Why Oh Why Oh Why!
Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrpmph ..........Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpmph ..
Made the mistake of driving to Wales yesterday .. Got to that little bridge connecting them to the mainland and the toll was 5.50 pounds.. Bit steep, but ok.. It probably pays for new wellies. On the return NO TOLL.
So, why oh why oh why do we have to pay to go to Wales, which is a Principality of ours anyway, but they don't have to pay anything to come to England..
What "Why oh Whys" do you have - if any ?
I like your logic..
Pay the "entrance" fee and then all the sheep rides are free..
By the way - Did you know the Welsh have found a new use for sheep?
Brit... it's a theme park you pay to go in, not come out.
True Qhris, I totally agree. My daughter, who was in the car with me, wondered why so many sheep were being mobilized today and came up with the perfect explanation herself: 'mummy, they are so dirty that I'm sure they are taking them through the carwash and then bring them back all clean'... Bless her :)))
Sorry for the hijack Brit... Still talking about sheep though ;)
They say that religion takes faith.
I believe that beliving all the 'halal' meat is actually halal takes more faith....
The sheep Market on Salwa Road is total chaos today - and the way those poor sheep and goats are being tied up and transported, considering those are their last few hours of life...... Very halal indeed (NOT!!!)
Wish I was in Wales paying toll... Not long now though ;)
Why Oh Why Oh Why you did not visit the sheep market on Salwa road if all you wanted to see was sheep
There are no sheep in Gatar :O(
Why oh why u left Qatar and went to UK.
Because they are lulling you into a false sense of security, and then smack you with it on the car parks and on the M6 (also a car park)
Variety is the spice of life ... But not at such cost.. Look you is it.. :O(
why oh why can't there be longer hours during the holidays? :P
Why oh why would you go to Wales? You know we have sheep in England too, right?