Arabic Words for Today
With the weekend coming up, I thought it would be great if we know how to describe in Arabic the food that we are going to enjoy very soon:
ladhiidh - delicious
kathiir at-tawaabil - spicy
haamid - sour
hulw - sweet
Mr. Osama, please add more info, as before, or please add the local terms used, if any. Thanks!
good collection Africana
but on the 3rd line there is spelling mistake
Anti not Ani
and on the 4th line from bottom you can add
Akl = Ta'am = Food
ohiboka : i love u ; to a man
ohiboki : i love you; to a woman
Ani jamilah: you are beautiful
Anta jamil: u are handsome
Kam haza: how much is this?
maza: what ?
limaza: why ?
kaifah: how?
jedan: very much: for example ;ohiboki jedan: i love u so much
ohibo Africana: i love africana!
hiya: she
howa: he
hom: they
Pantolon or serwal: trouser
sayarah: car
Ta'm: food
maa:water .moya slang; means water
habibi: my beloved (man)
habibati: my beloved(woman)
Good luck to you as well, Laafonte! I'm sure you would eventually still find some uses for the Arabic you've learned here in Doha.
It's great to be able to speak Arabic as you live in an Arabic country. Well done dpatrick! Unfortunately for me, I won't have time to do it any longer. I will be leaving very soon. I've got 'Mastering Arabic1'by Jane Wightwick. If anybody is interested, send me a message.
Good luck everybody
Akd Zawag = Mariage certificate
Shahadat Meelad = Birth Certificate
Ragul Aamal = Business man
Tasreh Amal = Work Permit
Ea'ara = lending
Thanks, Mr. Osama. Pronouncing the letter "h" is really something that we, English speakers, have to get used to.
ackud jawaaz - marriage certificate
Shahahdid hidmilat - birth certificate
Raghul ahmal - business visa
Teshirah ahmal - work permit
eahraa - release
Har, Had, Hamed, Hulo
all "H" is to be spelled like the snake sound
Lazeez = Tayyeb = Delicious
Har = Had = Spicy (H in Har & Had = 7 "like in bahrain")
Hamed = Sour
Hulo = Sweet
Mor = Bitterish