Return to LIFE is it possible ? ---
Kevin Williams' research conclusions |
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At some point in every near-death experience, the person returns to life. Otherwise, the person's body would die and their soul would remain on the Other Side. The person would experience death. But some people are given a choice as to whether or not to return. For example, they might be asked, "Are you ready?" Some people return because of a desire to finish their earthly mission. Once they return to life, they may say that God permitted them to return because their life's work or mission was not complete. Such people may also say that returning to life was their choice. This choice to return may have been permitted because it stemmed from some sense of responsibility for others such as a mother's desire to raise their children. On the other hand, some people are not given the choice to stay in heaven or return to life. After receiving a "taste" of heavenly bliss, experiencers may be told that they must return and therefore are forced to return to life. They may try to resist having to return. They may even beg to not be sent back.
Heaven is so good for me,if hell is crowded then i'll create Hellven..Who would like to join me there..? :D
Althought I do belive in God... when it comes to everything else, I have to see if to believe it. I hope I don't see IT anytime soon. LOL!
Prompted by this thread, I found these two articles that explain the subject a great deal.
SS, this concept is only in hinduism which believes in an eternal cycle of births and after-births till the soul gets salvation, which is the union with the almighty. But its just a belief to answer some basic questions of life. Nobody has been able to prove it.
Slapper, I understand soul doesn't exist. Atleast won't believe in a thing like it till I get a clear evidence.
dk, maybe..but in other religion they believe in reincarnation..that if you do good whilst you're still living, your soul will transfer to a good creation something..but if you done bad things your soul will transfer to an animal..
SS, I really don't know if there's after life or re-birth..Maybe its all a figment of people's imagination who try to justify why one should always do good.
I want to be a bacterium in my next
dk, on a serious thought i'm wondering where will i be in my after life?if i will reincarnated what will i be next?animal?plants?sea urchin? (hmm...scratching my chin whilst in deep thinking)
SS, I feel you understood the essence of living..:)
dk,ps and ukeng, hell is over crowded that's why we have to do something about it..heaven is too good for us and hell is over crowded and im impatient to wait for my whilst we're waiting for our turn..we'll party party here on kiddin Lord..sign of the cross and knock on wood:)
flan, you're dying wish is to be with your tigers and coronas till your last
i wanna catch my last dying breath in a bottle.
Dk I have been told that heaven is already full so I don't wanna miss out on hell to after that's where all the fun is gonna be I guess :)
PS I was referring to one that rises must die else how can one sleep counting sheeps :)
PS, Do you have any friends there in hellven..I could use your contacts and get a place for myself and then bribe the heaven's warden to sneak into it..:)
UK, See you in hell someday, would be fun!!
on earth and awaiting the day of judgement. That is what is written so really don't know where the idea of after death you will go either in heaven or hell started. And definitely, no purgatory! Cover to cover, you won't even find the word!This article is a product of imagination!
UK - why u have to die every night? are u suffering from insomnia?
Dk I die every night just to wake up to live another day.
Remember one time I died that even the angel of death refused to take me with him saying that I am on a long waiting list to enter hell :)
DK - how about hellven? is it crowded too? LOL.
I died a few days back but the hell was overcrowded and the heaven's warden didn't admit me because I had had fun with a lot of women on earth...not knowing what to do with me, they sent me back to earth..
I guess, I saw Kevin Williams on the my way back to earth..
UK - LOL.No way..:p
Tinky I have rediscovered my self bulleh shah get the hint!
Yes to qualify you have to kill your desires!
UK - Wow,good for you.. are there any qualifications for that?
I am into mysticism so I just about to reach enlightenment soon :)
Which is said to far more better than any experience a human can ever experience!
hahaha...sis you better believe it now..i mean "both" of you and ____..lolz
Uk & SS - Oh please stop
UK- Im roman catholic in my birth certificate. that's all.
Shish-oh yeah,.i dont believe..keep praying "ate".. heee heee
Shish I am referring to PS beliefs as she has posted! may God bless her and show her the the commandments Hehe
ukeng,ps doesn't believe in any religion nor dunno if this kid is kidding her "ate" here..but she admits it that she doesn't even believe in marriage and wedding bows..but "ate" is still hoping and praying that she will believe on it soon..(*wink at ps)
Shish, I'm referring to PS comment above regarding exempt from flying in heaven or burning in Hell :)
ukeng, exempt from what?
PS in that case all Roman Catholics are exempt then? Hehe
they're so many accounts written about the return to life..coz even my mom experienced it before when she was still in comma that she was walking in an endless tunnel that everything is pure white..she even seen and meet our relatives who already departed and asking her to join them..but since we are too young that time, she choose to return to life to live..till now, whenever she think of it, it always give her chills..that once, she almost left us motherless..i dunno what to do if my mom dies..
lol... is it in the funnies?
Tinker - I will write u a letter if i can find pen & paper when i get there..:)
Burned in hell or fly to heaven,Im not yet sure..I dont believe in any commandments..that's something i have to find out.:)
If you die peacefully than you rest in peace else you soul be wondering until it does find peace!
Life is much enjoyable especially when you don't have to pay for any thing and the consequences :)
I dont think about death now. Im not worried when it will be or how long i'll be here. I want to enjoy life. If i worry and think about these things now,i'll surely miss the good things in life and probably die bec.of stress..:p
"May we all have blessed ends and an eternity of bliss.."--- i just believe in one ---- its if its ur time its ur time...and if its not yet ur call ull survive....- its only a matter of time every body will go somebody... i ask that "return to life is it possible "some of us experience things that happen long time dEjavu...whatevr...
each one of us have got our own candle,and it can be called candle of life.our life can be based in that candle when you start putting fire might gonna be stay long or stay short time in the world.but when its gone,its gone cannot be back anymore because its already melted.
Reading such research findings makes me believe that some people literally live by my signature line !!!!
As a Muslim I believe that we live as long as God wills and will then die when He alone wills. We will be then resurrected,tried for our deeds, then either will have an eternity of happiness or misery due to what our own hands have earned. According to our Islamic beliefs ,whilst God has given us "choice" in many matters of our life in this world as far as death(when,where,how etc we will die) and our afterlife we have no choice. That said many people have experienced near death situations. Where you truly believed you were going to die only to survive. I have had such situations and in that case I still believe I only lived,not because I chose to, but cos it was not my God granted time to die yet,Alhamdullilah.And that it was simply another lesson from our Lord as to know that death is unavoidable so be prepared.May we all have blessed ends and an eternity of bliss..Aameen!
'On the other hand, some people are not given the choice to stay in heaven or return to life.'How does Kevin Williams know this? Has he interviewed the dead?
'At some point in every near-death experience, the person returns to life.' The important word is highlighted above. No one returns to life from death as they weren't dead in the first place.
That is what you believe?
The human body and mind are capable of creating incredible hallucinations, especially in times of stress. That's all these experiences are.
Welcome back Brat..:) Everything can return including LiFe
i find this issue interesting, and there are many stories about it about people who saw this tunnel and white light, but there is no way to verify it...but if someone is about to die so he doesn't have the choice to return or not, if it is God's will nothing will stop it, but there is something called surviving instinct which gives u more power to survive over illness or in dangerous situations.
noep... We, as muslims dont agree on this. Everyone has to taste death during their time. Nobody will be provided a chance to return for any reason.Simply.. life is a test.. try to score the highest..