By sammymagic •
After nearly 4 years of living and working in Qatar my company have told me that there is no longer a position here for me. They have also told me they would not be prepared to issue me with an NOC letter to join another company!!!!
Do they have the right to refuse this? WHAT A CRAP RULE! how can they have such a rule here in a country that wishes to develop? and they have the world cup coming here?? the word JOKE comes to mind!!
Have any of you been in my situation? if so please offer any help or advice..
Many thanks
or else u can come back agen here after 6 months tru ur new visa..
just talk to them politely and try to convince them to release you. If you aren't successful with it, then you don't have a choice but to look for other job and ask them to give you six months contract to work with other company subject for renewal every 6 months. Good Luck...
If you have any proof that you haven't lost ur job due to voilation of company rules or didn't resign, there's a chance to get NOC. just contact Human Rights Commission, they will guide u. One of my friends lost his job with a reason "job completion/no more required" and was refused to give NOC. He filed a case in labor court and got NOC but it took almost 7/8 months.
Its a stupid rule by a stupid country, and give the fact that the UAE have relaxed this rule and Qatar needs loads more workers for the upcoming WC work then things need to change quickly otherwise workers will flock to the UAE for better wages and conditions...Sorry to hear about your story mate, it should be mandatory that if a company lets you go (and your not resigning) that a NOC gets provided. If a company no longer needs your services then what do they care if you work for someone else.
Indeed sammy, when a door closed, another will open.
I know the rules but im just AMAZED by them! this country will lose so much talent when they need it the most!!! then they will regret it!
I suppose thats what happens when you have too many chiefs and not enough Indians! well actually in this country its the opposite! hahahaha!
I have my faith in Allah and i know his plan is greater! InshAllah i NEVER have to deal with such ridiculous rules and idiots again!
Peace! ;-)
You've been in Qatar for 4 years and you still dont know the rules of the land? Yes they have the right to refuse the NOC just be glad they are willing to give it to you so you can join else where. Else its bye bye Qatar and a ban for 2 years.
Just be nice to them till you get what you need. :P