Any gyms near Wakra?
Hello there,
I have just recently moved from Canada for work. I am liking it so far and about to move in Wakrah since its near my wifes work. Are there any gyms at a reasonable price near Wakrah? I am suprsised at how expensive some gyms are here.. atleast QR 400-600... I used to pay only QR130 -150 back in Canada... Any Sugesstions?? My apartment has a gym built into it but its not what im looking for. I am looking for a full size gym with dumbells that go up to atleast 45 KG.
Better you can try with Anytime fitness center near to QNB bank or Amazon gym near to Retail Mart
fitness first very good and nice well maintained.
You can try with wakra power gym which is next to Nissan spare parts shop on the left while you travel from pearl or shell round about towards Doha , and another one near to retail mart in wakra main street and another one in ezdan 2 .