Are lesbians banned in Qatar?
Hi All!
I'm planning to leave the country and try my luck in Qatar. I'm an out and open lesbian here in the Philippines and I wanted to know if lesbians are banned in Qatar. Any advise on how I can find a job?
Your inputs on this is highly appreciated since I'm already on the process of preparing what get the work done.
Please advise. Thank you.
Are you a lesbian?
befriend me :)
just dress like a lady when you come here just to pass the immigration at the airport...
gtrman...because I'm on leave and got no time to answer you....I know u r one of us (Filipino) that's why you know what chaka means (chaka-ugly)...
to answer you, it refers to my profile pic, now satisfied...? and I think it's none of your concern, it's out of the topic...there's some QL members here who's signature is not written in english...
how come u know that I've daughter? u can mention, child or son? I think you know me idi*t!
I can say your an idi*t doctor (if you are really a doctor)...
As far as I know doctors are "man of science", how come that you are lack of knowledge about homosexuals while science itself knows how it happens during pregnancy?....tsk tsk tsk...if you want the answer for your additional knowledge, just use your google engine or r u watching NatGeo?
Don't watch too much "teleseryes" it'll make you as what u r now :)...just a piece of advise
I have seen cows performing cunnilingus!
with a link detailing animals that are known to be homosexual....
Apparently, you cannot trust anything on the internet.... the fact that it was written in a medical journal apparently meant nothing...
Tinks, in a previous post by grtman on this thread - he said that animals aren't homosexual... Nomerci and I were just proving him wrong...
its otherway round rather, animals are perfectly 'straight'......unlike human beings!!!
@nomerci - eh?? which animals? i only know one animal who do that...
grtman, you don't seem to realize that animals DO have sex with the same gender.
better come here and see it for and enjoy a little hehehe
stay optimistic in everything you do, dont let others bring you down no matter what happen.
britexpat : hahaha... now that's homosexuality.. lolz...
britexpat : exactly.. all i wanna know is if there's anything i would change since again i'm still preparing myself if i shall indeed go there... i was told that women are "asked" to wear skirts and make up.. that's something i don't think i can manage.. lolz.. everything else, i can... i mean if u read my post, i ain't the vulgar type.. and i go there, i will definitely just work... alright.. maybe have fun a lil... hehehe
painther : nice inputs... keep it coming... :)
See Verse 7:2 'Song of songs' or 7:2 'shir ha shirim' and find the carpet munchers!
a very simple inquiry which needed very simple answers, one self-righteous joins the fray *sigh*
One lesbian frog turns to the other and says..
"Hey.. we do taste like chicken"
No1 : this subject is really interesting, fascinating!!!
No-2 :Some people, here, think they have 'copyright' of God & whatever they interpret that's God's version. Any1 who thinks otherwise is anti god etc etc. My question to them, didn't God creat all of us, irrespective of our belief system and s#&ual orientation.
I hate having an agent (or interpreter) between me & God.
N0-3 : Homosexuality is natural because it existed from even pre civilization age however our forefathers banned/overlooked/kept under carpet because it's against social system.
No-4 : It's all bl@@@dy chemical locha (hormonal secretion)which makes a person attracted to another...just chemicals....nothing else......Lets not take it seriously!!!!
God is good, all the time.
life is too short to be bitter
wit wiw aracel... worthy in the eyes of the lord... you totally have it... hehehe...
i just hope his kids don't turn out to be homos... coz if they will... i know how f*cked up their life would be to have a father as homophobic and just like what he mentioned... outdated as he is.. lolz.. tsk tsk tsk... :)
ok gtrman.. your turn.. attack me more.. lolz...
answer my question.
@lostinspace......ayo guess what ur a bigger idiot to actually read what i wrote and comment on it......
@arcele....i m really lost on how else to say it if u just go about skipping what i mean n my points and avoiding all my questions.....sorry for u....
@xena..... tht was another topic and i was being candid....i didnt orient to the fact tht i hunt for them!! i m happily married and i was highlighting my not a priest!
am just curious.... while you were reading up on all the homosexuality in the bible, did you skip the part about being chaste?
From your comments on another thread and reading between the lines, I would suggest you practice what you preach;-)
'oh yeah! ...
all i gots to say is.....the bigger the better!!
looove big ladies.....jus a lot more to love if u know what i mean? ;-D'
Read more:
"lost souls in the country". wow, precious.hahahha.. if God loves the sinning human being, then why can't you? Do you think that by shunning those who are different from you makes you more worthy in the eyes of the Lord? really? judgement is the job of God. Don't usurpe it else He will be unemployed if that happens:-)
You are an idiot, full stop.
its so funny, yes i know the message of love, ok now when The Almighty says that this is evil and so and so is bad, that doesnt mean, oh but u know wat its ok just love the whats the resultant the person will continue being what ever he wants to and does whatever he or she wants..... who are 'we' as low humans to change what the Almighty God wants and sees right or not........its like ur the judge and u say... yes u did this bad thing which allmighty God frowns upon hmmmm but i love u anyways so jus go ahead!!! so do u love a sinning human being more than u love the Lord ?? Ultimate hypocracy.....!!!! thats why the town of sodom was destroyed.......!!!
u cant respect someone who doesnt respect the rule of the Almighty All wise GOD......Alighty God didnt send the book and rules to be changed and "evolved" at will whenever u want and desire...... im a human being and yes i do sin and make mistakes and im far from an angel....becuz i m a human being....but theres something called as conscience, we get out and into it......we dont constantly live outside it.....and for that these people need to be guided.....
its a smimple matter of upbringing and what basically is the basis of the society i.e. the family, if we practice what The Almighty wants us to and follow his commandments, and respect the rules ur fine else u will have such doubts and go about saying oooh hes a homophobic/old fashioned/fundamentalist/outdated.....etc: heh...a scene comes into mind goes a bit something like this...... a mother somewhere in a country out there will be like "oh you know what my son works in qatar....oh ooh yeah and did i mention he is also G**?!!" I doubt thats something to be proud about!!!
the morales of the society frowns upon it and so does religion and so does some governments (thank GOD for that!) i know this person wont contribute or deduct the number of such lost souls in this country....i know there are alot of them here, and sadly some of them are even it really doesnt matter if we had another indiviual!!!
@lost------ ur really off mark.... im not the one advocating homopsexuality....ask the ones who are advocating it!!
as it says in the bible in mathew 18.9 if u try to cypher this text it means.... if something or someone is causing evil then u might as well be away from it....
whyteknight: no i won't... im there to work and not "advertise" my sexuality... thank you...
Don't advertise your sexuality and you will be fine.
Keep the hairstyle, Jeans & Slacks are fine.
whewwww... i didn't know this thread would bring so much interest and RAGE to homophobic... anyway, thanks for all those who answered gtrman's conservative view and/or just rude arguments... i really don't care about what he thinks so chillax guys... everybody is entitled with their own opinion...
anyway, back to the topic... so with what i'm reading... lesbians are welcome as long as i will not be vulgar especially in public... no need to change my hairstyle... slacks and jeans is ok... did i get that correctly?
i don't have plans of looking for any girls or what not... i just want to work.. that's all! hehehehe...
But no Lesbian make Love me....Yani wattodo?
I love all Lesbians! You are welcome too!
"peace in middle east"
With you in the first place, my question was to gtrman not you. Why feel the urge to comment on that?
i would do the same, love her with all my atleast we agreed
It would not be my pefect scenario but i would love her just as much all the same. What is your point? and by the way, who rattled your cage?
ask urself lost!!! that is ur own flesh and blood!!
Tell me, what would YOU do if YOUR daughter turned out to be a lesbian? burn her at the stake? have her 'exorcised'? or would you just love her for who and she is?
are you following me PS? hahaha LOL =P
every humans can come to Qatar
yes u can come to Qatar...just be discreet yourself
homosexuals can not bear a child together, sure. but that doesnt mean they're not humans. again, they think and they decide. humans.
my head is perfectly fine, thank you. you ask about what constitutes being human and i have answered that already. thinking and deciding make us humans. this is a direct response to your insinuation that a homosexual is not a human being but an "it" or an "organism". so then i told you that having judgmental view is sick and evil.
your knowledge of the bible is commendable. it's just sad that you missed the message of the whole book, and that is to love, to respect others. homosexuality is frowned in the bible, yes, but that's because the era it was written was soooooo long ago, no one knows any better. since then, everything that was written in the holy bible are either affirmed, revised or ruled out altogether by church authorities/ scholars. or why do you think incest, concubinage, polygamy and slavery are outlawed now in christan communities. the church may not approve homosexuality, not yet, but they also preached tolerance and respect for their kind. i never heard the church saying that homosexuality is evil. maybe before but not NOW.
im not worried xena......when u have GOD almighty and all the sane world with you......theres nothing to worry about....
oh man i need to grab me a smoke and listen to some bob marley......what a sweater...!!!
I do love the new breed of QLer.... even when presented with facts, they still deny it....
Don't worry Grtman, you are not the alone... there are a couple of others out there, who think just like you:-)
nice one xena........... im sorry we live in the internet and technology GOES.....i.e. just abt anyone can set up a web page and claim hes seen homo animals getting busy......har har!!!
im sorry i aint buying some balooney off some fancy looking website to change the prespective......
thts great u know ur bible, now what does it say in Leviticus 20:13....what abt Matt. 19:4, and Matthew 19:4-6 and Leviticus 20:13......lev 20.13, 1 rom 1 26-28, rom 1 18ff....hmmm i dont think thts a rosy picture and a carefree attitude either.... i cud go on and on...
i believe in jesus (may peace be upon him) too.... and yes he befriended everyone becuz it was out of his lofty and high position as the chosen creation of God almighty.....
im in no way saying tht im to judge WITH HIM and being in their position.....but it is wrong and she and YOU need to fix YOUR heads.....yes Jesus (may peace be upon him) spoke of enuchs but it seems everyones taking the free train ride and claiming tht they are all enuchs for the intention of cheap homosexual sleaze.......
heres another prespective....answer this (i know u didnt answer my previous question, probably u chickend out!) why do u think this so called behaviour if natural doesnt fruit to anything? after all attraction to a possible mate and the beauty of lawful sexual relationship is to have offspring....or do u like to go about with the gypsy 60's homo boom period slogan...... "all u need is love"??
maybe you would like to read this...
Where is Pilgram when you need her....
.... there are so many mincers around anyway, what difference will one more carpet muncher make?
Come one, come all .... just not at the dinner table.
what makes us human gtr? we think and we decide. that's it. yup, i know my bible. if i remember it right, Jesus (bless him) said that anyone who has no sin shall cast the first stone. He befriended the prostitutes, the lepers and other outcasts of society. so there. if the Son of Man accepts them, who are you to think that they are beneath your standing as a person?
no..i have officemates here in our company, he's gay..he's also a problem at all
yes "IT" is a human being but what makes us human....hmm is it becuz we stand on our feet and wear clothes or tht we speak words and actually have brains.....?
if ur religious then it says in all the holy books that it is wrong........and if ur not then look around nature..... hmmm i never saw two dogs "having fun" or two lions for tht matter just for the heck of it..."getting cozy" so its not nature its human psyche, i'm in the field and its a sickness, i know better.....
what i can say is tht ur the sick and disgusting indiviual passing on about a hypocritical stance about this issue.....
its wrong and evil....... ok then u think im wrong ok why dont u answer the question i asked "ang chaka" earlier....hmmm?
you dont do any muff diving on the corniche you will be ok.
she's a person, a human being gtr. whatever happen to doctors supposedly being humane and all? your judgmental views are sick, disgusting and sad!
trust me.......calling that an organism is actually too repectful on my side..... and i bet "ang chaka" u wouldn't have tht "tongue in cheek" attitude if say, ur daughter was like tht.......
yay.... lets all get into the g** band wagon!
sick disgusting and sad!
I think it's not right to call her "organism" she's still human... :)
we are talking to her, you are free to believe now.... :)
from a famous QLer's...
Oh Dear!
lol brit...i wanna watch who gonna be on top....
lesbos are hot
look at this organism talking proudly like she is all that with being a lesbian...... oh man....
and i cant believe everybody is talking to this person like its allright to be one! Not too long ago in the developed world or even from ur own country if u were so u wud be crucified and burnt at the stake or even shot at dawn or something.....
seriously get ur head checked or something..... just plain nasty!!!
i think that would be sisters' too, she has the same hairstyle...
kagester are you a high priest?
kagester did you laugh with those funny comments?
Jhavz next time u post a thread saying any lesbians here?..
then u will get a better picture..coz all are damn straight ppl here
i never said i'm a lesbian..i'm in limbo..but anyway thanks for the info,it might cleared my mind..:)as what i said i think i'm having identity crisis..
Have you ever courted a woman? have you ever had a french kiss with same sex? have you ever fall in love with same sex? lesbian is no difference with gay... if so, then maybe you are... :)
Answer :NO.
i like the thread turning its point n going haywire n funny comments... point here is--is it banned or not?.. not to find out whose is gay/lesbian?
tink/MJ - oh geez silly me?! :D
Jhavz...slacks & polo would be great...
pants, t-shirt, rubber shoes as well... just avoid jerseys lolz
chevydjak: thanks... what about hair style? i have a male hairstyle... :)
PrincessSarah, being infatuated with same sex doesn't mean that you are a lesbian...
Have you ever courted a woman? have you ever had a french kiss with same sex? have you ever fall in love with same sex? lesbian is no difference with gay... if so, then maybe you are... :)
one advantage.... u can enter malls every friday... just wear feminine clothes... =P
BALDRICK,, u can make ur own list man..put meg ryan..:D
Don't Come .,,,,,,
somwer, you know Colt is always insinuating something.. :P
a li'l girl on girl action won't do no one any bad :-P
baldrick,u like meg ryan?:)
what are you insinuating Colt? :D
i doubt... anyway... thanks for all your inputs... keep it coming
Expect Amazing! welcome!
I love dykes :-D
that's okay jhavz as long as you don't grow a mustache or beard :P
PS, can I combine two from your list and make Meg Ryan?
good... coz i don't think i would be able to wear lipstick and skirts... lolz...
FS - Those got Motiv8ed are not following the simple rule of keeping the passowrsd same LOL
Arien dont motivate people to make multiple ids...lolz
and now you're snoop dogg PS? hehehehe
FS may be the passwords got mixd up and not able to login lol
no they are not banned from qatar, but sometimes they ban stupid people,if it is too much obvious
It won't be difficult. You can still wear the denim jacket and jeans , but may have to compromise on the haircut and Doc Martins..
You shouldn't have any major problems..
not really welcomed, but you can bring your closet with you and stay in it.
darude is busy sorting out his lesbo camels :)
SNM,i love bones..HAHAHA
so it's settled then :)
where is Darude? this is his fav. topic..:)
Tinker no no no Brit is a guy.
@baldrick2dogs: i won't have any problem with keeping my emotions.. again let me just emphasize, when i say out and open it's not that i am vulgar and the like... it's about what to wear... how to look like.. etc... that's what i'm confused... :)
Yes Balders is right..Keep yourself to yourself..Maybe in the bars and clubs you may be able to express your effection every where else just like the rest of us, you have to follow the laws of the lands..:)
Hope it works out for you. I know a number of gay and lesbians working here in Qatar from phils.. So dont worry your not the first and wont be the last.
ewwww megan fox? she's malnourished
SNM,dont be confused. in fact my christmas list is:
1. Ryan Reynolds
2. Megan Fox
3. Jessica Alba
4. Kim Kardishian..
I love ryan reynolds..:)
you can always wear slacks jhavz and not too much on the hairdo i guess :)
So long as you respect Islam, you will have no problems with how you dress. Covered shoulders, no cleavage, skirt to the knee in public should serve you well.
To Jhavz - if you want to be openly gay and display lesbian affection in the street, you will very quickly be locked away, then depeportd. If you can restrain your emotions and keep it indoors there should be no problem. If Hetero couples are capable of doing this, I'm sure you can too.
Lesbians are bad, one lesb couple 'deprives' two guyz!!!
thanks for the inputs guys... when i say out and open, it's not the vulgar way... hehehe... i know how to control my emotions and respect the country that i'm planning to work...
my confusion is like the dress code.. hair style.. etc... so there, i wanted to know if i can still dress the way i dress here... or do i have to change wardrobes?? that's really my issue if you know what i mean... hehehe...
Yes Ate Lovemme Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New year 2011..
SNM,i'm in limbo now,.since nursery i'm having a hard time which one to check, a.male b.female c.all of the above..:(
not here tink ;p
lol PS! now i'm confused :D
SNM,i even contact the mods to change my username..they never replied..:)
i'm just saying errrr asking tink :)
so you're a prince not a princess, Sarah? :P
i love u too UK hehehehe, merry christmas buddy!!!
brit, you should have said "i wanna 'come' with you girls" and possibly you wouldn't be dissapointed..:)
duhh..even me,i'm having second thoughts with my identity,but i guess i'm just having identity crisis..:)
yes lovemee thats why i love you so much..hehehe
it doesnt matter if ur a lesbian or bisexual but u should keep it private. expressing openly can cause u a lot of trouble.
Good Idea Tinkerbell just meet him one day day not one night..:)
im a lesbian, and im here in Qatar..:P
oh come on brit! lol!
jhavz,it's ok as long as u know ur limitations..
no matter what sexual orientation one has here in Qatar as long as you don't create any problem, everything will be fine.
The lesbian couple next gave me a Rolex for my birthday.
It was a very generous gesture, but I don't think they understood me when I said "I wanna watch."
not lesbians, but lesbian marriages are banned over here. who know whats inside you, control your emotions!
take baldrick's advice jhavz, it's for your own good.
baldrick.....the problem is she is out and open..:(
oh gosh,,i should hide my affections then..KIDDING!
Tink, you can't ban someone just because of their sexual persuasion!
Welcome Qatar welcomes every one!
Yes, they are banned, but if you don't tell anyone and keep your affections in your own room then there is no problem.