By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Hello to Everyone I have missed. I haven’t been here or we written another thread in a long time.
So much has happened both good and bad but, thought I would stop by and say Hello and have a great weekend to everyone…
Lol :)))
that's good to hear khalli! ;)
@khalli - كيف حالك؟
tres bien Marco... merci....
Zafirah: Ça va, merci, et toi?
Hello Everyone, and thanks for the hearty welcome!
hi MN, how are you doing? welcome back!
wow..mn, rip, rizks, sulie..so many of the old guard have surfaced again lol..although i must say my other favourites, brit an fatimah, are conspicuous by their absence
hello everyone
welcome Back Marco...
Hello again. Are you going to come back with your strange posts?
Welcome back MN, glad to see you back !
But why back, nothing new happening here...:)
Take care and have a fab weekend too
Oh no...not you again