May You be Truly blessed.
To the stupid women in the silver Honda sedan with, not 1, not 2, but 4 small kids in the car (one on the front seat, 2 in the rear and one sitting backwards on the centre console, facing the back window) without any carseats....
The next time you decide to tailgate other drivers... you might not be so lucky... if I didn't have such quick reactions and didn't check what was going on around me, I wouldn't have been able to swerve out the way of the car that pulled infront of me, and then proceeded to slam on brakes.... and you wouldn't have had the extra time to react either.... and then at least two of your kids wouldn't have made it to see the end of Eid...
Subhanallah...not for naught did Allah say that he gave wealth and children as a test for people.Truly people are ungrateful for the blessings their Lord bestows upon them and rather than safeguarding them simply take it for granted!
You hit the nail squarely on the head!
Dont believe that the Qatari's really care about the driving standards here or else the roads would be properly monitored by the police, and not just stick cameras up. I know this topic has been bashed a million times but the driving here really shocking. I used to dislike the traffic police back in the UK but i would absolutely love to see them here for a month!
Not reflecting from this thread, but I get it from others....
I couldn't agree with you more:-)
Xena, here is the thing. We are not in our own countries. We are told that either to accept things as they are, or to get out. I am doing
What ever it is we think is going wrong , it is, as we have been told many times, not our business.
I actually am expecting that those who mention those things will soon be blamed for them. No, don't is, after all, ALWAYS our fault.
We have them back home too, but wasn't sure anyone else would know what I was talking about:-)
I agree with you fully about the safe distances - in the UK most motorways have painted chevrons on the road. Simple but quite effective.
back just near my house one lady in LC was driving as if she owns public road, And since I care for my environment i was so patient didnt horn, there were another two guys in lane waiting for her to move, and this lady was busy mingling with her kids.
I had a similar experience a few days ago,when a LC ,driven by a man in a disha dasha, screamed past me on the racecourse road.There were several small children inside playing around,standing up,play fighting etc.The vehicle was weaving from one lane to another,into gaps not really big enough,causing a lot of hard braking from other drivers. I don't know what speed he was doing,but he left me standing and I was doing over 80k at the time.Like you,I dread to think what would have happened if he'd crashed,but it wouldn't have been very nice. What they do on their own is their look out,but to behave like that with children inside is utter madness.
Stupidity has no limits.
All this happened so fast, but when I finally had time to reflect, all I could imagine is if I hadn't done what I did do, my reation would have been to break, which would have meant she would have hit me from behind and the little boy who was sitting on the consul backwards, would have probably been laying on the front seat of my car, having shot through his mother's windscreen and my back window.... I shudder at the thought... who knows where his brother in the front seat would have wound up...
Isn't it time for Traffic police to monitor women driving with Kids
want a flashing sign at the back of my car that says "keep a safe following distance of 3 seconds"
back home, if you mark a certain point on the road that the car infront of you goes past... you should be able to count 1 thousand and 1, 1 thousand and 2, 1 thousand and 3, before passing the same point... then you know you have a safe following distance...
Here, there is just no concept. I have now gotten to a stage... when someone starts to tailgate me - especially in the middle (I move over if in the fast lane), I slow down... I don't put my foot on the break (sometimes I might tap it, just to show them I am slowing up for traffic ahead), but I take my foot off the accelerator... They soon get irritated enough and move over. Heaven help if I am hooted at or tailgated in the slow lane (which has been happening frequently of late).... I slow right down and crawl, literally.... and I do that just to p*ss them off....
Stupidity or just arrogance - who knows.
Glad everyone if OK..