Very early this morning, I read in Gulf Times that the forecasted weather for the day will reach 47 degrees Celsius.. Newbie as I am, I don’t have any inkling at all how the weather here in the Gulf really “look and feels” like..I left my home at 6am heading to the office and I noticed that the weather is still friendly as it used to be..So non-chalantly ignores the weather..Period..It was almost 9am when I left the office for a couple of client meetings, as I head out in the office; I noticed that the weather condition was hotter than the usual even my eyeshades that suppose to protect me from the glaring sun (almost) burned the lower skin of my eyes..I finished one- two meetings at past 10 am close to 11 am and I’m on my way to another client when I realized something gush out from my nose (eww!) I was so horrified that it was a BLOOD..Nosebleed alert..My driver told me to tilt my head..He drove our car to the nearest convenience store and bought cold water and pressed it to my head and upper nose..I dunno if it’s the proper way to treat it but it did help a lot..If my memory doesn’t fail me, I was in elementary days when I last experienced nose bleeding..I realized that my friends aren’t fooling me when they told me that indeed it’s very very hot here and nosebleeding was very common during this season..Now, I have to brace myself and expect the worst of Doha summer heat..tsk!
It ok then you and I can open a shisha place of our own and be our own boss. :P
the neti pot does wonders. I use it ever day and it cut my sinus troubles (which included nosebleeds) by about 2/3. They do a children's version, but it takes some getting used to for kids and adults.
hahaha..i will lose the deal and the next thing will happen, my boss will kick me out from the office...
why not? At least it will grab their attention and they will be focused on your face :P
hahaha..i just can't picture myself talking with my client with tissue stuffed in my gross is that..can i just use your purr instead?lmao ;)
thanks a bunch buddy for the pieces of advice..will sure do it..
aww you poor thing! next time just stuff tissue up your nose and it should stop the bleeding. :)
Don't eat too much of chicken...avoid hot food....
Try to have orange juice daily and fresh fruits.....:-)
thanks mom_me..
I tried nasal irrigation for my child. Not with the fancy neti pot but a normal kid water bottle - sipper type. Stops nose bleed if one does it regularly.
i almost panicked because of what happened..good thing it did not stain my white blouse or else, my client will be wondering where and how did i get those
Dear, U dont need to get tension about this.It's becoz of hot weather..anyway, consult with a doctor to make sure. My friend has the same problem, I brought him to Hamad Emergency twice due to nose bleeding.actually it's horrible.. but, the Doctor said it's not a serous matter,it's just because of dry don't worry... don't squeeze your nose in bleeding time, just press some Ice cubes on ur upper nose for'll be stopped...
thanks britey..yup, I can't imagine how they survived the God even a few minutes under the sun will make you dehydrated..
Welcome to Qatar. now think about those who have to work outside the whole day :O)