathing:
1. Reduces anxiety, depression and stress-related disorders
2. Helps clear your mind and perk up your concentration
3. Helps slow down those thoughts that go around sprinting through your mind
4. Strengthens your abdominal muscle as well as major neck and back muscles
5. Helps you sleep tight
6. Last but not least, it helps release endorphins (aka happy hormones) making you, well… HAPPY!! =)
Breathing correctly also helps with psychological disorders that manifest themselves in the form of physical pathologies, such as obesity and eating disorders.
Doing deep breathing before your prayers will help with concentration, and before sleeping will help you relax and have a sound sleep. If you want to do it while lying down, make sure you are lying on your side, propped up on fluffy and comfy pillows!
To perform deep breathing exercises, you must:
1. Sit upright in your most comfortable position and relax your shoulders and neck. DO NOT SLUMP, under any circumstances!! Slumping always makes breathing difficult, since it prevents you from taking full breaths!! Is your back straight?! Good!! =)
2. Now place the palms of both hands on your abdomen, just between your navel (belly button) and your chest, but don’t apply any pressure. This is basically to provide yourself with physical feedback that you’re actually using your abdominal muscles to breathe rather than only your chest muscles!
3. Once you’re comfortable in that position, just practice relaxed breathing; feel your hand move up and down. Then exhale completely, until you feel your abdomen become concave.
4. Follow this by inhaling a slow deep breath through only your nose (as far as possible) and count to at least 2, or to maximum of 5, all the while pushing your abdomen outwards.
5. Now close your eyes and hold your breath for approximately 3 seconds. This ensures equal distribution of air throughout the entire lungs.
6. Then finally breathe out gently through your mouth, but make sure you don’t immediately huff out most of the air.
7. Repeat this about 5-10 times. You’ve mastered diaphragmatic (belly) breathing!
8. Give yourself a pat on the back!! =) You may now return to normal breathing, but try to repeat this exercise 2-3 times throughout the day, so that eventually, belly breathing becomes your standard method
of breathing. If at any time during the exercise you feel that your attention is straying, try transporting yourself spiritually to a place you love. For instance, I’d imagine myself in front of any shrine, or the Ka’bah, places that give me serenity. You’ll find your attention coming running back to you!
Happy breathing! =)
good one
why dont you put the source.............
What you discribed is pranayama in Indian Yogic system. To live life free of deceses and conencted to god to live with peace and happpiness this is the way. What you discribed is only one way of complete yogic cycle.
there are much more than belly breathing which really helps you a lot to face life in every day happily and successfully .
Search in google for BABA RAMDEV yoga. He is a winderful hindu preacher follow his instrctions you see wonders in your life.