Visa Cancellation and Exit Visa
I am leaving Qatar forever and my employer has send my passport and Id have gone for cancellation.
I need to know if while leaving country for the last time do I still need the Exit Visa or just the Visa cancelled stamp on passport is enough.
Some people say that once Employment Visa is cancelled then Exit Visa/ Exit Permitt is not required.
I am confused :( Can someone please tell me about the whole process for cancellation and at airport pls.
If your RP is cancelled then no need of any further Exit permit.
If your RP is cancelled then no need of any further Exit permit.
Since the ID canceled on the passport u dont need any paper els
cause cancellation will do all but u have to leave in 7 days from the date of cancellation
There is more to life then this exit visas. Some companies have people whom they call managers busy taking the company to the dogs in the name of changes and in the process removing people whom they cannot get on with in the name of recession, new ideas, etc Ask your mandook about the same and hold him responsible to get you out of the place
once your RP is cancelled, the exit permit is not required.