hey QLers
I was talkin to my friends yesterday
and was talkin about blackberry and when my friend told me to write blackberry backwords and when i wrote it i saw it like this: yrreb-kcalb! now i know yrreb could mean arab and kclab means dog so it means arab dog( im not sayin it) im not sure if any 1 would find that offensive or not. Even i can't make my decision. now im seeking what u all say.
"Pay Every Penny Save Israel". Especially since Pepsi got it's name in 1903, 45 years before there was an Israel. You guys sure do fall for stupid things ;)
Here is one for one to spell backwards...tiwkcuf!
Get a bloody grip.
Stupidy is not a Crime so you are free to ask stupid questions OR to do stupid things OR to say stupid things OR to think about stupid matters OR to keep freindship with stupids OR to be a stupid..
well i know arabic very well...and it the spelling of arab dog is arab kalb not kcalb and arab as arab well i think if you didn't spell it well i mean pronounce it well in speaking maybe no one could understand you...but first always ask the meaning before u use the word cuz it could be a really bad word also...hope u understood what i said...:)
i don't think that s true!
Conspiracy theary again......
I would'nt complain if they change it to Blueberry. I love blueberry pie!
no need to make big issues about it.
I don't think the makers of blackberry had the intention to insult the Srabs or any Nationalities....
Yrreb-kcalb, could never be pronounced ARAB KALB. Doesn't make any sense.