Family Residence Visa - Quota Completed?
Some people says like family residence visa quota is completed, because of that all the applications are getting rejected.
Is that true ?
Anybody got the family residence visa after Ramadan ?, if so put your experience on it.
I mean whoever applied after August 28th 2012.
Please put your valuable comments on the above.
last thursday went for that commitee meeting, they asked only just 3 questions, whats your name, salary and where you work for.............and asked me to check the status after 3 days.............but they didnt say the reason for rejection, and whether its approved now or not............simple asked me to check after 3 days..........lets c the result in next weeek..
Any new news on your family visa? I'm also waiting from one month.
anyway tomorrow am going to immigration office, lets c what happens...
yes im from delhi.
I dont think there are quotas for family visas tho.
salary transfer means bank statement shud reflect 6 months of salary being transferred to your a/c.
did you submit bank statement?
Are you from India ? because quota for Indians are completed like that heard.
also salary transfer means ?
i submitted rent agreement, but without attestation, i wanted to take a chance before wasting 1%.
6 months statement submitted, with salary transfer.
Have you submitted the attested rental agreement, six months bank statement ?
alhumdulillah, i got approved day before yesterday :)
Alhumdulillah, i got approval yesterday, in about less than a week processing time.
Initially it was showing postponed, when i went back to check with the officer he asked me to bring edu certificates, which i did. He immediately signed it and said 'Muafiq' meaning approved.