Court Case in Qatar need advise
By back-in-Qatar •
Dear QL Members,
I am wondering if you can guide me in the right direction.
I currently have a court case open against me with a Travel Ban, this is due to a dispute with a landlord and the refusal of me paying the rent as per the contract...
this case has been open against me for 2 years, I need to clear this, where do I go, to do so?
Before anyone starts judging me, I have valid reasons for all of the above.
Your assistance / guidance would be appreciated very much.
Is it possible to come to an agreement with the landlord lawyer. Same i did.
I had a case which I won . If you need a lawyer, please PM me
Hi, I know this isn't exactly an 'answer' to your problem but I think this will go on for a while yet if it has already been two years, even then you may not win.
Is it possible to come to an agreement with the landlord so that the case is dropped, he may be keen to get something back and it may be cheaper for you than delaying your exit further or paying for a legal council.
Good luck either way