Ibaadah during Ramadan #2
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Taraweeh/Qiyaam Al-layl
The prophet sallallaahu 3Alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever prays qiyaam in Ramadaan out of eemaan (faith) & ihtisaab (hoping the reward), all his previous sins will be forgiven.’ (1)
Read (2) & reflect on the virtues of قيام الليل (Qiyaam Al-layl) .
Try to go to the masjid where you feel more khushoo. Find the masjid where the Imaam do long Qiyaam. Regarding qiyaam in conjugation (jamaa3ah), the Prophet sallallaahu 3Alayhi wa sallam said: "If one prays with the Imaam until he finishes, it will be recorded as though he prayed the (full) night." (3)
Quick Tips:
Go to the masjid quickly after Maghrib.
Follow the proper aadaab (manners) when going to masjid. [proper covering, no perfumes, no fancy abaayah, feet covering] (4)
Make du3aa' on the way to masjid (pdf attached)
Make du3aa' upon entering the masjid.
Pray Tahiyyat ul-masjid
If there is time for 3Ishaa salaah, read Qur’aan or do dhikr.
Pray 2 raka3ah & make du3aa between Aadhaan & iqaamah, till the salaah begins. (5)
Du3aa In Ramadaan
Allaah subhaanahu wa ta3aalaa says in Qur'aan: "And if My slaves ask you about Me, truly, I am near, I answer the du3aa of the one who asks when he makes du3aa to Me, so let them respond to Me and believe in Me, so hat they can be rightly guided." [soorah Al-Baqarah]
The prophet sallallaahu 3Alayhi wa sallam said: " Indeed Allaah is Shy and generous, He is shy when a person raises his hands to Him, to return them empty and disgraced." (6)
Write down what you want from Allaah. Make a list of at least 30 du3aa.
For your dunyah, for your deen.
Make du3aa for your family, your husband, your children.
Ask Allaah to give you ikhlaas, to grant you laylatul Qadr.
To grant you the sweetness of prayer, understanding of deen, Qur'aan
Make du3aa for your aakhirah, to have an easy hisaab, to enter jannah without hisaab.
What to do with this Du3aa list?
Focus on one du3aa each day and repeat it at every accepted time of du3aa. (7)
Between أذان (Adhaan) and اقامة (Iqaamah), in the sujood, last 3rd of the night, at the time of breaking the fast. Focus daily on one du3aa, though you can make whatever du3aas come to heart.
Take the most important du3aas to you, from the list and repeat those during the last ten nights (each night) so that your du3aa can catch laylatul Qadr. (8)
Some Du3aa from Qur'aan & ahaadeeth:
File attached in pdf format.
* Du3aa on the way to Masjid
pdf attached
Main source "Reaping the fruits of Ramadaan", course held in Maryam Center, in 2007, with few references added from Islamqa.com
(1) Bukhaari & Muslim
(2) http://www.islamqa.com/en/ref/3452
(3) Tirmidhee, An-Nasaa'ee.
(4) http://islamqa.com/en/ref/1046
& http://islamqa.com/en/ref/12503
(5) Excerpts from the course "Reaping the fruits of Ramadaan"
(6) Aboo Daawood, Authentic.
(7) Places and times where du’aa’ is answered
(8) Summarized from the course "Reaping the fruits of Ramadaan"
on the way to guidance.