Can designation on QID can be changed.
Is it possible to change your profesion on Qatar ID after you change your sponsorship . My employer wants me to change my sponsorship , i am hired as a mechanical sales engineer but he is telling me thaT i can not get the designation of MECHANICAL ENGINEER on my Qatar ID though I got my degree attested from foreign affairs office and my embassy in qatar,he is also telling me that i will get a designation of "employe" on my ID and after some time they will apply to change it to Mechancial Engineer ,also my contract clearly states that I am hired as a Mechanical Sales Engineer.Designation right now on my Qatar id is student.
I would really appreciate suggestions and comments .
Please i need this suggestion very urgently , HELP ME OUT
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Visa cost for the Mechanical Engineer is higher as compare to Employee I guess your sponsor is trying to save money.
Changing designation in your QID in not a problem you will have to get your degree translated into Arabic and get attested (Asia Typing Center in Sofitel Hotel dose that) and pay the fee for the change.
yes it can be changed
do chECk THe cOmPnY sTaTuS ......!!! ChEcK oUt Is T aN rePuTed cOMpNy Or An ..... cOpaNy .,..!!! As IN thZ CaSe THe cOmpNy cAn compEl oR MAk U wOrK eVn AS aN loBoUr Or fOrMaN f nEEDeD .... as YU aR n MeCh EnGiNeeR ...yu NeeD 2 GeT thT StAtUs ..AS iF iTz An REpUtED CmpNy nO NeeD 2 cHNgE ....bUt If iTz nOt .....ItZ thE mAiN thnG yu HaV 2 nOtE n ChnGe YUr SttUs 2 McH EnGiNeR.... !!!BeTer DnT fAl n TrUbLeZ ....Tc
You can forsee big trouble and problem in near future through this employer,he may ask ask you to do any job he likes,beter be carefull and check how the company is