Makeup is not required

By JhonsonMustafa

We are seeing people living in the cities like London, Paris, Chicago applying lot of makeup. When GOD has created us so beautiful why make up is required. Two eyes, one nose and two lips... 7 billion people on earth and 7 billion different faces. We all know that by spraying water, all make up will go off. The real beauty is inner beauty, the peace and satisfaction gives natural beauty which is available for all the people when they don't go for outward attraction.

When makeup is applied the natural beauty is gone and people start looking as objects rather Mind.

Any how, we can not see our selves and other only can see us but we can see our Inner Self and hear Inner Voice.

Applying lot of makeup will reduce the life force over the period. The chemicals absorb in the skin and it has be eliminated by means of kidney wasters or skin problems etc over the period.

By QatariRevolutionist• 30 Jun 2012 08:09

I don't know why, but why does everything has to be around what men thinks? what they want? what they like? what they see right? Why the women's beauty standards should be defined by men?

Maybe because we are living in a very androcentric world. If one wants to wear makeup fine, let it be! It's her choice. And what you said about "applying lots of makeup" what is "lots"? and how do you define it?!

The face is just like any other body part, it belongs to the woman no one else.

Also, for those who say women here wears lots of makeup, maybe because that is the only part of the body that is showing and again it is also up to them.

By shalla• 30 Jun 2012 08:00

I am wondering how a man whould know about feeling of washing of make up in the evening?? I have no idea how it feels to shave in the morning... Also i am wondering why a man whould worry so much about such issue like make up... Nothing else to worry about? Go get yurself a goat - all natural!

By Missteacher• 29 Jun 2012 23:44

Haha love it MM :)

You are right I do like a wee henna.....only brown though!

By nomerci• 29 Jun 2012 21:29

I do not feel relief when I wash off my make make up feels very comfortable and natural.

Maybe you have those ladies in mind that cake their faces with the wrong and too many products...I am not one of those...although you do see quite a few around here.

As I told you, I know what i am doing,,,unfortunately a lot of women do not.

By Molten Metal• 29 Jun 2012 21:19
Molten Metal


The Last ...

How women can forget the relief they feel after washing off / removing their make-up at the end of the day !


By nomerci• 29 Jun 2012 20:59

Well Molten, I have said everything I can say about this. for me, wearing make up does not have any short term or long term disadvantages...not for me, and not for anybody around me.

And that is what is important for me :)

Oh, and my make up is very simple and natural :)

By Molten Metal• 29 Jun 2012 20:53
Molten Metal

I am seeing it from the angle .... in a situation when you let someone take decisions which are not thought about for their long term out come i e of very small value as compared to the reality, ever lasting naturality & simplicity.

Meaning of the song relates to somewhat .. ''If you are happy with your life sytle I just give you my nod but the hardships it may bring to others is causing me discomfort at heart !!!''

By nomerci• 29 Jun 2012 20:31

Sorry Molton, I can't see the connection to make up there..:/

By Molten Metal• 29 Jun 2012 20:18
Molten Metal

It reminds of an Indian [ Hindi ] Film song which says something like ...

'' I am pleased to see you happy ... never mind if [ my ] eyes are filled [ dripping ] with tears .... !!!''

By nomerci• 29 Jun 2012 20:07

Molten, make up, if correctly applied, does not hide anything. It does not hide one's nose, cheeks, eyes , mouth or skin...unlike a full veil cover/ hijab. What it DOES do is to enhance one's features, to make them more clearly visible.

By Molten Metal• 29 Jun 2012 20:02
Molten Metal

For example : It is said if one is avoiding eye contact it means a fact is hidden or truth is not being told.

In same way, in case of make-up, one openly declares that I am hiding facts about my natural appearance ...!!

It will be a bit difficult to believe in that person's behaviour / conversation in our day to day life at work or social scene ?

I am not generalising.

By Molten Metal• 29 Jun 2012 18:43
Molten Metal

Hello, Nice to see you around !

MT,..... one thing leads to another...

Cosmetics & henna have common candidates , means who likes ''make-up'' might go for henna, even though they are two different items as you said.

On a lighter note, if two QL members [ who were not on speaking terms for a long long time ] ''make up'' after an argument , that will be an occasion to celebrate !!

The meaning of this 'make up' is what I strive for !!

By nomerci• 29 Jun 2012 18:37

No Molten, I have no interest in investing.

I don't want to spread that word, I think everybody should do what they feel comfortable with.

I don't think cosmetics are a rip off. there are many different kinds in different price ranges, everybody can buy those they can afford.

Make up, generally, does NOT contain harmful substances...unless one buys counterfeit products, which are easy distinguishable, and easy to be avoided. Besides being illegal.Besides, they are only available in certain countries.

There are many mid range brands that do not do animal testing, easy to find, easy to use.

Molten, you are talking to a pro here...I know my make up inside and out.

Get some more info for yourself so that you can make a truly informed statement. So far what you have said is not quite right.

By Molten Metal• 29 Jun 2012 18:19
Molten Metal

So I have a balance approach :

Invest some money in the shares / stocks of those 'make up' companies ....& Take advantage !

At same time , spread the word to 'stay natural' & simple.

Towards the end :

Both of us have almost identical views.

Cosmetics are a huge rip off to women.

Make up items contain harmful substances.

[ some kill animals for the essential ingradients to be used in make up materials ]

By nomerci• 29 Jun 2012 11:26

ok Molten. Here it goes.

a.because a woman wears jeans she does NOT walk like a man...if she did, why would men look at her walking?

b. sure, they make money of people buying make they make money from people buying food...should we all stop to eat?

c. yes, there are BIG problems with BLACK Henna, it does have dangerous chemicals in it. Make up does not...except some VERY cheap brands from China.

Molten , as I said before, do not worry about us women, we know what we are doing and we are perfectly fine with it.

If YOU do not like women with make up, that's fine too, everybody is allowed to have their own likes and dislikes.

By Missteacher• 29 Jun 2012 10:13

Make up is amazing!! everything else, in moderation.

Henna is different to facial make up.

By Molten Metal• 29 Jun 2012 08:47
Molten Metal

You have to agree that when a woman wears jeans and shirt she simply walks like a man.

And on other hand 'clean' look man just smiles exactly like a woman. Many adjust their hair as if a woman does hers.

What I want to say we should remain in our own boundries and just be contented with our gender / features

By Molten Metal• 29 Jun 2012 08:46
Molten Metal

This 'cosmetics' may be a billion $ industry.

At who's health's cost they are able to extort so much money from our pockets.

Woman tries to look what actually she is not with the help of make up.

Man have developed a baseless habit to see a woman with 'make up' only.

So this 'vicious circle' goes on & greedy industrialists make huge profit out of it.

We all know the harmful effects of chemicals on human skin.

A woman , locally, was hospitalised in emergency very recently with skin issues due to some kind of 'poisonous henna' use.

By adey• 28 Jun 2012 23:39

If the only way you can distinguish the difference between the sexes is via facial hair then you have some huge problems looming.

Some woman should start a thread here entitled ' Ear And Nose Hair Not Required!'

By nomerci• 28 Jun 2012 23:18

Well Molten...I'd say unless men grow boobs and vaginas, we don't really have to worry all that much...:P

And those that do "grow" them are of no interest to women, you see, all is good for us women.

Stop worrying yourself about us.All is in order.

By Molten Metal• 28 Jun 2012 21:36
Molten Metal

If things go on like it is now ....

Women are going to loose their natural distinction.

As you agreed , Women are responsible for men opting for clean shaven look, so mens' face also resembling to women's !!

This is the cause of worry , my sister .

By nomerci• 28 Jun 2012 20:21

Molten , what? Men are worried? Really? Ok, some news for those men need to worry, all is well! No need to worry about women's make up, clothes, hair, shoes etc. We (the women) have it all under control!

The reason, I'd say, for men to go for the "clean shaven" look is because it simply looks better. Plus, women , most women, prefer it.

By Molten Metal• 28 Jun 2012 19:55
Molten Metal

Because 'men' are worried [ about women's illusion of hiding physical flaws ].

Ok, think of the reasons why you see more , more & more men are going for 'clean shaven look' ?

By wirehead• 28 Jun 2012 18:55

i watched a japanese cartoon series before where a prostitute told the main character that make up should be used as a woman's weapon to face her battles in life. it's not to make others think she looks beautiful, but for herself to feel beautiful because it gives her the impression that her flaws are hidden and her good features are enhanced. it makes a woman feel good and gives her the confidence to face the world that's already dominated by men.

it can also be some sort of mask to protect her inner self, which can only be shown to a privileged few.

make up in men is pretty common these days to korean, japanese and some chinese celebrities. it works for them because of their complexion. if done right it makes 'em look hotter and more masculine imo ;D haven't seen anyone in other nationalities that would have the same effect.

By nabunabeeb• 28 Jun 2012 15:23

have seen some divas of Bollywood without makeups...haaa HORRRIBLLEEEEE...

By nomerci• 28 Jun 2012 15:11

Brit, I don't think that any woman would tell them not to...MEN on the other hand...:o

By britexpat• 28 Jun 2012 14:50

What about men who wear makeup ?

By plipanselmo• 28 Jun 2012 14:48

Some reason are...

1. wear makeup to come out hidden beauty

2. wear makeup to enhance beauty

3. wear makeup to hide the fact

4. wear makeup to hide skin imperfection

5. wear makeup to rejuvenate

I think... wearing makeup is not right to be questioned. Do we like to look ugly?

By Rizks• 28 Jun 2012 14:06

Lols nomerci !

By nomerci• 28 Jun 2012 13:53

Interesting...again it is MEN who tell women not to wear make up...what is next? You'll tell women what kind of underwear they are, as to your opinion, supposed to wear?

Or maybe how to cut their hair, what shampoo to wash it with?

How about you get off your high horses and help them in the kitchen? Or , OMG, God beware, do the laundry?

Ah well...never mind!

By Molten Metal• 28 Jun 2012 13:10
Molten Metal

My sister, 'make up' stands for doing something to balance a loss or 'scarcity' ?

So, 'what loss' women do 'make up' if they feel they are normal or superior & complete ?

By shalla• 28 Jun 2012 12:43

Dont see connection.

By Molten Metal• 28 Jun 2012 08:47
Molten Metal

It is more to do with 'inferior complex.'

By shalla• 28 Jun 2012 08:05

Now lets go to plastic surgery....))))Why to correct the nose which looks more like a hamer, ah? Oh yes, that girl with a hamer nose will explaine to that handsom man, that he should not pay attention to her nose, but check out her inner beauty! BS! All people whant to look good! It have been proven that people who are more attractive are more sucsessful, coz they have more confidence and so on... Make up has been around for thousands of years ( Hello, Cleopatra!) and there is nothing wrong if a girl who was not blesses with the best features make herself more attractive by using make up. If you do not looke good no inner beauty will make you happy. Coz we are humans, and we like to see nice things. No women will be happy if she is ugly, but beautiful inside.First you see the face. Then you get to know the person. Make up forever!!!!

By wirehead• 28 Jun 2012 07:47

most local women here wear more makeup than those in the west,or the east for that matter. mac will never need to go on sale here.

By Molten Metal• 28 Jun 2012 00:04
Molten Metal

Please invest some money in the shares / stocks of those 'make up' companies .... Take advantage !

Who apply make up are also taking advantage !!

By Molten Metal• 28 Jun 2012 00:01
Molten Metal

What ever is done for others is called sacrifice !

1, Here what you have sacrificed is your true personality !

2, It is not that easy to cheat !!

By Elegance• 27 Jun 2012 23:31

Today I went to a party. There was an Indian female with a lot of make up that she could not open the eyes properly. It never mattered. What mattered was her attituide. Even the hostess's maid got bugged by her attituide.

Some are naturally beautiful. Some are not and need a bit of help. Let them do it.

For example, my eyes are a bit "bulgy". I put on eyeliner. If I do not put on eyeliner and go out, people who know me ask whether I am sick or I have not slept properly.

So a bit of Kohl gives me "confidence"..

But a good attituide makes the world go around for sure...

By JhonsonMustafa• 27 Jun 2012 22:44

Sorry I don't mean that way. I generally put some cities...

By goodname110• 27 Jun 2012 22:37

HAHAHAHAHA since when is that? On tv probably, in real life westerners hardly use any make up, only for special occasions the majority is using it. In the west we are more concerned about our skin first, and make-up is maybe one of the biggest causes for skin problems!

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