They contribute immensely to weight gain now this doesn't
Calories and what that means is that all of the nutrients and the fiber have been stripped out of the suit leaving you the refined white flower product empty calories though the name is little deceiving are still calories that are going to turn into fat in all is your least favorite places but because Safer Colon they don't contain fiber and they don't contain nutrients they're not going to keep you feeling full and satisfied and they can even in that making you feel more hungry sooner white breads second offense is loads love sugar in the video the truth about carbohydrates I explain that eating white refined flour products is going to spike our blood sugar Justas.
Much as eating a spoonful of sugar so if we're trying to lose weight wended to look at those white flour products and recognize that they contribute immensely to weight gain now this doesn't mean that you have to completely give up your cakes and breads and cookies in whatever it may be you just want to look on the label forth words 100 percent whole wheat or sprouted grains and in my video what not to eat I explain that we can simply replace unhealthy ingredients like white refined flour with a more healthful one like poll we or sprouted grain flour it's also important to remember that some people are completely allergic to wheat gluten you want to keep that in mind as you ‘refiguring out if you want to eat these foods or not alright you're not stupid you know that fried foods are fattening and.
Were can I get it,I have intrest in it