Please Advise - Which Mobile Set to buy..???
Which Mobile Set to buy?
1. Samsung Galaxy S-2
2. Iphone 4S
Please guys, If u have idea about both, advise me to buy the better option. Some said Samsung offers free applications so Go for Sumsung But others said Iphone is Best in world. Please Help me to choose the most friendly used and reliable set.
Your suggestions and advice will be highly apreciated, thanks
galaxy s2 is good
Thanx Thaer
Apreciate ur suggestion
I'd say go for a Galaxy S2 because I have it and its by far better than the Iphone 4s in my opinion, all the new features in the Iphone 4s have been available for quite a while with the Galaxy S2, its also cheaper. The galaxy also has a larger screen, and is thinner in size!
I'd suggest getting the S2 because the new iphone 5 is supposed to be coming out later this year, so you may regret your purchase of the old Iphone now since a lot of things are supposed to change with the new one!