Would you leave if you had to pay income tax?
I was reading all of these headlines recently that 80% of professionals would leave the GCC if they had to pay income tax. Really? 80%? I call nonsense on that number.
I had to think about it, and understandably every person’s circumstances is different, but I am doubtful that such a high percentage would be running off. Many of us here are not merely making tax free incomes, but we are also enjoying the cheaper petrol, car insurance, services, etc. You know, all the things that eat up your savings back home.
Some of the really lucky people who work for the public sectors also receive free housing units. Thus, they would leave Qatar to go back to their home countries, where they would likely still be paying income tax AND housing (rent/mortgage), plus the unsubsidized petrol…?
I am not buying it.
I have watched the salaries in Qatar reduce by about 30% for new staff coming to Qatar over the past ten years. And people are flocking over faster than they ever did before. Why? Because there are no jobs where they already are or they did not have very good jobs.
So to pretend everyone is going to flock out of the country if any sort of income tax is introduced is utter nonsense. Let’s be real, people are here because of the opportunity, growth, and their jobs. Sure, being tax free is great, but there are many other perks that keep people in Qatar too.
Recently speaking to one girl from Africa, she stated she still couldn’t get her head around the salary she was working for in Qatar. She said it would be impossible at her age to make that kind of income - or anything close - in her home country. Income tax likely wouldn’t have her flocking home anytime soon.
I come from a pretty awesome country that people are dying to get into. But, the job market is poor. People are graduating from degree programs or with a Master’s to be completely unemployed or underemployed, plus burdened with student debt.
When you read those great numbers about job growth - those include service positions in McDonald’s. A lot of young talented new grads are struggling to find solid work all over the globe.
Thus, if you want to leave your job in Qatar, I am quite certain there will be a long line ready to take your position.
Quick question. What about Americans? They get whacked with Federal Income taxes. do they hide in Doha and survive off beans? Did they ever arrive?
WT, One day , if Govt will ask you some money back from you which you made from this place , it's fair my pal ........ nobody including you were not born with any money ............ you got money from here ..... from this world .......... it will remain here .... when you will be gone ....... one day ...................
Loyal will stay put .................
However, a case study of 68 people isn't statistically relevant. The minimum number of samples for an average population is 1,500 selected according to the demographic structure of the society. The survey is a child's work.
We all belong to one human race and one celestial body: Earth. I haven't met any aliens yet.
As an addendum to the above .. All you have to do is look at the regular postings on QL complaining of hardships relating to rents , shared living , school fees and transportation costs.....
As an expat of long standing - I have seen too many people come to the GCC and finding themselves lost in no man's land - belonging neither to here or their home countries ...
The reality is that many expats come over for two years .. Then they stay another and then another ..
Soon , they become strangers from their own countries and find it difficult to go back and adjust .. So they stay here - even if they are suffering ..
Let's be realistic. When you decided to come to GCC it was the best option for you at that time. And at any time you find a better opportunity anywhere you will join it regardless there's a tax or not. It is not IF..THEN decision. Each circumstance has it own calculations and suitable decision
No, the survey is valid, just limited to a small population. The 80% was taken from a case study of 68 people.
"An online survey was conducted from May 1 to 31 among 68 CFA Society Emirates members, as well as those with charters pending, in the UAE."
That number hardly reflects the majority of GCC population.
So what you're saying is that GCC surveys are usually wrong
I agree, 80% seems like a fictional number. No, I wouldn't leave. Being tax-free is one benefit among many, many others of living in Qatar. Having taxes will not impact such a drastic decision as to move away altogether.
I would leave too. It would be no better off than the UK
I don't think "many" will leave. There will be a tax exemption for low-income workers. The ones with high incomes will leave.
Many will leave .. We are mainly here for the money
"Let’s be real, people are here because of the opportunity, growth, and their jobs. "
Most are here for the money.. There is no real personal growth or opportunity here .. hardly any training budgets for expats and promotion is not easy.
We all have our priorities.. I would also leave..
However, I agree that there will be many others willing to take my place
And I didn't come here for the money, I came here with lots of money. What made me stay was the sun, sand, and the sea, and a handful of lovely Qatari people. But if the government gets nasty on expats I will go immediately.
And - go ahead and try to "replace" me. I speak and teach 7 languages and I have a Masters Degree in Economics and Sociology. Good luck.
If I paid taxes I'd expect public service being offered for that, including free university education. None of this is going to happen here.
I would leave the same day!