Arabic Words - 09/06
By osamabawab •
Dawa = Medicine = دواء
Ebra = Needle = إبرة
Sharab = Syrup = شراب
Habba / Hoboob = Tablet / Tablets = حبة / حبوب
Marham / Cream = Cream / Liniment = مرهم / كريم
Horooq = Burns = حروق
Fe Al-Saydaleya Al-Dawa yomkn An Yakoon Sharab Ao Ebra Ao Hoboob Ao Marham lel-horooq = in the pharmacy the medicine can be Syrup, Needle, Tablets or Cream for burns
Have a nice weekend :)
I have 107 phrases/sentences wrote down in my book for everyday use. nothing complicated just basic stuff to help when im out and about.
It really does help and i am looking forward to learning more from you osama :)
shukran ya Osama :)
Sho al-Khetta Le-nehayat al-esboo'? = What is the plan for the weekend?
what will be the arabic translation of "whats the plan for weekend" ?
will u guyz stop talking in English, i cant understand ur English in this Arabic
Really!, anyway on 14-06 I will complete 1 full month of daily postings, then i will ask the admin for a separate forum :)
U R right, and for that reason i have started to use "Example" in order to use the words of the day in a sentence.
the problem i am facing here is that my postings are not a series where i can start from A to Z, but it is just a tips for expats where most of them read it one day and don't read it for many other days.
anyway, if anyone learns one word only it will be OK for me, coz most of us are opening QL for fun only (not for studying).
Thanks for ur suggestion, i will consider that in my next postings
i will think about some suggestions for next week.
Rd alaey b-resala = reply to me by message
Mustashfa not Mushtashfa
for next week i don't have a specific thing in mind, do you have any suggestions?
same to u :)
Doctora / Hakeema = Doctor (female)
..nice one for expats!
osama how do i say text me back??
i think mareed is sick rizks and mushtashfa is hospital.
Thanks for the last lesson of the week osama, look forward to next week. Any clues on next weeks lessons :)
Enjoy ur weekend. x
Lady doctor also Hakeem?
Mareez* = Patient/Sick person
Maraz* = Illness
Mustashfa / Mashfa = Hospital
Doctor / Hakeem = Doctor
Mumarred (m) / Mumarreda (f) = Nurse
*some ppl say Z but the truth is ض which is almost like D
hospital - MISTHASHFA, arbic is
Osama 'Mareez' is for Patient or for sick?
what for hospital, Doctor & nurse? did you post that before? maybe I missed it...
thank you so much for the daily arabic lesson. every morning when i open QL, this is the first thing i look forward to. Thanks and more power to you.
sharab is syrup, no doubt
inta Tamam ? zain, laish mai roh Hamam ? :)
ana wajid khoof osama...:( hai Ebra roh dakhil body mal aana badain aana shout ! LOL
Ahlaen Rizks Ana Tamam = welcome rizks I am Fine
Laesh Khoof? = why scared?
Ya hala Osama, kaifak inta ?
ana wajid scared mal Ebra ! :(
what an effort.. TFS!