Hello all,
I thought it might be useful if all the members of the group were to write a few lines just briefly describing their background (if any) in aviation.
Any new members will then have an idea of who might be best able to help them with any specific queries rather than just put up a general question in a forum. It might also serve as a nice "ice breaker"?!
It's only a suggestion and please don't feel under any pressure to put anything on here if you don't want to, but to get the ball rolling as it were.......
My own experience base is:
Airline Transport Pilot Licence holder,
Civilian and military flight instructor,
Crew Resource Management Instructor,
Single pilot and multi crew commercial flying experience.
Although I am fairly new to Qatar myself, I hold American (FAA) and European (JAA) licences as well as a validation for Qatar (QCAA) and have flown extensively in European, American and Middle Eastern airspace.
I am always happy to help anyone who has a query, and check my emails quite regularly.
Welcome to the group everyone,