ı need a big help
hi everyone.i know u will find me crazy but ı need someone to help me.i dont live in qatar but my fiancee works there and his birthday is soon. ı just wanna make a little surprise for him.for example ı wanna send a birthday cake to his office.so where can ı call? or is there anyone who has other good surprise idea for me?? pls..:(
also ı wanna ask about address.he works at the new doha airport area.what should ı write for the address? is that enough- new doha airport area?? or do people call any name for there?? thanks again friends.
ohh thanks for your ideas.ıf only ı could fly there but ıts ımpossible now:( ı thınk ı can call the number that crusher charlie gave me.but ı dont know if my credit card will pay to another country or ı wanna be sure that the bakery will deliver it..also ı wanna post a letter or some photos.what do you thınk? and yes faheemuddin ofcourse ı will send lots of sms..
break up ...that will be ever green surprise for him......
Thats so sweeeet and Romantic thought...
YAP!! U can send a CAKE, B-day Card, Basket of Chocolates/Sweets, a coupon from a rust.for lunch/dinner, Gift packs, hampers, his/her favo.items(via.local courier), u can plan every hour suprises/gifts... and what ever of ur romantic idea!! everthing is possible
BUT YES... dont forget LOTS OF SMS and EMAILS... :-) :-)
its no more a surprise since ur fiancee will be reading this.....!!!
go for something nice... deal with a decent Hotel, they will accept your credit card, do the delivery and you can trust.
I would suggest the best cake shop (western style) is the La Cigal Hotel
be prepared this will not come so cheap
Check Elle France
call the bakery basket 0097444360222. They are nice people and will write want you want and they will deliver