Maid ran away!! what to do?
OMG! I am sooooooooo pissed off!! Seriously!!
Our maid who has been with us for 2 years and whose contract has been renewed and brought back from Philippines a month ago ran away this past Friday..!!
We had an argument, and usually the arguments that we have with her is because of the rude way she responds. We have been dealing with her attitude since she came to live with us, but when it comes to work and taking care of ur son she is amazing! She is a mother of 2 and she is 40 years old.!
We treat her very good! she only cleans the house, and helps me chop things up for cooking. I am a working mom and my son goes to nursery, so all she does at home is clean, and usually I dont cook everyday so she does not prepare anything while I am away but only when I come back home from work! Our son returns at 1:30pm home, and he sleeps at 2pm lets say. My husband comes back at 4 while I come back at 5pm. She sleeps at 8pm everyday and wakes up at 6am everyday. We never delayed a day on regards to parying her salary, and we provide her dawli card of QR25 every 2 weeks to talk to her kids. She goes out with us every friday, she eats outside with us, and we provide her whatever she needs like shampoo, etc. we never said no to anything! she asks for 2 types of creams and even 2 types of soaps!!!
We also discovered she carries 2 mobile phones. She told us a week ago she bought 1 number, and we said its ok, but now we know she has 2. We tried calling her to the 2 numbers but she isnt answering. A friend told us maybe she is at the her embassy.
What's next? we went to the police and told them, and now they are taking care of this issue. But what drives me insane is in what did we make a mistake!!!!!!!!! Im sure the big mistake we made was renewing her contract, yes sir, this was stupid stupid!
Anyway, its been 3 days and we dont know a thing about her, her passport is with us of course. What should happen now? Is it true that after 3 days if not reported back the embassy with be responsible for her about sending her back home?
Someone please help.
i find that she has all the right to tell the maid what to do when she is working for her. Would you be rude to your boss if he was rude to you? if she is not happy with the working conditions in the house, then she has all the time to leave. Respect is a given. This women can go and work where ever she likes and can find a good job, if she did not like this ladies house she should not have stayed all that time.
ah ok
symphaty?? does she needs one?? for what?? she just ask what to do with a run away maid.. and it was said she would go to the embasy or police to surender the maids passport..
wow..what is this turning into.. you guys are supposed to sympathise with the lady not attack her , & make her a culprit .. !!!Suzan .. the biggest mistake you did, post this issue out here, n then asking for people's opinion... this was supposed to happen !!
Some of the posts here sounds like they are from uncle Tom's cabin! Even Eliza was allowed to talk to other men. I am surprised to hear that even talking to strangers is forbidden even if the maids are adults!
our employer keep our pass port.. they dint ask for our consent.. i just hope it is secured..
i wish all people are like you.. very right.. were just not fortunate we aint born to a land that is rich of gas and oil, but we aint complaining.. we do domestic jobs to survive.. what we want in return is a humane treatment.. may GOD pour bleesings in your family.. wish u long life.. ty
I guess people here are trying to make joks of peoples miseries to cut the story short if the maid had any issues or didnt want to continue the work for what ever reason then she could have terminated the contract and gone home with out having to run away or any thing .
however they usually run away becouse they want their freedom in evry thing even having men over ,parties etc.(two mobile phones)one for business and one for pleasure.its too obviouse.
and by the way keeping the passport is not against the law if it was by the consent of the employee.
I somehow randomly found this thread when searching for something completely unrelated but though it sounded interesting... I am now not sure whether it is all a joke or not?!
I have recently moved to the UAE from New Zealand and am sharing a house maid with my sister. She works for each of us on alternate days. She comes and cleans for us for three hours in the morning and then is free to do whatever she likes for the rest of the day. She lives in the maids quaters on the compound and keeps her own passport. She also looks after the children at other times of the day if we need her to but we don't require her to do this very much as we look after our children ourselves when we can... as we are their mothers! She has the whole day on Friday off. We pay her 2000AED a month and to me, this seems a small price.
If what people have written on this forum are their true opinions then I am more naive than I realised. I can not believe the lack of empathy and the ignorance and selfishness of some of the people who have posted on this forum. We are all human beings... with feelings, wants and needs. Nobody is better than anybody else, despite what they might like to believe. If you pay your maid very little (regardless of whether this is the norm), work her all hours of the day and do not give her a day off or allow her the freedom that every human being deserves then you are a heartless monster. It is not right. Ask yourself.. is this what I would want for my child? If the answer is no then how can you convince yourself that this is okay. That maid is somebodys daughter and mother. We are just very lucky to have been born in the country we were born in or we would be the ones put to work.
It makes me sad to learn of the way some people think. And sadder to know that it is likely, if not a sure thing, they will never change this way of thinking.
Hayss its unfortunate Philippines and India dont have oils and gases.. I wish we do.. so we dont have to be treated like slaves and kiss someone;s offence..
What is the name of your maid
This maid is worthless. Complete the paperwork request to obtain a maid that is grateful for her better life in Qatar. She will appreciate what you have given her and will work hard for it. The are long lines of women around the world waiting for such opportunities.
This maid is worthless. Complete the paperwork request to obtain a maid that is grateful for her better life in Qatar. She will appreciate what you have given her and will work hard for it. The are long lines of women around the world waiting for such opportunities.
i think ur maid ran away coz she's a control freak and doesn't respect the fact that she's NOT the boss of the house... get another one quickly and be happy she's gone out of ur life and make rules fast concerning the new comer NO Rude Maids!
I certainly wouldn't want to work for you, you sound a complete b**ch.
Xena proved how little I know about this subject, so I am not going to comment any further on that which I have no experience of.
TB. I was just saying that I respected and treated my maids very well. Go back and read my notes. Every body we know commented how much we spoiled our maids. I do know they are human beings and dont need you to tell me that.
I was just saying that the more they get the more they wanted "only my last 2 maids". Its never enough, they just want money and dont want to work for it. They lie lie lie and take you in sircles till you get dizy.
I still love Philipinas, I would still hire them and still respect them. But I learned my lesson not to spoil and to be firm with them.
lol Padre.. The last Maid we had only lasted 3 months so I am afraid we do not get on with maids well.Her complaint was that she did not have anything to do as me and the wife did everything in the house, and she got so bored that she wanted to go home. lol
with you! Lol!!
Now the plot thickens. Did she just run off into the desert with no food no water, or is she residing with her bf? or a friend who promised that she could get her more money if she run away..or is she at the Philippines Embassy ready to be deported and go home! so many question so few answers..hmmmThe saga continues..
Very easily done. No nationality charges more to be maids. If they leave prices for everyone will go down.
@ 2012 Olympics , goodluck! :)
Also, what will Philipines do if they can't send maids to work? The government is only hurting its own poor people. I don't care personally anyways as all know Phillipina maids are spoiled and not worth the trouble fo employment as the original poster of this topic has learned. Best to find another nationality that is more grateful for opportunities to live in Qatar and will charge less!
hmmm.. well if so.. then yup..i have to learn about british humor, cuz i don't know about that at all..
Plenty of other poor nations to send their women as maids.
2012 no more maids in middle east is allowed anymore just heard from the philippine news ^_^ i hope so ^_^ 2012 no more no more no more ^_^Now, to all mothers out there you can now file for resignation paper to take care of your own babies and dont forget to clean the toilet and the kitchen ^_^ hehehe ^_^
ingeniero you have much to learn about the British sense of humour
TB...I agree on that shooting suggestion...:)
wasn't expecting such a statement from you atleast :-/
This problem can only be solved .. if people stop employing run away maids...
Shoot all maids on sight I say
A maid once told me that she just came here as a maid for a Qatari family, just to run away and work outside. Only reason she wanted to come here is to be with her bf and could not find any other option to come to Qatar. In such cases even if we treat them well they will run away. They have no intention to work as a maid in the first place.
When they are out in public, they even keep a crumbled copy of some other passport with valid RP and change the face with their pic in the copy. so that if asked they can just show that. (Am I giving ideas to all illegal residents here?)
never realized that fact. Anyway, i meant no offense in my post! I fully understand each part of my country!
Flor, you will see that we don't hire from Manila:-)
precisely I asked where you got your services. You said Ilo-Ilo. If you check my post, I am talking about main MAnila City as basis.Thank you for the info, so next time I vist the province, I will go to that place you mentioned.BTW, Philippines implement regional wages quota not the same on each regions. And Ilo-Ilo is still consider a "rural" area and the region it belongs is somewhat a "a way far" from the national standard!
TB... I was just responding to this statement of your previous post:
"I would not sign up to that at any price, who would?"And I assumed that your question was not directed at people who are already in job and their reaction as a result the circumstances changed, but whether they would come to work given the circumstances to which I just said...they would.
This is just how we as a company operate.
Remember, the company I came from didn't treat their staff with any kind of humanity, however this company has way more respect for us as employees, hence the reason we are so thorough with our interviews and why we travel ourselves to meet the ladies:-)
I cannot speak for other firms.
Xena if everything is explained as you say, and they truly understand what they are entering into, and they can justify those conditions to earn a wage that they find acceptable before traveling, then I withdraw my comments as they are ill informed.
To the orginal poster. Sadly this is what happens when maids are spoiled. Happening very much due to westerners who think they know best for all people. It does no good for her or you. No choice now but to report her. Hopefully she will be caught, punished and deported, and you will get new maid. Learn from you mistakes. Indulgence is not kindness.
They are told - as part of the interview.
Again, just going on how our company operates - we gave the ladies worst case senerio - Not allowed to leave the workers camp without a chaperone and only on their day off for a certain number of hours.
Things discussed at Interview and reasons:
1) Job description - Issues of the recruitment agent saying one thing to snare them and then they don't want to do the actual job hired for once here.
2) Family and previous experience: Is their family support and have they done this work before - important because without these two things, its hard for them to adapt.
3) Salary expectations - self explanatory - most of them give an amount around the BASIC we pay - that is without tips, overtime and their monthly bonus
4) Where are they from and are they married - Large city or small town - goes to the mind set - married women especially with kids are far more reliable as they have a responsibility to home - young girls with two much city experience don't accept the curtailed time - where as married women don't fuss about it - they are here to work and thats it.
you will be planning your escape to a place outside Qatar than in Qatar isnt it?
HG I signed up knowing what Qatar would be like, and I am happy here. I like Qatar a lot, I am enjoying my time here. But then I get one day off, I can talk to whomever I like and I can socialise with whomever I want and go whenever I like. Remove my day off and ban me from speaking to anyone I choose and lock me in my accommodation and I would be moaning like a good one on here and planing my escape regardless of how much I was earning.
True and Sad but thats the fact..Well Said Xena..:)x
I can tell you that for an hour full body massage I paid 200pesos (QR20)... at the Sarabia Manor Hotel in Iloilo - would you like the receipt - I also paid 190pesos (QR19) for an hour foot reflexology, and 100pesos (QR10) for a mani/pedi - don't play clever with me Flor.
I have never been in the habit of lying - Oh and if you'd also like a transcript of the interview I had with the Filipina who got a wage of 1,500pesos - I can give you that too, along with her phone number, and address.
Flor, don't take me for a fool, believe me, things are worse than you can imagine, while you are sitting pretty in Qatar, your countrymen/woman are in a bad state of affairs - I saw that first hand!!!
TB...we all signed up to work here inspite of knowing how it is going to be ...everyday rants about how bad this place is, isnt something new that we arent privy to.... and also people who declared openly how happy they were when they were leaving but then came back as couldnt find a job outside or as much paying job to say one wouldnt sign up when told of all those constraints may not be completely true.... end of the day if you have no means to earn or you have the option to earn more you tend to accept everything ...once there is a trickle of extra money one starts giving wings to its desires and wants them then immediately without any logical reasoning, etc. ....that is where the problem starts.
MAIDS are HUMANS and they should deserves freedom atleast 1 day off during fridays to avoid the boring faces with there bosses. And it shoould have Freedom to speech with there fellow country people in order to avoid bad breath (atleast opening there mouth).
Ok s_isale, I concede the point that they probably were made aware of the salary before signing up. But would they have come if they had been told they were going to be kept prisoner, never allowed out of the employers sight, not allowed to speak to fellow countrymen or indeed anyone outside the family, oh and they are not going to get a day off to have some me time. I would not sign up to that at any price, who would?
arent the maids told exactly what salary they are getting? Or are they being tricked to come here and work as maids?
Fadya... If I was you I would put my hard hat on, because there is going to be a lot of incoming fire. Please correct me if I am wrong, but to summarise your post:- Because maids may run away if you do not pay them enough, employers should not let them out of the house in order to prevent them learning that they are not being paid enough. Don't let them taste freedom because then they will want it. And you are suggesting that by institutionalising them, they will stay with you longer. It is my opinion that you talk like you are not discussing human beings. You talk as though maids are just slaves to serve you and should never enjoy the social interaction that humans NEED and REQUIRE. May God help your next two maids. What draconian methods are you going to use to ensure they don't realise they are being underpaid/imprisoned/institutionalised and run away? Pay a decent wage, give them a day off to relax and recuperate and alow them to interact and socialise with fellow human beings. Then they won't feel like slaves/prisoners and they won't run away. Why do people find this difficult to understand?
how much she pay her maid?Fadya, it's a case to case basis for each individual. My wife's friend (who happens to be a neighbor of us in our accomodaion), a Filipina has been staying with her employer for 18 years. That's right, 18 years. Now she received QR 1, 500 per month but that is starting this year only. Say if she started at 700, she maybe getting a 500 increase per year.So it's not the money.To Xena, sorry, but you switching of sympathy was affected by your actual experience of recruiting maids in the Philippines. But you said the magic word, the USD 400 as specified by the government should be followed but again, how many percent of employer here pays that?BTW, full body massage in our country is PhP 350.00 so can you tell me where did you had a PhP 200 service. I may go there when I go home for vacation.If a maid in MAnila is paid PhP 1500 (which I doubt very much as prevailing rate is PhP 3000 per month, just imagine that a typical household in Manila is earning a net of PhP 20000 shelling out say 2000, can a typical household here in ME earning say 20000 QAR can shell out QAR 1500 per month?And being away from your love ones is the hardest part. Its the emotional thing that one needs to pay!To the OP, the maid may have a legitimate grievance for running away (actually, did she?)
I found the post but not sure if these news was true...
there's a post that says - a filipina has been raped last friday. i just hope that it's not suzan's maid.
Gud 1
If suzan's maid reads this (which I doubt as she was not allowed to be HUMAN) please print and use against your boss as it is proof of breach of contract. You will then be released to work with another sponsor while your boss will be blacklisted and not allowed to sponsor again.
Suzan - your maid had a day off to look after your son? Are you for real? Did you expect any kind of sympathy from us? You have brought upon yourself what has happened. People who don't allow their maids to talk in their own language to other 'fellow countrymen/women' have FEAR of something being said on how they treat their maids! Do you realize that FIRST OF ALL SHE IS A HUMAN BEING???? Ask yourself what you did wrong. Touch your heart and change your behaviour towards your next maid. Pay her decently, give her a day off per week, talk to her like a human being and make her part of your family, NOT A SLAVE!!!
I remember somebody I used to know telling me that she could not understand why one night her maid climbed the huge wall and fence surrounding her villa and run away to her Embassy, giving herself in to be deported and claiming abuse. Until now, almost 2 years later, I still laugh about it. No need to say this woman is not a friend anymore.
Treat anybody the way you want to be treated.
Dear madam suzan,
ur resposne to my posting reveals the mental situation ur into.
When some1 write in a public forum, the opinion of different kind has to be anticipated.
labour law clearly indicates 1 day off, and you have admitted that is not provided. Though the poor maid works/worked for u, it is governed by a law. everyone is work for some1, u and me.
Hope ur could solve ur prob. soon.
jjj75... I also guessed so that Tinkerbell with her first post itself answered ...but then the brainstorming that followed I got somewhat confused, that may be if OP accepts to all the bad she is alleged to have inflicted upon the maid there may be some other opinion ...but now since you say so, I have no doubt that her queries were indeed answered......:)
HGL - I believe it was answered earlier in the thread
All said and done....considering OP has been completely nuts in her behavior towards the maid etc etc and her actions forced the maid run away.....does anyone actually know the answer to the questions OP sought in last paragraphs of her post.
what I would also like to know is how much she actually paid her maid - I bet even if she gave us a figure, we could divide by 2 and that would be probably closer the mark...
t_coffee_or_memaybe hahaha!
hmmmm is suzan & darude same just thinking
Suzan read what your write and you might have the answer to the question of why your maid ran away -
"Im sorry but no one I know allows her maid to go out alone for a night or something, we go out on Fridays as I say and she takes our son to play and she meets others maids there and they talk and talk and have fun as well. If this is not counted as free time then its your problemI suggest it is your problem and your poor maid's. Again - you never gave the poor woman a break, children are hard work and to be constantly at the beck and call of your employer/employers child is tantamount to slavery - last time I check that was outlawed here some time ago
ok DaRuDe is here lets all hide!
Whats up homie? Were you looking for me? Running away from my canadian boss? dude, dude are you 5 yrs old? get a life
long time no see too :D
at least she was good enough to pull you out of hibernation ;)
Whats up homie? Where you looking for me? Running away from my canadian boss? dude, dude are you 5 yrs old? get a life
long time no see :D
WELL WELL WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!I called for so muchhhhhhhhh attention in here wow!!!!!!!!!!!Im the maid, im the boss, it was a bad idea to write in here, but come on people with nothing to do, thank me for posting something so that u guys have fun with and use ur brain. Here at work I had free time so I decided to mess around with all of you, and I won. Keep up the good work - but what, what work? keep up using ur brain, it was dying, bring up words. Pendejos!
nowreasonforsmile who is animating in your post is it you?no offence
1- Ur maid run away and u are seeking help...2- I have already faced this situation in India but my problem was that my baby was very small and my neighbours called me in my office that my maid has locked my 1 and half years old daughter for crying on an open balcony of our 3rd floor flat...When we scolded her , she simply fled out....3- Here u have posted ur problem and u can see ur self that every second person is trying to scold u and trying to be a member of World Health Organization on the behalf of your maid servant.4- See maids are also human being.U know that ok now I know it but unfortunately these servants forget this point.For earning money they start doing the job but after a while when they see us laughing playing and happy in our own families they start missing their own families and they start thinking that if they would have that kind of money they would have enjoyed these kind of days too...Slowly slowly a kind of negative mentality develops somewhere in their deep minds.Although u must be doing a lot of good for them still they feel cornered for no rhyms and reasons and gradually it become a kind of pleasure for them to torture u in small amounts of irritations.Like if u r asking for something and they give it to u in delayed manner or if u need something to eat they put more salt in it or again give it to u very late.With kids it is more difficult because they dont know why all this is happening to them.So what I advise stop visitng this thread and trust me u will feel more better otherwise people here are good enough to give u more an dmore bitter words and u will one moment wish that maid was better than the people writing luck...
@heart killerwhere is her sister i think she also ran away from her canadain boss to meet her sister
She ran away? She probably found somebody who provides her with better living and working conditions and pays her better.
Of course, TB. I didn't doubt it!
LP I was joking
LP there are enough TROLLS around here lately for that not to happen!!
Raven, QL needs me. Otherwise you'd all fall asleep.
@LP- In my opinion, an exaggerated one ;)
In my opinion, i think the OP is a maid and trying to tell us her future plans ? :(
I mean, who will publicly accuse himself of breaking a law by keeping a passport and not given one day off during the week?
keep your opinions to yourself LP, you know the rules son...LoL
In my opinion, the whole story is made up.
bahahaha _heartkiller comes on QL voicing her opinion that others should keep their opinions to themselves....Pot calling Kettle comes to mind!
The maid is in safe hands....errr, i mean - hope she is safe.....:)
You too, TB!
Gone with the wind!
Naaaaa... I'm with HK, you should keep your opinions to yourself LP ;)
Anyhow, everybody here has the right to post his or her opinion. It is a public forum and not a private circle of bored housewives who have trouble with their house maids.
:) I guess is non of you business!
Formatted Soul
Im with you, but maybe she wanted some different options, but i guess this forum is only made for people with no education, that don't even know how to help or give fair opinions :)
oh woow, wat a climax ? :(
wat next ?
LP.. canadian migration is very
then she should have discussed this issue with you and not posted in a public forum for comments!!
What a funny family. You are from Canada and she is from Columbia. And you are sisters. Wow.
:) she's my sister and I think I have more right than you in giving opinions as i knew her maid and the way she was :)
_heartkiller, this is a public forum to air your opinions, you don't have to agree with LP's comments but he has the right to post just as you do...
Same to you, heartkiller.
Keep your opinions to yourself
I understand. You all think because she works as a maid she must be stupid. Lol.
So, she doesnt really have a day off? bringing her with you on friday night outs is not considered as off as she still needs to take care of your son and perform her duties. talking with other maids could be an idle time for her but not a free time, she will not be free to go out with them, (if someone asked her for a cinema) because she still have to take care of your son.
How about try to be a mother every friday, take care of your son and give your maid an off? its a win-win situation for you. ( See how close your son gets to your maid?)
LP thats not a good comparision... how can you compare apples with Oranges? just bcos of both are fruits?
just bcos she is around her mother's age wont give her the right to act like her mother....
honey READ well, she's her maid!!! even if she is 60! she's getting paid by her so she works for her, nobody told her to come to another country and work for ppl, so is like you working and your boss is older than you and u disrespect him he should fire you the same day even if you are older! so i think you should give your OPINION!
I know domestic staff that are allowed out on their own. In fact not only are they allowed out on their own, their meal is paid for by their employer. I bumped into them at Macaroni's Friday before last. They love the family they work for, and would never have a word said against them.
first i think you never had a maid at home from "philippines" so before you talk get an experience
trust me an affair with her husband? a dog wouldn't even look at her from her ugliness and bad education
suzan, you are under 25 according to your profile. Your maid is 40. Who the hell are you to tell a woman who could be your mother what is right and what is wrong? You don't let her go out on Fridays? Normally it's the other way around. Mama doesn't allow the daughter. Think about it.
Formatted SoulI never said she is mine, come on, and thank God she isnt. You know, the thing is the kid, my son, she loves him, well.. loved, anyway this is what made us tolerate her, and yes, even though she was rude we should have not renewed her contract, it was a stupid action, and now we are paying for it.jjj75Who said she was locked, Oh my God, what you all talk about, she was a normal woman, who was doing her duties, and always goes out and talks to her friends outside the house. About giving her free day, Im sorry but no one I know allows her maid to go out alone for a night or something, we go out on Fridays as I say and she takes our son to play and she meets others maids there and they talk and talk and have fun as well. If this is not counted as free time then its your problem
The fact is that you never let this poor woman out of the house unless she is with you, if you let her have the day off, she would be free to associate with whom she chooses and not need to bring 'friends back to the house'
what she does in her own time is up to her, except that you never let her have any of her own time...
yes she works for YOU..YOU.. YOU.. but you dont own her!!
Its not acceptable to talk rudely to the boss...why did you tolerate her such behaviour for long and why did you renew her contract? you could have brought a new one..
Happy shopping for another slave? do not, I repeat, do not talk stupidity if you do not talk like a normal person.I gave my 2 cents about what happened and I give a darn if anyone believes me or not, and you are talking about any kind of harrassment, does her talking to me in a rude way isnt considered harrassment? I talk to her when she is rude the same way she is talking to me. At the end of the day she is working for me, ME, ME, ME, do you get that?On the other hand, no, I DONT WANT HER TO TALK TO PEOPLE I DONT KNOW. She is more welcomed to present me her 'friends' I want to know her 'friends' If you dont know she lives in my house, and in my house there is a son, my son, so out of anything knowing people and maybe later bringing them home its a HECK NO FOR ME. So talking to someone I dont know? Out of the question, not acceptable. If she wants to present us, yes its ok. But she shows its something hidden, like she talks in her laguage, are you kidding me??When you talk about slave baby, talk with your brain, and not for what you see around you. Not all houses are the same, and when you dont know my house and my life, you keep your word for yourself, are you understanding me?
99% of housemaids runaway cases are due to employer's harrasment (harrasment of any kind).
Let us assume that ur in that remaining 1%.
Does it fair that a maid should not talk to anyone else to whom the employer doesnt know???
Can some1 impose personal rule on others????. What u have to see is whether she does her duties properly, for which u said that ur satisfied.
Housemaids are also human being!!!!!! they are serving u for their survival on this earth, which doesnt mean that they are ur slaves.
What u have to do is to inform CID and handover her pasport to them and the rest they will do.
Happy shopping for another maid (slave).
For ur info. in my boss's house a housemaid never stays more than 1 year though he is claiming that he has a US passport where human rights are glorified.
Once the people landed into Middle East, they behave like Shaiks influanced by the slavery mania
Ooops.... says I walking back out of the thread and closing the door quietly behind me.
Poor Susan lets have a break for lunch i hope today you gonna move outside so let us know wich restaurent are you going to have lunch and dinner...we will join you
i Think now try to find out another nationalty maid lets exprience with all maid in my house all maid is from India and they are working since 6 years one of them is philiphine she also working since 2 years i would like recomend you lets meet with another maid no offence
hey Susan Which fight are you going to fight
I think I'm in love ..honeylynne <3
Does anyone here posted that they've done something wrong on their helpers as a cause for her to run away? Of course not! You will not allow yourself to be humiliated in here, so you have to point out your good deeds and try to hide your bad side... but sometimes, even if how hard people try to hide it, it still shows one way or another.
To the OP- I am not judging you based on what you posted here., But i can only think of maltreatment (pushed to their limits) as a cause for maids to ran away. (maybe not physically) and especially if you are saying that your helper have 2 kids that she needs to support back home. She will not gamble her childrens future for the shallow reason that you gave us, there must be a heavy reason underlying which caused her to ran away. It might not be you but other's that surrounds her as well... could be your husband, or in-laws (am not trying to imply anything, just pointing out some possibilities).
On passport- I keep my own passport as well as all the employees in our company. (Also, this one intrigues me, if your maid ran away without you knowing it, why she didnt take her passport with her, i am guessing she have the keys/access to each rooms)
@honeylynne - the act might be stupid but not enough to call her stupid as we dont know the real deal why she ran away. (It could be more stupid if she stayed despite of maltreatment? i am not saying that there is though)
i just pray she's fine out therei'll just pray she's fine out there. im hope you Suzan and your maid will be okey. so that things will be the same as before.
kidnap hahahahahaso funny who will kidnap her its our country not philphine
Stop blaming her..unless you are sure she ran away... May b she was kidnapped while she just went out to throw trash!!!!! How r u soo confident that she ran away ??? Wait till the cops get back to you and pray shes safe.After all she served you for a good 2 year tenure.
@ are a disgrace with your comments!!
he Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "If anyone transgresses and receives punishment in this world, God is too just to repeat the punishment of His servant in the next. And if anyone transgresses and God conceals it and forgives him, He is too generous to go back upon a thing He has forgiven."The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "O God, grant me life as a poor man, cause me to die as a poor man and resurrect me in the company of the poor.." His wife asked him why he said that, and he replied: "Because (the poor) will enter Paradise (before) the rich. Do not turn away a poor man...even if all you can give is half a date. If you love the poor and bring them near you..God will bring you near Him on the Day of Ressurrection."The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once told his wife: "Do not turn away a poor man..even if all you can give is half a date. If you love the poor and bring them near you...GOD will bring you near HIM on the Day of Resurrection."--------- Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1376The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once told his wife: "Avoid Cruelty and injustice..and guard yourselves against miserliness, for this has ruined nations who lived before you."--------- Riyadh-us-Salaheen, Hadith 203
LOL, here we go.....
lol dont give ur contact details to anyone blindly- just for ur safety !
for the maids in this these situations, but now that I have am working for a company employing maids to work at part-time cleaning contracts, I have become a little more informed about how things work, with both the maids and the companies.
Having recently been in Phils to recruit new staff (changing over nationalities from Sri Lankan - Filipinas) It has been very interesting to note how badly they are getting paid in Phils - One girl earns 1500 pesos in a month - now that was shocking to me... espcially since myself and my colleague had dinner at a good restaurant near our hotel the night before and had paid 900 pesos for dinner.
For these girls, earning the monthly salaries we offer them, along with paying the airticket, providing the food, accomodation and transport, is way more money than they have seen in a year - So I now have no more sympathy, since during the interview process, we tell them exactly what they are signing up for. I know we might be one of the few companies that actually keep our promises and pay them what they sign for.
Alot of people in the ME, think that $400 is not a lot of money - you do realise that with the exchange rate at 42pesos to 1 dollar it amounts to about 15,000 pesos in salary, which is a lot of money in Phils, espcially when you are paying only QR20 or 200pesos for a full body massage;-p And what about the fact that they actually don't pay anything out of that salary - its all provided for them?
Also being on this side of the equations - I am also privvy to the reasons why most people "lock up" their maids or control their off days - again, while I don't agree with it, the trouble the ladies get into when left to their own devices, causes major problems for the companies and when it comes to recruit new staff, puts a black mark against our name because of what one of the girls have gotten up to and ended up being deported.
Running away can be fore many reasons, somtimes for something the employer has done, but alot of the time, because the employee has caused a huge problem and knows that they face deportation - and maybe, just maybe running away can stop her from being caught - that was the reasoning we were given, anyway!!!
forget salty man. It would be my pleasure to serve you wine.
Where is Susan i think she left the discussion any way i hope you will learn something by this mistake dont do any argument with any maid she will like you if you like her.
Agreed at joerobenson maybe all filipinas in qatar are the same :))
^_^ thats a salt hehehe i dont even know why salty ^_^ lol
"maasin" in their launguage means salty
what is mean of salty man hahahahahahapoor poymaasin
you use feet when running away
Maid issue ????
pleaseeeeeeee dont use bad words here
@Honeylynne, its not General Manager im just a General Supervisor in a very respectful company :) "wala kang kwentang kabayan" in english your a judgefull filipina :)
1- Go immediately to filipino embassy and submit her passport over there and if there are any dues of her on u..that too alongwith the passport.2- Ask them to trace for her and they find out than talk to her and ask her grieviences.
@ poymaasin you are wrongand dont use bed word here please
what da hell Susan What r you doingyou are loosing public suport miss. Susan
well honeylynne, you might be right but what if incase your boss was trying to rape you, would you still stay? It would be much better to her for both sides. We can't judge on one party only.
I agree with Dean
Based on what you are kind, understanding and gratious employer.
The workload for the maid is light and you pay her right.
However...the reason you are implying that the maid ran away just because of simple house rules is too shallow.
Other than legal formalities really need a heart to heart talk with your maid. Its a pointer also to consider before you get another maid.
you looking very agrassive cmon Susan
In every action there's an equal reaction.Even if you (employer) have had a series of arguments it doesnt justify her running away.What your maid did is bad for all Filipino who seeks employment here, regardless if its in the office or as a maid. Then again, giving my fellow Filipino a benefit of the doubt, maybe she have a valid reason for doing such. I am sure she knows the implications of her actions (she cant work to anyone, she cant leave Qatar without you knowing, she may go to jail, she may shoulder her own ticket back home, etc) but she did it anyway. From your original post, you seem a decent employer. You even pampered her with stuff beyond the normal emplyer-maid relationship. Im only saying this to maybe help you alleviate your irate feelings. All im saying is, inspite your kindness, she left. She cuold have done it in a right way by asking you approval if her reason is grave.Do what you need to do. Goodluck in your next maid.
what you saying everyone is crazy now i knew why she ran awaybcoz she was living between crazy people hahahhahano offence
lets come on the topicwell i think you fight with her.because you thinking she is going to take more power or ruling such as words according to you,make us sense that you are very awfull women no offence
khalids24Awful woman? everyone here is crazy, including you, no offense.
_______________________________[Cool down! Mod]
lets come on the topicwell i think you fight with her.because you thinking she is going to take more power or ruling such as words according to you,make us sense that you are very awfull women no offence
Formatted SoulI mentioned she had an issue of being rude. Like the last time we argued was because I asked her what did she finish at home, because he is very slow when working, so she told me and said that why am I asking her when I know how she works and I know shes clean and its been 2 years since she is here so I should stop asking her. Then I told her that its my right to ask her, I dont ever ask her, so when I ask her she maked a big deal. Then I started telling her that when she started making the disrespectful thing of not allowing me to talk, like I would talk but then she would talk also avoiding to let me concentrate in what Im saying. Then I tell her that she should stop doing that and respect me! I told her: you are a 40yr old woman, and you always say that you are educated, so people educated dont talk like this, you have to respect and allow me to talk first. Then she goes and says "oufffffffff" and goes to the kitchen and tells me "well you should use your education to know how to talk' I was like WHAT? I started raising my voice because I hated what she said and I told her you have no right to say that, bla bla' then she slapped my hand and told me not to point at her, then I help her hand and I told her that if she touches me again she is going to be fired.Then she tells my husband that she called the embassy and she told them I shouted at her and hit her. THATS INSANE!!!!!!!! Then we came home and we talked and she started to laugh and say that she feels sorry for me bcause once she goes to embassy they wont allow us bring another maid from there, then I told her i wont anyway, specially since she is lying maybe all are liars. then she says well even if bring from anotehr country they wont stay living with u for a day, then I told her well I wonder then why you lived with us for 2 years???????? She lived with us for 2 years and if we were doing something bad to her I dont think she would come to work with us again. This is what I mean by power. She thinks she can talk to us like she wants to. She has disrespected my husband as well. Like also the other time, which was the first time she has done it in 2 years, we were at villagio and then she started to chat with a man, I went crazy. Why would she talk to someone we dont know? specially since she told us by then that she bought a mobile number. Then my husband told her to not talk to any man we dont know specially in her language, and that we dont mind her talking to another maids of ladies from her nationality, then she responded in a rude way that she respects people when they ask her and she will answer when they do, then hubby said even if i ask u? she said yes even because i respect people, then we told her its not allowerd, and I dont care if anyone says we r not allowed to do that, but yes we do and we will, she should respect the rules, and if she is talking at least talk in english and then we wont mind at all.To be honest, she came back a little different, she wants to control more, adn work less, and again I say its our fault that we brought her.
BE - read what she wrote:
OMG! I am sooooooooo pissed off!! Seriously!!
I assume that she will want to employ another maid/nanny then she should seriously think about her actions and what prompted her maid to run away. All throughout her replies she perceives she has done nothing wrong and I can tell, even though it is her side of the story, that her actions have almost certainly contributed to her maid running away.
Majority here is right about keeping the is written at the end page of the passport mentioniong the clause that the passport is a property of specific government holder or issuing parties and its clearly mentioned that its illegal.Tink is also right, majority of private company or sponsor is keeping it and no one question it.
if this news is posted in Gulf Times den better dont blv it as many times the news are been proven wrong.
LP one needs the passport to cancel her visa.So this lady needs her passport to cancel her visa!
if ur worried about the maid its fine but i dnt undstand why you keep on repeating one thing about the maid's present status.... as if you were the one to drop her to his house
"The sponsor must return the passport or the substitute document to the expatriate when the residency procedure and the renewal processes are completed under Sponsorship Law. Passport is the personal property of the owner and as per norms, the bearer must keep his or her passport and present it to the authorities concerned upon request. Confiscation of employee’s passport by the employer or its representative is not in conformity with law; companies have no valid justification for retaining workers’ passports. The only authority allowed holding the passport is the judicial authorities concerned or in cases specified by the law. Therefore, keeping the passport of any resident by any other party, employer or mandoob, without a court ruling is not legal. The passport is related to the sovereignty of another state and it is a personal document that proves the holder’s identity. The employer is under legal obligation to return to the worker the certificates, documents etc. which the worker deposited with the employer upon expiry of the employment contract."
if Everyone is breaking the law, then why are we not being caught by the authorities ? :(
And why our companies are not blacklisted then ?
suzan...what powere are you talking about? can you give an example?
QL at its best.
She posts to ask for advice and people start having a go at her :O)
"Everyone keeps their passports"Then everybody is breaking the law!! Including you! And even if "everybody" breaks the law, it doesn't make it right.
joerobenson ..what a conclusion!...talking from your own experience?
jjj75Yeah, thanks for your input right there. Didnt help.joerobensonMaybe is that! hahaha!
it is the maid whom the topic for I dnt udstand y ur so interested in Rizks. he is not lost.
LincolnPirateEveryone keeps their passports t_coffee_or_meShe never asked for one. But Fridays as kindda off because we go out all day. honeylynneThanks poymaasinAre you kidding me?? hit?? bruise?? They can search wherever they want. To me is that she is bored of being a made and she wants more power and she tried to have this power while living in my house which I think she cant. Do you show your boss you have more power than him? I dont think so, right?
So let me get this straight, you snooped in her bags, you never gave her personal time off and you witheld her passport - you are gems of employers! - cannot understand why she ran away?
"We had an argument, and usually the arguments that we have with her is because of the rude way she responds."
Are you sure its Only argument no physical hit involve?
Argument is not really a common reason to make maids run away.
I hope police can't find any bruise.
I have my passport with me not with my sponsor and i dont find any logic to keep the passport with the sponsor until unless its for renewing of RP purpose etc. coz u cant exit the country or do work for other companies until your present sponsor gives u the permission ?
and hajmola, will u stop talking to me- i am not intersted in you - thank u
I have my passport, Rizks. Everybody else I know, has his passport, too. Maybe you deal with criminals, if you don't have yours.
LP, is ur passport with you or ur sponsor ?
It is illegal to keep the passport of a sponsored person except for the procedure of the visa. Google it, if you want to know which law.
Another interesting point you never gave weekly off.
LP..what law are we taking about? the same law that does not allow you to exit the country without your sponsors permission, so what difference does it make if she has her passport or if it stays with the sponsor?
i dont find it against the law to keep the passport ?
So, you kept her passport. Interesting, and against the law, too!
yeah sure she doesnt wana stay with us because she wants to rule. When we tell her about our rules she flips and she starts getting nervous and being rude! then we start arguing about how she should respect her bec at the end of the day she is working for us!!!!!If she doesnt want to have rules, or being told how to do things and when then I told her she should not work as a maid because anyone with maid tells her maid how to do things and when, but when I tell her these she doesnt like it!She has done few bad things and we have ignored them because we say she is fine at her work and she takes care of our son, so we forgive her. Like she stole few things from us when we took her back home for vacation, and I know this because I did open her bags and the things were returned BY ME, all she said was she was borrowing them. The items were not of value, so if she would have asked to keep them I would say yes, but then now she STOLE THEM.You might ask yourself why did we return her, because we got used to her and because the above reasons I gave and we said we will give her a change, she always cries about the situation in her country and she has 2 kids to take care of and a husband who does not work. I regret bringing her back and being nice to her. All we did is treat her well and I dont care what any of you think of. Liars dont live in my house so once we find her I hope she goes back to where she came from.
Shutup hajmola !
She run away because she doesn't want to stay with you. Now that is the fact. She will show up some where sooner rather than later.My advise start looking for a new maid and cancel her visa, which is very simple then she will only have 7 days to leave the country. If she stays after that she will living here illegally and inquire a fine!
better to inform CID, PP and maid's embassy........... don't give her PP to the embassy.. it should be handed over either to the police or CID.......
Poor Maid!!!