Civilized group?

By Blosted

Anyone interested of setting up a civilized group?
In a sense where nobody is bias or one-sided?
Where we can have rational and all rounded conversation without any side bashing the other?
Anything from everyday talks to books, news and the hunt of spirit babies in Africa?
Organizing outs and such.

By Been-there-done-that• 2 Jan 2013 01:15

I agree with azilana,

Attitude and making sure you are educated determines how civilized you are.

Everyday you learn something new, hopefully we learn how to better co-exist and get along.

Sign me up.

By gmz21• 1 Jan 2013 22:40

I don't believe most conspiracy theories that arabs bring up. But I swear my American teacher made me believe the 9/11 conspiracy theory.

By richroberts972• 1 Jan 2013 20:21

is it some kind like interest group ??

By John Lalay• 1 Jan 2013 16:25
John Lalay

and the pot calling the kettle black????

By Blosted• 1 Jan 2013 15:20

@gmz21 happy new year mate!

What are you talking about? I love you even more for not shoving conspiracy theories about the CIA invading Saudi Arabia into the discussion lol

By Vegas• 1 Jan 2013 12:06


By gmz21• 1 Jan 2013 11:44

Ignore what I have posted except the happy new year part, because 1. I don't feel like arguing 2. If there is any chance of being friends i'd rather not mess that up, because of some silly argument.

By Aoy• 1 Jan 2013 11:33

maybe the iraqis had so much pride in thmeselves that some western power was the one who got rid of saddam rather than themselves.

by them i mean the same people fighting the americans now who happened to be the same people cowering in their houses when saddams cronies used to pass by.

yep. that must be it. pride.

same with the afghans i think.

By gmz21• 1 Jan 2013 10:56

Here are somesites that I dug through about Iraq's High Crime rate now a days, (Note one is in 2009).

Also happy new year people.

By Blosted• 31 Dec 2012 16:04

@gmz21 no one is arguing that the Americans did a blow job, they always do, but at least now women got rights and girls and boys can finally get schooling.

I mean it's a start for a free society, but whatever it is I don't think being threatened 24/7 by a fascist leader makes it any safer.

Maybe it was safer to walk at night because there weren't much "Freedom fighters" or much extremists active back then for the sole reason that they were afraid or collaborating with Saddam.

But getting rid of them will take effort and time and it should not stop now.

@deadman123 common interest is not a problem, there is no specific interests but what we want is a enjoyable group which is very practical.

By gmz21• 31 Dec 2012 15:33
Rating: 4/5

No one is argueing with with the Saddam issue we all know how bad he was, but you have to remind yourself what was the reason for the Iraq War, George W. Bush stated "Weapons of Mass Destruction", but back then most Iraqis (again the people who lived in Iraq not American Soldiers or Media), state it was safer to walk in the street at night, and now it's unsafe to walk in the morning.

Now yes Saddam did horrible things I should know I lived in Kuwait, I was born in Kuwait and I was barely 3 years when the Gulf War Invasion happened. So my parents tell me stories, and their families.

But if you think it's safer in Iraq now, your information is being biased that America did the best, thing they could.

By DeadMan.• 31 Dec 2012 08:41

It sounds good, but whats the purpose?? I mean being Civilized is a quality, not a common interest to form a group.

If we really want to make a group.... lets find a common interest. A topic that inspires most of the people to participate.

Though i like your intent... I find it impractical. Best of Luck! Cheers!

By vital• 31 Dec 2012 04:05

woow these sounds awesome would like to be included in the group.

By Blosted• 31 Dec 2012 01:49

Oh ! I suddenly love you now ! tell me do you have 1M QR? I need it for euh....I forgot my wallet.

By tigabaguio• 31 Dec 2012 00:25

for sure..

wallah just take it easy dude..

civilized group mate..

civilized group..


lets rest, have 20M QR waiting to be Bill tomorrow..


By Blosted• 31 Dec 2012 00:14

lol is that a pun?

By tigabaguio• 30 Dec 2012 23:48


whats with the attitude dude..

why is someone here reacting constipated..

like a grade school adviser..

im watching Dawkins, hes really smart..


By Blosted• 30 Dec 2012 23:29

What does big bang has to do with evolutionary biology!

Damn professional ninja thread hijackers!

Who love dogs!

By tigabaguio• 30 Dec 2012 23:21

big bang theory?


like that of professor Dawnkins?


i better to watch Dawkins then..

By tigabaguio• 30 Dec 2012 23:18


too long to read..

tired with my class..

whats up guys??

By Blosted• 30 Dec 2012 22:27

@gmz21 by a widely agreed theory, I meant the big bang was agreed upon by many ,not that its any more famous than other theories.

And a theory is fact, but not a completely understood fact.

Now for example gravity is a theory, it's just that it has various concepts, it doesn't mean it is not true.

"there is a very high rate of crime, which wasn't around the time during Saddam's time."

And I say again if you really think that(not to you generally speaking) ,it seems that you aren't really aware of the atrocities the Saddam regime has done.

For example oppressing the majority of the country and brutally murdering them (The Shias) , by his Sunni regime so he can take the control of the whole country and it's economics.

I really can't see how people consider being enslaved, shot or murdered in front of your family and being forced to watch "safety".

Freedom cannot occur without safety and vice versa.

By gmz21• 30 Dec 2012 22:18
Rating: 2/5

You know that a theory could be proven wrong by the tiniest thing why their called theory not facts, and that is false the most agreed Theory is the Pythagorean Theory which is still a theory. I never stated I don't find the big bang theory incorrect you just began attacking man, I was using it as an example.

Like if you want a civilized discussion you should try to understand both sides of the argument. Example would be the Iraq war you know what Iraqis say now, with Saddam their was safety but no freedom, but without Saddam we have freedom but no safety.

This doesn't mean that you're wrong or that stealth is wrong, you are both right. You believe now they can vote and not be scared of their government officials. While Stealth believes now there is a very high rate of crime, which wasn't around the time during Saddam's time.

By Blosted• 30 Dec 2012 19:10

@Stealth saying so just shows your ignorance about the fascist reign of Saddam Hussein which forces you to see your family while getting executed by shooting squad and still would force you to smile and clap with a big smile.

By stealth• 30 Dec 2012 18:32

afghanistan and iraq are worse off after the western intervention. facts speak for themselves.

There was not much discussion about the Armenian genocide in QL.

By AngelinaBallerina• 30 Dec 2012 18:31

Why don't people get back to work and do something constructive rather than argue into cyberspace???

By Blosted• 30 Dec 2012 17:52

I just can't get the "culture and beliefs" argument through! I mean we were talking about how shoving things down one's throat is not a fancy thing to do, and when it's done you'd just call it culture or belief?

Nonetheless that is certainly not a civilized thing to do.

By Blosted• 30 Dec 2012 17:50

@Xena I'm also sick of people going around denying facts and trying to stuff in their own information with fallacious arguments that are in no way evidence based.

Like people who think that Afghanistan or Iraq would have been better without western intervention or like Holocaust deniers ,it just seems these conspiracy theories are the result of their (unfortunately ) religious beliefs.

I mean why don't these people deny the Armenian genocide? because it simply doesn't have anything to do with Jews or such.

And that's the group of people I am just sick tired to debate with.

By stealth• 30 Dec 2012 17:42

mutawa from both sides or only one side?

By Xena• 30 Dec 2012 17:19
Rating: 3/5

But a group where you can have a discussion and people see a point and accept thats your view would be good.

This to me is always the problem.

I am a very well rounded person. I see people's point of view most of the time and its interesting to learn about these things. However I have my views on the same issues and nothing will change them, however its each person's prerogitive to agree or disagree, but not shove their believes down other peoples throats.

I get nasty when people act like idiots. One person who I believe shouldn't even be commenting on QL is the dingbat who insists that the Holocast is a huge lie - I don't believe he is a real user and is only here to provoke...

If I wanted to be nasty I would start denying that the US has anything to do with the Afghan and Iraqi wars and say its all propogands, but I don't because its the truth and people died.... just like the Holocast.

My beliefs are as important as the next person, even when they post something that may go against my beliefs.. Thats what they believe and it should be respected.

Basically no one should have their beliefs, no matter what "religion" shot down and be told they are wrong and don't know what they are talking about, which what a certain faction on here do when confronted with arguments that they don't like and then proceed to become derogitory to everyone else.

If everyone could have a decent discussion on religion like Fatima, then this site would be a much better to visit....

This is my reason for not being around much.... I am tired of the mutawa...

By Blosted• 30 Dec 2012 16:54

@gmz21 I'm sorry but you can't mess around with the big bang theory, since it's only one agreed upon theory.

If you try to change some technical facts of the theory ,everyone is happy as long as you got the evidence.

But theories do not depend about how you see them, they are what they are, not what we perceive them to be.

Unfortunately for the conspiracy theorists lol.

By gmz21• 30 Dec 2012 16:21

Seriously this question is like, let's say you Blosted I know your an athiest, and let's say me I am religious, now here is a question we talk about a topic let's say we talk about the big bang theory (not the TV Show XD), my beliefs and your beliefs are going to crash, in which it would become uncivilized, so I think thier should be like a safe word or something were to end the discussion.

By azilana7037• 30 Dec 2012 03:28

their culture and beliefs...and sticks to the topic, it'll be a healthy discussion.

It was possible before...why can't it be now?

I guess the type of people who posted then and the ones currently active has different mindset. :)

By Blosted• 30 Dec 2012 03:25

@azilana sometimes the "discussing" option is not available like in many countries such as Indonesia and Iraq during Saddam's time.

And some cases including Qatar, but Qatar and UAE are less strict than say Saudi Arabia.

By azilana7037• 30 Dec 2012 03:16

It's their passion, strong belief/opinion and desire to sway the other parties to agree with THAT is worth discussing.


By Blosted• 30 Dec 2012 00:27

@azilana "It's how they respond.." exactly, and that really betrays being civilized.

By azilana7037• 30 Dec 2012 00:18

that's new :)

Being civilized is a matter of attitude and character...

IMO, QL is a web forum of civilized and educated people with different opinions and beliefs. It's how THEY respond to other's comments are what makes it interesting or unpalatable to the readers.

By Blosted• 29 Dec 2012 22:50

Funny, so you mean it's offensive to call the 21st century "A civilized century" ?

Am I missing something?

And yes I do not think people shoving and forcing their own opinions unto others is civilized, therefore we are not interested in a group that contains such people.

Hard to understand ?

By tigabaguio• 29 Dec 2012 22:13

yeah me too..

my vote goes to nomercy..

to name a group 'civilized' seems offensive and discriminating..

By Molten Metal• 29 Dec 2012 19:35
Molten Metal

Be nice to see nice ..

By Blosted• 29 Dec 2012 19:31

Hell, I'd give a kidney to live in Japan, remembering how living in a civilized country could be awesome.

By nomerci• 29 Dec 2012 19:13

civilized past participle, past tense of civ·i·lize (Verb)


Bring (a place or people) to a stage of social, cultural, and moral development considered to be more advanced: "a civilized society".

Polite and well-mannered.

Here you have the meaning of "civilized" blosted. :)

But, human is a nice idea. :) I do not like "c.nts" either.

By Blosted• 29 Dec 2012 19:07

@Nomerci it just seems you have been watching too many posh movies!

Civilized means being human.

And being Human is summed up by not being a a c*nt

By nomerci• 29 Dec 2012 18:44

Hmm, again, I have to say "civilized" just bothers me. It is such a pretentious, misinterpreted term.

What actually is civilized?

Is the worker who can't write or read "un" civilized? Is the rich, educated person who is cruel to the worker "civilized?

I think I'd rather be with nice people than "civilized" ones :)

Good luck with the group :)

By Blosted• 29 Dec 2012 18:28

It would be more reasonable if we start a group in QL then start organizing get outs from then.

By Blosted• 29 Dec 2012 18:26

Well I was just reading the previous replies.

It just seems we are starting it with a big kick in the behind.

@nomerci, I guess yes we should put some guidelines,I'd just hate being in the company of people who would just start throwing talks offensive to one's intellect or humanity without any specific rational reason.

@britexpat I can't seem to remember shoving any information without any evidence.

By arc736• 29 Dec 2012 17:45

Am in for that grOup !!

By nomerci• 29 Dec 2012 17:26

A "civilized " group. Hmm, interesting.

Thing is, what is civilized for one, may not be so for another.

So, can you put up some guidelines?

By happygolucky• 25 Dec 2012 09:48

I cannot make out any head or tail of what goes on in kk show same as I couldn’t make out anything about Big Boss and another reality show back home. The two reality shows back home mentioned were cheap, vulgar and may be thats what makes them popular. I do watch them once a while to keep myself aware of what these are all about.

By britexpat• 25 Dec 2012 09:36

OK. Here's a topic.

Reality shows. I personaly detest them, but they are becoming more and more popular with their stars such as Kim kardashian becoming millionaires.

So - what is the reason for their popularity ? Do you watch them ? if so, why ?

By happygolucky• 25 Dec 2012 09:29

Is english the first language in Greece???? Looks like you got understanding issues with simple english. BTW I didnt see any initiative from you, not even the guts to agree to be part of such a group. So why are you otherwise here?

By Straight Arrow• 25 Dec 2012 09:11
Straight Arrow

lets make it work

By britexpat• 25 Dec 2012 09:01

I am here, but with all due respect, aren't you the one who usually winds people up and pushes your own view points ?

By happygolucky• 25 Dec 2012 09:00

Uncivilised way of talking on an initiative for a civilised group without understanding what is said....dont know who would be a wrong member. Anyways, keep your smartness to yourself and don't spoil a good initiative unless you have something positive to contribute.

By happygolucky• 25 Dec 2012 08:32

The idea of civilised group sounds good. If it becomes a reality, I am in.

By Targus• 25 Dec 2012 08:24
Rating: 2/5

Came across several groups as such, but the initiators couldn't conjure the energy to take it to the next step.

By Clapton__• 25 Dec 2012 07:41

let's do it

By GodFather.• 25 Dec 2012 07:09

Good Luck!

By FathimaH• 25 Dec 2012 06:59

Sign me up!

By Molten Metal• 25 Dec 2012 05:52
Molten Metal

The general QL members will suffer a huge loss if chose to leave them ..

By XLE• 25 Dec 2012 05:36

Good one!

By Blosted• 24 Dec 2012 23:38

Join in minions!

By LOL.XD• 24 Dec 2012 23:35

Im IN ! :D

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