Guidelines in Transportation Allowance During Paid Vacation
I would like to post a question regarding the IMPLIED PRACTICE in Doha, Qatar regarding fixed transportation allowance. When an employee goes for paid annual leave, is he/she suppose to receive his/her fixed transportation allowance? I understand that several employees utilize this allowance as payment for their car loans and/or monthly/ contracted rent-a-car which, like housing/accommodation is still regularly being paid monthly even when the employee is on vacation. Therefore, if there is no specific restriction mentioned in the contract, is it reasonable to consider giving the fixed transportation allowance for paid annual leave since the treatment for annual leave is the same as working days as far as the budget is concern? I would appreciate the views and recommendation from HR practitioners in Doha.
yes, the contract may state that the allowance will paid on a monthly basis, but of course there will be that guidelines and restrictions as it may deem applicable, legal and lawfull.
Marinara - We also have contracts that state allowances are made on a monthly basis, regardless of whether you are at work or on vacation.
Please there no such thing as implied when in comes to the benifit payments to employees. These are rules written and approved by the proper authorities. We have the labor codes by the Labor office as well as the implementing guidelines by each individual business entities for the uniform payments of benifits of their respective employees. HR people should agree with me.
why should you be paid with your transportation allowance when you are on vacation? Transportation allowance is different from that of housing allowance. You are on a holiday. Think of it and be sensible and be reasonable. you don't travel to and from your residence to your place of work while you are on leave and these is the purspose of transportation allowance.