Car Painting InQuiry
Hey guys didn't know where to exactly post this, but I have this question my car is sapphire black original painting, and I want to go for black matte or frozen black or some might call it dry black.
Now my question is if I was to change the colour from original black paint to black matte do I need to register it with murroor or traffic department?
Appreciate your response peeps
CoolHunk, you can paint your wheels without permission. Make sure you get enough layers of paint on there though...some places are saying 2 layers, but you need 5 and takes a while to do properly. Not enough and it'll chip and damage to easily.
BG, I had the work done at Car Magic/ Car Max on Airport Road...I think you exit 3 slip roads after the D-Ring intersection. Quite a big shop front in Red and White.
So you don't advise me on painting it well I might just paint the rims matte black then, that doesn't need muroor permittion eh, and thanks all for the reply
I know this might sound illegal but I've heard lots of people doing it, do any of you know if you have fines on your car if you can get them removed without having to pay them, like is there a way to convince the captain or so anyone has any connections, my brother left me his car with 3800 worth of fines and 15 pts and I know if I pay it, my license would be taken away, don't know if its possible to destribute the pts with a friend
DohaBrit2011 from where did u get it done
Yes you need permission from the police traffic department. Don't get it painted though, the matt coloured cars you see around are full body 'stickers'. Basically they coat your car in the sticker. When you want to sell it, it can be removed so you have your original paintwork undamaged. Approximate cost is 10,000QR.
try looking 15 mtrs away, if it is still black color you dont need permit.
yup u need to get permission from muroor