Visual Basic woes
First off, thanks to King Edshel for providing us with this cool (and in my case timely), group. You have all our support dude!
Now for my dillema... i was a programmer/analyst before (about 9 years ago) then i shifted careers to cnc machining and now i'm working as department head for our cnc department. part of my function as department head is to schedule jobs and monitor the activities of each machine, etc. just recently i thought of developing a system for this purpose. so, i polished my coding skills a bit, reviewed the applications that i made in the past and then... i discovered that the language that i was using was already obsolete (as far as microsoft is concerned), i was using Visual Basic 6.
My question is this, for those who have used VB6 in the past and have transitioned to VB .net, was it a big leap? i haven't checked the web yet for reading material and i don't have a copy of VB .net yet, thought i'd check with you guys first. Anyway, i'm eager to know what you guys think of this.