SCHOOLS - Primary & Secondary in DOHA
StudyPlus Premium Tutoring and Test preparation Center
Why StudyPlus?
Learning by doing-that’s what we’re all about.
StudyPlus’s academic tutoring and test preparation classes help students in the hardest curricula strengthen their skills and immediately boost their grades and confidence. One basic principle drives StudyPlus's instruction: only when "a student can apply a new skill does he completely understand it".
StudyPlus’s coaching begins with pin-pointing a student’s needs. Students take practice tests to reinforce the concepts they learned in school and to identify what they need more help with. Next, the tutor guides them through interactive instruction and homework support. At the end of each lesson, students sharpen their knowledge with past exam problems so that by the time exams approach, they don’t have to cram or stress.
StudyPlus hires and trains the best tutors from top universities. We have small class sizes so students never become lost in a crowd. Through regular assessments and frequent contact with parents, our teachers work with your child to provide personalized and lasting learning support.
The IGCSE and A Level Programs require students to qualify a wide range of subjects, as the workload piles up, it is increasingly difficult to keep up with the course content, which is where we come in! We are here to instill students with a rock-solid foundation of their subjects through the reinforcement of course content as well as strong exam-taking skills. With small group batches and a healthy learning environment, our teachers will help the students tackle their final exams! We provide help for the following subjects: IGCSE qatar
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About International General Certificate of Secondary Education(IGCSE)
IGCSE is a curriculum that develops students' skills in creative thinking, enquiry and problem solving and prepares them for the next higher stage in their education. The assessment is conducted by two UK assessment bodies: EdExcel and Cambridge International Examinations.
IGCSE/ICE qualification require student to pass examinations in at least seven subjects.
It is awarded at the following three levels: (Eight-point grading scale: from A+ to G, with A+ being the highest).
Grade A in five subjects and Grade C or above in two subjects.
Grade C or above in five subjects and Grade F or above in two subjects.
Grade G or above in seven subjects from the prescribed subject groups.
The seven subjects must be as follows: (Most subjects offer a choice between core curriculum and extended curriculum)
- Two subjects from the language group
- One from each of the other four groups
- One more from any of the five groups
A wide range of IGCSE subjects is available and these are grouped into five curriculum areas, as follows:
Group I:
Group II:
Humanities and Social Sciences
Group III:
Group IV:
Group V:
Creative, Technical and Vocational
Grading is on an eight-point scale from A+ to G, with A+ being the highest. IGCSE qualification provides a solid foundation in preparation for A Level, AS, International Baccalaureate and US Advanced Placement courses.
We offer the following subject-tutoring in IGCSE (Year 10 and Year 11):
Group 1 Languages
English First Language, English Literature, French
Group 2 Humanities and Social Sciences Economics
Group 3 Sciences
Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Group 4
Extended Mathematics, Core Mathematics
Group 5 Creative Technical and Vocational (at least one)
Business Studies, Information Technology
IGCSE Plus® Course Outline:
- 15 hours (10 weeks 1 term) of tutoring per subject or 45 hours (30 weeks 3 term) of year long course per subject
- 1.5 hours per session per week of personalized instruction per subject.
- Monthly full-length progress tests, with teacher notes and review.
- Instruction will cover all fundamental concepts as per curriculum
- Multiple resource sheets to increase speed and accuracy
- Small personalized ability based groups