physical therapist in Doha
By eriche078523 •
I am a licensed PT in my country, with a 3 years clinical experienced.I am working here now as an instructor . i would like to ask if how i can gain a licensed here in Doha, do i need to take prometric exams like in UAE?My original plan is to take US licensure examanination but the processing is so costly and it will take 2-4 years likewise the exam is getting tougher every year.It seems like Qatar is a good country to live in and practice my profession..
Anybody there can help me regarding with this...thanks
yes, you need to take the exams first. Prometric exams and you have to pass the dataflow. Thats the process. if everything is ok, then the supreme council of Health will give you license as pt. but you need to have an employer first before anything else.
First, you have to polish your English. You have many grammatical mistakes. You are a professional so try to keep it that way in all aspects. This is just a piece of advice.