Please help..Calpol!!!!
Morning everyone..bit of an emergency.
My 4 yr old has a high fever and I can't find any calpol (under 6). I have some other paracetemol for children but he won't take it. Does anyone know where I can get calpol please????
Also we don't have our RP yet so if I need to take him to a doctor what do I do?
He wont take it? Why because of the Flavour? You can get Paracetamol in different flavours for under 6. Our little one used to refuse to take any clapol which was not pink,so we used to make sure she got the strawberry flavour!
Wish ur kid a speedy recovery !
I would just like to thank those who recommended the children's emergceny centre. I took my son this morning and it was brilliant.
Thank you so much. My poor boy has a bad ear infection and is now on antibiotics. The doctor was great and the whole process only took about 40 mins and cost me 11 Riyals.
Thank you all for your help. He still has a fever but I have managed to get him to take some medicine. He is congested with a cold so I am fairly sure it is just a virus and he does not need antibiotics but I will take him to the hospital as recommended by some of you if he is still ill tomorrow morning.
Thank you once again. I appreciate the support
so many brands available in pharmacies
tylenol,adol,panadrex,enelfa.....all is paracetamol
take kid to any nearest peadiatric emergency....
Dont use your brain on care for children health, If he has got fever take him direct to the doc. immediately and let the doc take care of him.
Sorry its nothing to hurt anyone.
there is a paracetamol suppository called 'Enelfa 250' for kids from 1-6 years. we use this for my son who doesnt like to take the oral medicines. hope ur child will get well soon.
i thankyou both :-)
relax ma'am. you know what to do best with this kind of situation. to your child, get well soon :-)
And hope the Emergency wasn't too crowded. Visiting the Hamad Emergency units during a weekend is a Herculean task indeed! God bless the lad with a speedy recovery..Aameen!
hi madam take it to the hospital emergency it s a virus plz
hi madam take it to the hospital emergency it s a virus plz
Hope you'll take him to the hospital as soon as possible!
try paracetamol suppositories if oral paracetamol is not appealing to ur child... u can buy the suppository
over-the-counter.. hope ur child will be better soon...
Two other options - there is a paracetomol suppository for kids called Adol available in most pharmacies here. Also I have calpol if you are near Abu Hamour.
although it is called emergency center but in fact all types of sickness are considered emergency here
I second strom
pediatrics emergency center near "toysRus" in Al-Saad, they will give him proper medicine
yes its a well equipped hospital for kids , and i really had a good expierence with them .
Great is that a hospital? I don't think I need to take him yet but if the fever continues to tomorrow I may have to.
Thanks again
take him to children emrgency Hamad in Al sadd.... u only require your passport and ur son passport and they will take care of him .... immedietly