Question for the mommies.
Thank you Joann for this group.
i love my babies and just adore all children, irrespective of the race, colour and religion, babies and children are simply beautiful.babies are so cuddly and cute.
as a full time mom, i have devoted all my time for my babies, and it used to overwhelming as it is, it was like a 2shift job at home.
now with an alhamdullilah good job,and my kiddo in kindergarten we are in a timed routine, which is alhamdullilah very good, but its still quite a task juggling work and home. kids need a lot of attention. I dont have the time nor the patience for romance.any outing, the kids WILL tag along.
any working mommies here on the board?
do you get bouts of impatience with your children?
not to mention PMS that never ends.
how do you cope?am i overreacting?
some of my friends have called me super charged mother, not feeling super at all right now.
i feel so guilty about working that i do nothing other than sit with the kids once home.there goes my gym out of the window, so again gotto invest in a good treadmill to use at home.
all i have done today is hug my little girl, and it feels so good. thank God for such joys in life.